
User:Reke/ESEAP Conference 2018 Report






  1. 認識更多這個地區維基媒體運動發展的情況
  2. 觀察會議籌備的細節,思考台灣主辦時需要注意的事項




與柏林的維基媒體會議相比,這次會議很不一樣的地方,就是有機會展示活動成果的組織者更加多元。例如,過去幾年我一直有耳聞韓國社群有著高度的發展,但是並不曉得實際的情況。先前在維基媒體會議上就認識 Gu En-Ai,但直到這個會議聽到她展示韓國社群與他們政府合作的成果頁面,才更清楚當地社群已經能夠影響政府機關。而Lee Kang-Cheol也在會議中分享了許多當地社群的近況,他居住的永川市不是一般人熟悉的韓國大城例如首爾、釜山。他的經驗其實對台灣新竹、花蓮這些非國際都會的社群參考。


  1. 中比科爾語維基百科的組織經驗。做為一個8,000條不到的維基百科,他們的經驗在維基媒體會議中被討論的機會不多。但是台灣有數個原住民正在孵育他們自己語言的維基百科,這類的經驗其實更需要被介紹給台灣社群。
  2. 維基醫學期刊。在這個專案分享的QA時間,韓國的參與者問到關於SCI的問題。雖然因為語言隔閡,這個問題似乎沒有被仔細討論,但是因為台灣的大學也十分重視教授產出的論文能不能刊於SCI期刊,使教授忙於達成這樣的KPI,而不想把時間花在貢獻維基。我想這個議題可能觸及到一些共同的文化背景。也許有機會的話,我們應該在會議後透過文字交流,更深入了解這個議題。
  3. 每週小動物。對這個議程有印象是因為台灣有在做臉書的直播節目,跟這個專案類似的地方是都使用了其他媒體做維基推廣。不同在於他們做的內容更專精、而且與知識的結合更緊密。我覺得很適合介紹這個專案給台灣一些主題社群,加上我們自己累積出的節目製作經驗,會讓一些主題社群更有影響力。




  1. 會議地點。會議場地十分舒適,而且出門不遠就有商店、海灘等等觀光性質的地點。跨國旅行在專注參與會議之餘,還是會讓參與者有順便觀光的期待,這次地點滿足了我們的需求。
  2. 議程多元性。這場會議的議程有專案執行、有社群治理,也有策略性的討論,更重要的是發表人來自10個以上不同的國家或區域。就我所知議程徵集的過程並不順利,最後能夠有這樣的成果,工作團隊一定花了不少的時間去聯繫。
  3. 會議時間的控制。每場議程基本上都是流暢且準時的,所以我們幾乎感覺不到工作人員的干預。我有從台灣分會的工作人員聽聞一些場面控制的心得,希望透過報告中提及,讓大家能夠注意到他們所付出的心力。

Kecak Dance的文化體驗也很讓人驚喜,儘管它與維基媒體運動不算直接相關,但是的確是令人印象深刻的行程,附記在此。


  1. 需要有更多的「對話」。比如說亞洲月的議程比較接近單純介紹,缺乏對活動執行的討論;ESEAP合作的議程用手機進行互動十分有趣,但是我不太理解互動之後對於我們未來行動有什麼影響。這兩個議程有一個共同點,就是在那個時段只安排了一軌議程,這代表所有與會者只能選擇加入。既然如此,加入之後能夠對話並影響後續行動,與會者會比較投入。
  2. 工作坊形式的議程需要特別安排時間。Nicole的教育專案工作坊在台灣舉行過,當時我也有參與,所以我了解完整的跑過一遍流程是很重要的。週六時的議程很明顯地不足以完成任一步的討論,操作中的錯誤也無法及時修正。在有限的空間與時間中要安排工作坊議程很不容易,但是ESEAP會議適必有更多經驗較少的組織者,非常需要參與工作坊以學習更多技巧。怎麼安排這類議程,很可能是關乎會議定位、資源分配的策略性問題,而不是議程組在時間上調整就能解決的。
  3. 語言隔閡問題。一場參與者母語如此多元的會議,以英文做為主要溝通是無可避免的。我可以理解會議資源暫時不可能為所有語言的參與者都擁有翻譯,不過還是有些事情可以避免這個問題阻礙相互理解。會議節奏上,對話式的議程可能要將查詢英文的時間納入其中;如果技術允許,協調主持人在問題簡報中附上啟動機器翻譯的QRCode;另外可以提出參與者使用即時的共筆會議紀錄平臺,這樣問題跟解答都可以提早提出、或在會後持續進行,而有更充裕的時間應用翻譯工具。



International English Version


I am so honored to participate in the first ESEAP Conference. The Taiwan Chapter tried to promote such regional cooperation at the Wikimedia Conference in 2015. The conference was held wonderfully 3 years later. Wikimedia Indonesia is the one we should thank for their supporting.

As one of the few Chapters in the area, I understand that Taiwan must play a role that is sharing more than learning in regional cooperation, and perhaps we also need to rotate the host country in recent years. For these reasons, I focused on two things in this trip:

  1. Understanding more situation about the development of Wikimedia movement in ESEAP region.
  2. Observe the details of the preparations for the conference and think about what we need to take care of when the conference being hosted in Taiwan

I will divide two chapters to compose my ideas. According to the requirements of the conference, my report must cover four things: Wikimedians I met, things I learned, my plan for the movement in the future, and my comments around the conference. The first topic will include the first to the third points, while the second topic will include the second to the fourth points.

The development of Wikimedia movement in ESEAP region


There is a different thing between ESEAP Conference and Wikimedia Conference in Berlin, there are more diverse organizers who have chance to show the outcome of their project. For example, I've heard that Korea community developed very well in recent years, but didn't know the actual situation. Thought I met Gu En-Ai on WMCon before, but when she showed the outcome website of the projects cooperating with government in the conference, I can just know that their community can influence the government now. The other side, Lee Kang-Cheol shared a lot of news about his community. As Yeongcheon City, the city which he live, is not a well known international metropolis like Seoul or Busan, his experience may useful for Taiwanese communities in those non-international cities, like Hsinchu or Hualien.

There are three stories that impressed me:

  1. Organizing experience of Bikol Wikipedia. As a Wikipedia with less than 8,000 articles, their story may not to be discussed in WMCon, but such experience should be introduced to Taiwanese community more because that several Taiwan aborigines is incubating Wikipedia of their own languages.
  2. Wiki Journal of Medicine. A participant form Korea asked a question about SCI (Science citation index) in Q&A time after sharing of the project. Though his question wasn't discussed thoroughly for language barrier, but I think that the issue may touch some common cultural background, because Universities in Taiwan also pay attention to how many papers of their professors can be published in the SCI journals or not, so that professors are too busy reaching such KPIs to spend time on contributing Wikipedia. We should understand the issue more by written communication after the Conference.
  3. Critter of the Week. I remember the project because there is also a Facebook live program in Taiwan, and it's similar as the project for promoting Wikimedia by other media. A difference is that their content is more specialized and the combination with knowledge is closer. I think that will be great if we introduce the project to some thematic communities in Taiwan. By mixing with our program producing experience, that may improve the influence of thematic communities.

My observing of the conference


This is an amazing conference. There are some points I appreciate:

  1. The Venue:
  2. Diversity of Sessions:
  3. Time Control:

Here are something need more thinking after ESEAP Confernece:

  1. More "Dialogue" is Needed.
  2. Need More Time for Workshop.
  3. Language Barrier.

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The slide discuss about what people you could/should find to join the board. All contents base on historical experience of Wikimedia Taiwan. It may be helpful for organizations which want to be stronger.