方法演技,又稱演技方法(英語:Method acting),是令演員完全融入角色中的表演方式,除了演員本人的性格之外,也要創造角色本身的性格及生活,務求寫實地演繹角色。
[编辑]方法演技式演員因為長時間投入在角色裡面,可能導致在現實生活無法跳脫角色而引致憂鬱症、菸酒上癮;為求逼真而改變身形 (例:克里斯汀·貝爾 在2004年出演《迷魂殺陣》前減重27公斤)[2],會引致厭食症、虛脫、高(低)血壓。如果同時拍攝多部作品,更有可能引致人格分裂。
[编辑]- Mel Gussow: "The Method, Still Disputed But Now Ubiquitous," (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) The New York Times (April 14, 1987)
Major books on Method acting
[编辑]- The Technique of Acting by Stella Adler
- Acting—The First Six Lessons by Richard Boleslavsky
- To the Actor by Michael Chekhov
- A Dream of Passion by Lee Strasberg
- Sanford Meisner on Acting by Sanford Meisner
- Method—or Madness? by Robert Lewis
- Advice to the Players by Robert Lewis
- Respect for Acting by Uta Hagen
- No Acting Please by Eric Morris and Joan Hotchkis
- Strasberg's Method: As Taught by Lorrie Hull by S. Loraine Hull
- Life and Acting: Techniques for the Actor by Jack Garfein
- The Power of the Actor by Ivana Chubbuck
Books on contemporary approaches to Method acting
[编辑]- The Intent to Live by Larry Moss
- Dreamwork for Actors by Janet Sonenberg
- O poetică a artei actorului (Poetics of the actor's art) by Ion Cojar
- Rosemary Malague: An Actress Prepares: Women and "the Method", London & New York: Routledge, 2011
- ^ Tony Leung Chiu Wai – Page 4. wongkarwai.net. [2020-11-06]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-30) (美国英语).
- ^ IGN Interviews Christian Bale - IGN, [2020-11-06], (原始内容存档于2020-08-06) (英语)