
德瑞克·約翰·德索拉·普萊斯(Derek John de Solla Price,1922年1月22日—1983年9月3日)是一位英國物理學家、科學史家、資訊學家,被認為是科學計量學之父。
在新加坡任教三年後他回到英國,並進入劍橋大學攻讀他的科學史博士學位,這是他的第二個博士學位。在他攻讀科學史博士學位期間意外發現了一個用中古英語書寫的手稿 Equatorie of the Planetis,他認為該手稿的作者是杰弗里·乔叟。
大約1950年時普萊斯接受了他母親的塞法迪犹太人名字 "de Solla" 做為中间名。根據他的兒子馬克所說,普萊斯本身是英國無神論者,即使是來自一個有名的塞法迪犹太人家庭。雖然普萊斯的丹麥妻子艾蓮曾受洗為信義宗信徒,但普萊斯不是。但馬克認為兩人的婚姻是「混合的」,因為兩人都是無神論者[1]。
他去世後,1984年時美國資訊科學與技術學會(American Society for Information Science and Technology)追授他研究獎表彰他對資訊學的貢獻。
- 研究科學快速發展的原因,以及科學文獻的半減期;並提出了普萊斯定律,其命名有 25% 是科學文獻作家,75% 是出版的論文(Price 1963)
- 科學論文之間引用網路的定量研究(Price 1965),包含他發現了論文的引用網路是以冪定律分布,成為首個无尺度网络的論文發表例子
- 論文引用網路增長的數學理論,其基於現在所稱的優先連接過程(Price 1976)[2]
- 研究古希臘的天文類比計算機安提基特拉機械(Price 1959, 1974)
[编辑]- "An ancient Greek computer", in Scientific American 200 (6):60-67 (1959).
- Science since Babylon, New Haven: Yale University Press (1961)
- "Mechanical Waterclocks of the 14th Century in Fez, Morocco", in Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of the History of Science (Ithaca, N.Y, 1962), Paris: Hermann, pp. 599-602 (1962)
- Little Science, Big Science, New York: Columbia University Press (1963)
- "Networks of Scientific Papers" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), in Science 149 (3683):510-515 (1965).
- "Nations can Publish or Perish", in International Science and Technology 70 84-90 (1967)
- "Citation Measures of Hard Science, Soft Science, Technology, and Nonscience", in Nelson, C. E. & Pollock, D.K. (eds.), Communication among Scientists and Engineers, Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company, pp. 3-22 (1970).
- "Gears from the Greeks: The Antikythera Mechanism – A Calendar Computer from ca. 80 B.C.", in Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (New Series) 64 (7):1-70 (1974). Also published as a book with the same title by Science History Publications, New York, (1975).
- "A general theory of bibliometric and other cumulative advantage processes" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), in Journal of the American Society for Information Science 27:292-306 (1976)(Winner of 1976 JASIS paper award.)
[编辑]- ^ Price, Mark de Solla. Mark de Solla Price UU Sermon Gay Pride 2007 (PDF). 2007-06-17 [2008-08-01]. [失效連結]
- ^ The technical elements of Price's treatment relied heavily upon previous work by Herbert Simon, but Price was the first to apply the idea to the growth of a network.
[编辑]- American Society of Information Science and Technology (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Derek de Solla Price (1983) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- This Week's Citation Classic: Little Science, Big Science (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). ISI. Current Contents 29:18 (July).
- Pastore, Giovanni, ANTIKYTHERA E I REGOLI CALCOLATORI, Rome, 2006, privately published (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- The Antikythera Calculator (Italian and English versions) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)