

这是本页的一个历史版本,由寒吉留言 | 贡献2020年12月17日 (四) 15:08 (// Edit via Wikiplus)编辑。这可能和当前版本存在着巨大的差异。

2019年2月15日,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普宣布美国南部边境进入国家紧急状态。有評論指他自相矛盾[1][2][3]宣佈之後,他乘坐飛機高爾夫球場(Trump International Golf Club)渡過週末[4]


2019年2月15日, 美國共和黨籍的總統唐納·川普在向國會要求的57億美元修建美墨邊境墙,在最後的預算案中卻只獲得不到14億美金的資金。川普因此宣佈進入全國緊急狀態。川普政府計劃從国防部的預算中將幾十億轉用於修建隔離牆的軍事建設項目[5]












  1. ^ Fritze, John; Collins, Michael. 'I didn't need to do this.' Critics say Trump quote undercuts national emergency for border wall. USA Today. February 16, 2019 [February 17, 2019]. 
  2. ^ Forgey, Quint. 'I didn’t need to do this': Dems pounce on Trump's national emergency admission. Politico. February 16, 2019 [February 17, 2019]. 
  3. ^ Blake, Aaron. Analysis | ‘I didn’t need to do this’: Trump just kneecapped his own case for a ‘national emergency’. Washington Post. February 15, 2019 [February 17, 2019]. 
  4. ^ de Moraes, Lisa. John Oliver: Donald Trump Hits Omelette Bar After Declaring National Emergency. Deadline Hollywood. 2019-02-17 [2019-02-19]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 美眾議院提案終止緊急狀態 川普決意駁回
  6. ^ Booker, Cory. Trump’s inability to follow through on a campaign promise is not a national emergency. Let’s not forget those still struggling to rebuild their lives after this administration failed to respond effectively to real emergencies in places like Puerto Rico. February 14, 2019 [February 15, 2019]. 
  7. ^ Castro, Julián. The reports of the President’s threat to declare an emergency to use federal funding to build a border wall are appalling. It would amount to an abuse of power that should be immediately challenged in the courts. February 14, 2019 [February 15, 2019]. 
  8. ^ Klobuchar, Amy. We’re tired of being governed by chaos. The Congress has spoken on a bipartisan basis. Not getting what you want to fulfill a campaign promise/chant is not a national emergency.. February 14, 2019 [February 15, 2019]. 
  9. ^ Gillibrand, Kirsten. Let's be clear on this: The only emergency at our border is the humanitarian one Trump created himself, by demonizing and ripping apart families. This manufactured crisis is racist, wasteful, and an outrageous abuse of power from someone too reckless and hateful to hold it.. February 15, 2019 [February 15, 2019]. 
  10. ^ Harris, Kamala. We should do something about the actual emergencies that plague our nation — like climate change or health care access — not playing politics in order to build a wasteful border wall.. February 15, 2019. 
  11. ^ Sanders, Bernie. There is no "national emergency," and Trump cannot build his wall without congressional approval. Twitter. [2019-02-20]. 
  12. ^ California, New York and 14 other states sue over Trump’s national emergency. NBC News. 
  13. ^ 美参议院正式对特朗普宣布国家紧急状态说不
  14. ^ 特朗普首次行使否决权 否决国会终止紧急状态决议
  15. ^ 美国会众议院未能推翻总统否决令
  16. ^ 美国会众议院就特朗普宣布“国家紧急状态”提起诉讼
  17. ^ 叫板白宫?美参议院再次投票终止“紧急状态”
  18. ^ 美国会再次通过决议叫停南部边境“国家紧急状态”
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 美国上诉法院批准特朗普政府用36亿美元军费建边境墙
  20. ^ Federal judge blocks use of billions of dollars in Pentagon funds to build border wall