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紅寶石巧克力(英語:Ruby chocolate),是一種於2017年由全球最大可可豆製造及磨粉商百樂嘉利寶推出的巧克力品種[1][註 1]。2004年開始與德國雅各布大學共同研發[2][3][4],並在2017年9月5日於中國上海市的一個私人活動上亮相[5]。紅寶石巧克力以產自巴西厄瓜多爾象牙海岸的紅寶石可可豆製成[6]。因具有合適的特性,該種可可豆在現有可可豆植物之中被確認能夠用作製造紅寶石巧克力[7]。新種巧克力入口甘甜[8],可可豆的味道輕淡[9],與傳統巧克力不同[10]。再者沒有添加食用色素或果香增味劑[10],也沒有基因改造[11]。食用該種巧克力時會嘗到天然樹莓[8]





  1. ^ 另外三種巧克力分別為黑巧克力、牛奶巧克力及白巧克力


  1. ^ Swiss confectioners invent a new kind of chocolate for the first time in 80 years. 全國廣播公司商業頻道. 2017-9-6 [2019-07-16]. 
  2. ^ Ruby chocolate: We are proud our scientists had the chance to contribute to this product innovation. 雅各布大學@Twitter. 2017-9-8 [2019-07-16]. 
  3. ^ Nestlé Introduces Pink KitKat With Ruby Chocolate In UK, It's Coming Soon In The US. Tech Times. 2018-4-11 [2019-07-16]. 
  4. ^ What is ruby chocolate and how is it made?. Metro. 2018-5-22 [2019-07-16]. 
  5. ^ Scientists invent brand new flavour of chocolate called 'Ruby. 英國獨立報. 2017-9-5 [2019-07-16]. 
  6. ^ 小圓點人生 Ruby Chocolate. 都市日報. 2017-10-16 [2019-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-16). 
  7. ^ Ruby chocolate: New gem in confectionery crown or pink misfit?. Confectionery News. 2017-9-15 [2019-07-16]. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Ruby is the first addition to chocolate's colour palette in 80 years. 雪梨晨鋒報. 2017-9-6 [2019-07-16]. 
  9. ^ 'Ruby' chocolate aims to satisfy new consumer tastes. Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply. 2017-10-20 [2019-07-16]. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Callebaut’s ruby chocolate RB1 set to give Hong Kong millennials a sugar rush this September. 南華早報. 2018-7-23 [2019-07-16]. 
  11. ^ 'Ruby' becomes first new natural colour of chocolate in over 80 years. 衛報. 2017-9-6 [2019-07-16]. 
  12. ^ Pink cocoa creators want treat recognized as new chocolate. 加拿大廣播公司. 2019-5-23 [2019-07-16]. 
  13. ^ Ruby KitKat: What the new pink chocolate bar actually tastes like. 英國獨立報. 2018-4-16 [2019-07-16]. 
  14. ^ Original document: EP2237677 (B9) ― 2013-04-03 BARRY CALLEBAUT AG Process for producing cocoa-derived material. Espacenet. 2009-1-22 [2019-07-18]. 
  15. ^ Bibliographic data: EP2237677 (A1) ― 2010-10-13 BARRY CALLEBAUT AG Process for producing cocoa-derived material. Espacenet. 2012-6-13 [2019-07-18]. 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Ruby Chocolate Is Coming to the U.S. From Switzerland. 彭博新聞. 2019-5-14 [2019-07-16]. 
  17. ^ The‘It’chocolate: KitKat with Ruby chocolate one year on. 雀巢公司. 2019-3-19 [2019-07-16]. 
  18. ^ Pink-hued ruby chocolate arrives in America for first time. FOX 10 Phoenix電視台. 2019-5-17 [2019-07-16]. 
  19. ^ Ruby Chocolate Wants a Place at the Table With Dark, Milk and White. 紐約時報. 2017-9-7 [2019-07-16]. 
  20. ^ Nestle to launch ruby chocolate KitKat in Asia. 路透社. 2018-1-18 [2019-07-16]. 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Nestle is making a pink KitKat from ruby chocolate. 有線電視新聞網. 2018-1-18 [2019-07-16]. 
  22. ^ KitKat to release naturally pink 'ruby chocolate' bars. 天空新聞台. 2018-4-10 [2019-07-16]. 
  23. ^ Our moms deserve a break from the ordinary, because they always make us feel like we're anything but ordinary. #HappyMothersDay. KIT KAT Canada@Twitter. 2019-5-12 [2019-07-18]. 
  24. ^ Australia is one of the first countries to launch ruby chocolate, so what's it like?. 澳洲SBS電視台. 2018-7-19 [2019-07-16]. 
  25. ^ Ruby chocolate makes US debut: Where you can buy the pink-hued candy. 福斯財經網. 2019-5-16 [2019-07-16]. 
  26. ^ Will chocolate lovers, fond of milk, dark and white varieties, think pink? One chocolatier is rolling out ruby. 芝加哥論壇報. 2019-5-23 [2019-07-16]. 
  27. ^ 80年一遇新朱古力面世 瑞士研「紅粉武器」Ruby 強攻華人味蕾. 香港01. 2017-9-6 [2019-07-16]. 
