

Originally from Utah, Chad Hansen (陈汉生) studied Western philosophy and entered the PhD program at the University of Michigan. He then taught at the universities of Pittsburgh, Stanford, and Vermont and went on to hold several visiting professorships in Hawaii and at U.C.L.A. before settling in Hong Kong as a professor of philosophy at the University of Hong Kong in 1993.

陈汉生(Chad Hansen,1940年代生),美國哲學家漢學家,以语言哲学方法研究先秦諸子百家的辯論而聞名,尤其是分析道家的文本語言。[1]香港大學中國哲學講席教授(1995-2008年,榮休教授)。[2] 文革時在香港學習漢語(主要學粵語,兼習普通話),回密西根大學師從孟坦宋明理學喬姆斯基語言學,中美乒乓外交時隨其他美國學者與周恩來2度會面,是團隊之中唯一一名研究古代中國的學者,其中第二次會面發生於尼克遜訪華之後,由於中美已破冰,美國學者團已無足輕重,周恩來在凌晨3時傳召會面閒談。反越戰的美國學者成立了學術團體。

  • 兩本專書,均為代表作:
  • 1993: 《中国思想的道家之论:一种哲学解释》在出版近30年后,终于被翻译。国内的道家哲学滞后于国际学术界(汉学界)。流粵語.


Book intro (Title: Language and Logic in Ancient China

Classic Reprints. Chad Hansen. Publisher: Advanced Reasoning Forum, 2020. ISBN 9781938421556)

Hansen taught himself Cantonese and Chinese while in Hong Kong during the China's "Great Leap Forward" then took his BA at the U of Utah and Ph.D. at the University of Michigan. He was named University Scholar at the University of Vermont for his second book, A Daoist Theory of Chinese Thought, before taking his current position at Hong Kong University. This, book grew out of his dissertation under Donald J. Munro (Don Munro, 孟坦). Hansen's research, conducted In Taiwan and Hong Kong including studying with Liu Yuyun, Chen Guying, Mou Zhongshan and Tang Junyi. Guided by 20th century theories of language, his novel approach to interpretive theory launched the modern analytical study of Ancient Chinese philosophy


Donald J. Munro (Don Munro, 孟坦) The Concept of Man in Early China


FB profile:

The University of Hong Kong Honorary Professor · 2012 to present · Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong

Professor Emeritus · September 1991 to present

Chair Professor of Chinese Philosophy

University of Vermont

September 1977 to May 1991 · Burlington, Vermont


University of Michigan

Class of 1972 · PhD · Philosophy · Noam Chomsky Linguistics & Classical Chinese · Constitutional law · Ann Arbor, Michigan

University of Utah

Class of 1966 · Philosophy · Political science · Varsity Debate · University of Utah

Carbon High

Class of 1960 · Price, Utah

Altamont High School, Altamont, UT

Class of 1960 · Altamont, Utah

  1. ^ Language and Logic in Ancient China Review by: Bao Zhi-Ming (Pao Chih-Ming) Philosophy East and West. Vol. 35, No. 2 (Apr., 1985), pp. 203-212.
  2. ^