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2017年5月4日 (四) 21:36的版本

成立時間1947年2月5日 (1947-02-05)
總部Lay Wah
Law Khee Lar
瑙泽波拉盛英语Naw Zipporrah Sein

克伦民族联盟斯高克伦语ကညီပှၤကလုာ်တၢ်ပာ်ဖှိၣ်အဘး緬甸語ကရင် အမျိုးသား အစည်းအရုံး,英語:Karen National Union缩写KNU)是缅甸的一个代表克伦族的政治组织,该组织的武装翼为克伦民族解放军(KNLA)。该组织活跃于缅甸东部山区,其地下网络也延伸至缅甸其他地方的克伦族聚居区。在克伦语中,缅甸东部克伦族传统地区被称为“哥都礼英语Kawthoolei”。自1949年以来,克伦民族联盟一直武装对抗着缅甸中央政府。起初,抗争的目的是独立,而自1976年以后,则改为争取建立联邦制度。

2012年1月,缅甸政府与克伦民族联盟在克倫邦东部首府帕安签署了停火协议。时任铁道运输部部长的昂敏英语Aung Min与穆图希颇主席领导了此次和平会谈。[1]


The KNU was dominated for three decades by its longtime leader Bo Mya英语Bo Mya, who was president from 1976–2000. The KNU was for many years able to fund its activities by controlling black market trade across the border with 泰国, and through local taxation[來源請求]. After the failed 8888民主運動 of the Burmese people in 1988, the 国家和平与发展委员会 turned to China for help in consolidating its power. Various economic concessions were offered to China in exchange for weapons. The Burmese Army英语Burmese Army was massively expanded and began to offer deals to groups fighting the government. The groups were offered the choice of co-operating with the military junta or being destroyed.

In 1994, a group of 佛教 soldiers in the KNLA, citing discrimination by the KNU's overwhelmingly Christian leadership against the Buddhist Karen majority, broke away and established the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army英语Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA). They were led by a monk widely thought to be an agent of the Burmese dictatorship.[來源請求] The DKBA quickly agreed to a ceasefire with the Burmese army and was granted business concessions at the expense of their former KNU overlords. The KNU and DKBA have since been in regular fighting, with the DKBA actively supported by the Burmese army.

The KNU's effectiveness was severely diminished after its headquarters were captured in the Fall of Manerplaw英语Fall of Manerplaw, near the Thai border, in 1995.

Padoh Mahn Sha La Phan, the secretary-general of the union was shot dead in his home in Mae Sot英语Mae Sot, Thailand, on 14 February 2008, possibly by soldiers of the DKBA.[2][3][4]

Since then, the KNU and KNLA continued to fight the Burma state military (缅甸国防军) by forming 游击战 units and basing themselves in temporary 叢林 camps on the Thai-Burmese border. Following its principle of no surrender, the KNU continued despite a precarious state of existence. Nonetheless, their fight continues to garner the sympathy of people around the world since the KNU has been fighting for the Karen people, one of the many ethnic nationalities of Burma that are experiencing 种族清洗 under the military regime's Four Cuts campaigns (Pyat Lay Pyat), a strategy where intelligence, finances, food and recruits are eliminated through a 焦土政策. [來源請求]

Several attempts have been made to conclude a form of peace with Burma's military junta, the 国家和平与发展委员会 (SPDC), but with little success. The 2004 peace talks yielded only an informal ceasefire which the regime used to reinforce their frontline troops. Analysts realised this was a ruse, and sure enough, offensives against KNU held areas have resumed in earnest.

The Karen conflict is the longest internal war in the world, having been waged since 31 January 1949.[5] The KNU wants a political settlement and supports a federal Burma.

In March 2012, a senior political leader of KNU, Phado Mahn Nyein Maung, was found guilty of high treason英语high treason under the Illegal Association Act, for his involvement with the Karen rebellion and sentenced to 20 years.[6] He was freed soon afterward and sent back to Thailand.[7]


The Karen National Union leadership is a democratically elected body with individuals elected at a four-yearly congress. The KNU Congress is recognised as the KNU’s supreme legislative body and it is here that the President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Joint Secretaries 1 and 2 and the Central Executive Committee (CEC), the Central Standing Committees (CSC) and candidate members are elected. The seven KNU districts are responsible for electing their own District Chairmans and District Standing Committee leaders every two years. As the District Chairmans and Brigade Commanders are elected at local levels, they are automatically appointed as Central Standing Committee Members. The District Chairmans and Brigade Commanders together with nominated District Standing Committee Members attend the KNU congresses. In addition, elected Central Standing Committee members would provide the ministers for 14 Departments including Culture, Defence, Education, Forestry, Foreign Affairs, Health and Mining. The CEC is made up of 11 members that are responsible for the day-to-day running of the KNU. The CSC meets annually, however when issues arise that either directly affect the KNU policies and/or the existence of the KNU organisation, the CEC will call a CSC Emergency Meeting.[8]

Additionally the Foreign Affairs Department appoints KNU representatives. These representatives are based among the Karen communities who support KNU political goals and objectives in their respective countries.

Incumbent leaders

Incumbent leaders as of 2012:



KNU 9th congress held in September 1974[9]


KNU 11th congress.[10]


KNU 12th congress.[10]


The 13th KNU congress was held from 12 to 16 December.[11]


The 14th KNU congress was held from 6 to 20 Oct It was held on KNU-controlled territory[11]


Karen National Union's fighting force has been reduced to 3000–5000 fighters[12] and on 25 June KNLA's Brigade 7 headquarters is overrun.[13]


On 2 November 2010, the Karen National Union became members of an alliance which includes: the Karen National Union (KNU), 克伦尼民族进步党 (KNPP), Chin National Front英语Chin National Front (CNF), 克钦独立组织 (KIO), 新孟邦党 (NMSP) and the Shan State Army North (SSA-N). [14]


The Karen National Union held its 15th Congress at Lay Wah, 7 Brigade, on 26 November 2012. This congress heralded in a pivotal moment in the resistance group’s history as it occurred at a time of political in-fighting in relation to how best to negotiate a ceasefire agreement with the Burmese government.


From 30 October to 2 November 2013, an unprecedented meeting took place at the 克钦独立组织 headquarters in 拉咱. For the first time, representatives of 17 armed ethnic opposition groups were able to meet in Burma with the consent of the Government.

This Laiza conference finally resulted in the formation of a 13-member Nationwide Ceasefire Coordinating Team (NCCT) and the signing of an ‘11-Point Common Position of Ethnic Resistance Organisations on Nationwide Ceasefire’ or Laiza agreement. The NCCT is a working team made up of all the ethnic armed organisations. Their mandate is to take responsibility on writing the nationwide ceasefire document based on mutual understanding between the different armed groups so far. However, at the Law Khee Lah Conference it was agreed that NCCT has the mandate to discuss and change the document technically, except at policy level. Once the final document is ready, the respective ethnic organisation leaders can decide and discuss with the Union Peacemaking Working Committee (UPWC) on the nationwide ceasefire.[15]

See also


  1. ^ Burma government signs ceasefire with Karen rebels. BBC News. 2012-01-12. 
  2. ^ Radnofsky, Louise. Burmese rebel leader shot dead. The Guardian (London). 14 February 2008 [14 February 2008]. 
  3. ^ Burmese rebel leader is shot dead. BBC News. 14 February 2008 [8 March 2008]. 
  4. ^ Radnofsky, Louise. Burmese rebel leader shot dead. The Guardian (London). 14 February 2008 [8 March 2008]. 
  5. ^ Burma's Longest War: Anatomy of the Karen Conflict. Tni.org. [14 January 2012]. 
  6. ^ Myanmar court jails ethnic rebel leader for high treason. Daily Times. 14 March 2012 [14 March 2012]. 
  7. ^ Burma frees ethnic Karen rebel leader. BBC News. 19 March 2012 [22 March 2012]. 
  8. ^ http://www.knuhq.org
  9. ^ 1970s Struggle for Identity. Burmalibrary.org. [14 January 2012]. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Interview with Padoh Mahn Sha Lah Phan. Burmadigest.info. [14 January 2012]. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 KNU holds its 14th congress. Dvb.no. 16 December 2005 [14 January 2012]. 
  12. ^ The Times March 24, 2009 Burma: world's longest war nears its end. The Times. UK. [14 January 2012]. 
  13. ^ KNU Headquarters Overrun: Now What?. Irrawaddy.org. [14 January 2012]. 
  14. ^ Armed ethnic groups denied vote form historic alliance. Mizzima.com. 3 November 2010 [14 January 2012]. 
  15. ^ http://www.knuhq.org/knu_involvement_in_ethnic_unity.html

External links

Template:Armed groups in Burma Category:Rebel groups in Myanmar英语Category:Rebel groups in Myanmar Category:Secessionist organizations in Asia英语Category:Secessionist organizations in Asia Category:1974 establishments in Burma英语Category:1974 establishments in Burma