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  1. ^ Black, Jeremy Allen; George, Andrew R.; Postgate, Nicholas. A concise dictionary of Akkadian 2nd. Harrassowitz Verlag. 2000: 415. ISBN 978-3-447-04264-2. LCCN 00336381. OCLC 44447973. 
  2. ^ 两河流域的泥板文字如何从图画变为楔形. 澎湃新聞. 
  3. ^ Guisepi, Robert Anthony; F. Roy Willis. Ancient Sumeria. International World History Project. Robert A. Guisepi. 2003 [5 November 2010]. (原始内容存档于17 December 2017). 
  4. ^ The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative gives an estimate of 500,000 for the total number of tablets (or fragments) that have been found.
  5. ^ 铁帝国与泥板书. 博物 2017年第09期.