


不列顛諸王史》(拉丁語Historia regum Britanniae;英語:The History of the Kings of Britain;原名De gestis Britonum;英語:On the Deeds of the Britons)是蒙茅斯的杰弗里在1136年左右創作的一本歷史書,以年代先後順序記載了兩千年裡出現的不列顛諸王的生平。它是不列顛傳說的主要源頭之一。




蒙茅斯的杰弗里宣稱此書譯自一部古老的文獻,這部文獻則是牛津的沃爾特給他的[2][3][4],但現代歷史學家並不認為這是事實[2][5][6]。此書可能的來源包括吉爾達斯的《不列顛的毀滅》(De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae,6世紀) 、比德的《英吉利教會史》(8世紀)、《不列顛人的歷史》(9世紀,作者可能是内尼厄斯)、《威尔士编年史》(10世紀,作者不明)、塔利埃辛的詩和威爾士傳說《基爾夫與奧爾溫》(11-12世紀)[2]


  1. ^ 'The New Cambridge Modern history, vol. 1 1957:56.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Thorpe (1966: 14–19)
  3. ^ Wright, Neil. The Historia Regum Britannie of Geoffrey of Monmouth. Woodbridge, England: Boydell and Brewer. 1984: xvii. ISBN 978-0-85991-641-7. 
  4. ^ Lang, Andrew. History Of English Literature - From Beowulf to Swinburne. Vincent Press. : 45. OCLC 220536211. He says that he has had the advantage of using a book in the Breton tongue which Walter, Archdeacon of Oxford, brought out of Brittany; this book he translates into Latin. 
  5. ^ Wright, Neil. The Historia Regum Britannie of Geoffrey of Monmouth. Woodbridge, England: Boydell and Brewer. 1984: xvii–xviii. ISBN 978-0-85991-641-7. This fusion of heterogeneous sources, which is apparent almost everywhere in the Historia, completely dispels the fiction that the work is no more than a translation of a single Breton (or Welsh) book 
  6. ^ "...the Historia does not bear scrutiny as an authentic history and no scholar today would regard it as such.": Wright (1984: xxviii)
  • Geoffrey of Monmouth. The history of the kings of Britain: an edition and translation of De gestis Britonum (Historia regum Britanniae). Arthurian studies 69. Michael D. Reeve (ed.), Neil Wright (trans.). Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell Press. 2007. ISBN 978-1-84383-206-5. 
  • John Jay Parry and Robert Caldwell. Geoffrey of Monmouth in Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages, Roger S. Loomis (ed.). Clarendon Press: Oxford University. 1959. ISBN 0-19-811588-1
  • Brynley F. Roberts, Geoffrey of Monmouth and Welsh Historical Tradition, Nottingham Medieval Studies, 20 (1976), 29-40.
  • J. S. P. Tatlock. The Legendary History of Britain: Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia regum Britanniae and its early vernacular versions. University of California Press. Berkeley. 1950.
  • Michael A. Faletra, ed., The History of the Kings of Britain (Broadview Press, 2008)
  • N. Wright, ed., The Historia regum Britannie of Geoffrey of Monmouth. 1, Bern, Burgerbibliothek, MS. 568 (Cambridge, 1984)
  • N. Wright, ed., The historia regum Britannie of Geoffrey of Monmouth. 2, The first variant version : a critical edition (Cambridge, 1988)
  • J. C. Crick, The historia regum Britannie of Geoffrey of Monmouth. 3, A summary catalogue of the manuscripts (Cambridge, 1989)
  • J. C. Crick, The historia regum Britannie of Geoffrey of Monmouth. 4, Dissemination and reception in the later Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1991)
  • J. Hammer, ed., Historia regum Britanniae. A variant version edited from manuscripts (Cambridge, MA, 1951)
  • A. Griscom and J. R. Ellis, ed., The Historia regum Britanniæ of Geoffrey of Monmouth with contributions to the study of its place in early British history (London, 1929)
  • M. D. Reeve, 'The transmission of the Historia regum Britanniae ', in Journal of Medieval Latin 1 (1991), 73—117
  • Edmond Faral, La légende Arthurienne: études et documents, 3 vols. (Paris, 1929)
  • R. W. Leckie, The passage of dominion : Geoffrey of Monmouth and the periodization of insular history in the twelfth century (Toronto, 1981)

