

Rupert Brooke
出生Rupert Chawner Brooke
雇主Sidgwick & Jackson

鲁伯特·乔纳·布鲁克(Rupert Chawner Brooke 1887年8月3日—1915年4月23日)是一名英格兰诗人,以一战时期写作的十四行诗如《士兵》(The Soldier)知名。此外,他也以英俊的外貌知名,叶芝曾说他是“英格兰最英俊的青年”[1][2]。1985年11月11日,他在诗人角留名。



他出生于英格兰华威郡拉格比[3][4],曾就读于拉格比公学,1907年10月就读剑桥大学国王学院,成为剑桥使徒的一员。他和布卢姆茨伯里派成员关系很好,不过他自己则算是乔治時期诗人(Georgian poets)的一员。1913年3月,他成为剑桥大学国王学院Fellow。


他在1914年8月入伍,成为英国皇家海军后备队中尉,曾参与安特衛普圍城戰。他在《泰晤士报文学增刊》上发表两篇十四行诗《死亡》(The Dead)和《士兵》(The Soldier)开始出名,在1915年2月28日随地中海远征军出征,但罹患败血病。他做了两场手术,但最终在4月23日下午4:46于停靠在希腊斯基罗斯的法国医院船“Duguay-Trouin”号上去世,葬于当地的一个橄榄园中[7][8],埋葬地由他的朋友威廉·丹尼斯·布朗选定[9]


  1. ^ Friends and Apostles. The Correspondence of Rupert Brooke and James Strachey, 1905–1914. The New York Times. 1998 [6 December 2011]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  2. ^ Nigel Jones. Rupert Brooke: Life, Death & Myth (London: Richard Cohen Books, 1999), pp.110, 304. Rupert Brooke: Life, Death & Myth. 30 September 1999. 
  3. ^ Poet Brooke's birthplace for sale. BBC News. 21 August 2007 [8 August 2008]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-30). 
  4. ^ Committee Agenda Item: Borough Development – 16/09/2003. Item 15. Rugby Borough Council. 16 September 2003 [6 December 2011]. (原始内容存档于27 February 2015). 
  5. ^ St. Sukie de la Croix. Chicago Whispers: A History of LGBT Chicago before Stonewall页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). University of Wisconsin Press, 2012, p.36.
  6. ^ Caesar, Adrian. Brooke, Rupert Chawner (1887–1915)需要付费订阅. 《牛津国家人物传记大辞典》 線上版. 牛津大學出版社. 2004 [12 January 2008]. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/32093.  需要订阅或英国公共图书馆会员资格
  7. ^ Royal Naval Division service record (extract). The National Archives. [11 November 2007]. (原始内容存档于2011-02-03). 
  8. ^ Royal Naval Division service record (extract). The National Archives. [11 November 2007]. (原始内容存档于2012-06-11). 
  9. ^ Blevins, Pamela. William Denis Browne (1888–1915). Musicweb International. 2000 [9 November 2007]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-12). 
  • Jones, Nigel. Rupert Brooke: Life, Death and Myth. Head of Zeus. 2014 [1999 Metro Books] [2021-11-20]. ISBN 978-1-78185-715-1. (原始内容存档于2020-06-11). 
  • Brooke, Rupert, Letters From America with a Preface by Henry James (London: Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd, 1916; repr. 1947).
  • Dawson, Jill, The Great Lover (London: Sceptre, 1990). A historical novel about Brooke and his relationship with a Tahitian woman, Taatamata, in 1913–14 and with Nell Golightly a maid where he was living.
  • Delany, Paul. "Fatal Glamour: the Life of Rupert Brooke." (Montreal: McGillQueens UP, 2015).
  • Halliburton, Richard, The Glorious Adventure (New York and Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1927). Traveller/travel writer Halliburton, in recreating Odysseus' adventures, visits the grave of Brooke on the Greek island of Skyros.
  • Keith Hale, ed. Friends and Apostles: The Correspondence of Rupert Brooke-James Strachey, 1905–1914.
  • Gerry Max, Horizon Chasers – The Lives and Adventures of Richard Halliburton and Paul Mooney (McFarland, c2007). References are made to the poet throughout. Quoted, p. 11.
  • Gerry Max, "'When Youth Kept Open House' – Richard Halliburton and Thomas Wolfe", North Carolina Literary Review, 1996, Issue Number 5. Two early 20th century writers and their debt to the poet.
  • Moran, Sean Farrell, "Patrick Pearse and the European Revolt Against Reason", The Journal of the History of Ideas,50,4,423-66
  • Morley, Christopher, "Rupert Brooke" in Shandygaff – A number of most agreeable Inquirendoes upon Life & Letters, interspersed with Short Stories & Skits, the Whole Most Diverting to the Reader (New York: Garden City Publishing Company, 1918), pp. 58–71. An important early reminiscence and appraisal by famed essayist and novelist Morley.
  • Sellers Leonard. The Hood Battalion - Royal Naval Division. Leo Cooper, Pen & Sword Books Ltd. 1995, Select Edition 2003 ISBN 978-1-84468-008-5 - Rupert Brooke was an officer of Hood Battalion, 2nd Brigade, Royal Naval Division.
  • Arthur Stringer. Red Wine of Youth—A Biography of Rupert Brooke (New York: Bobbs-Merrill, 1952). Partly based on extensive correspondence between American travel writer Richard Halliburton and the literary and salon figures who had known Brooke.
  • Christopher Hassall. "Rupert Brooke: A Biography" (Faber and Faber 1964)
  • Sir Geoffrey Keynes, ed. "The Letters of Rupert Brooke" (Faber and Faber 1968)
  • Colin Wilson. "Poetry & Mysticism" (City Lights Books 1969). Contains a chapter about Rupert Brooke.
  • John Lehmann. "Rupert Brooke: His Life and His Legend" (George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd 1980)
  • Paul Delany. "The Neo-Pagans: Friendship and Love in the Rupert Brooke Circle" (Macmillan 1987)
  • Mike Read. "Forever England: The Life of Rupert Brooke" (Mainstream Publishing Company Ltd 1997)
  • Timothy Rogers. "Rupert Brooke: A Reappraisal and Selection" (Routledge, 1971)
  • Robert Scoble. The Corvo Cult: The History of an Obsession (Strange Attractor, 2014)
  • Christian Soleil. "Rupert Brooke: Sous un ciel anglais" (Edifree, France, 2009)
  • Christian Soleil. "Rupert Brooke: L'Ange foudroyé" (Monpetitediteur, France, 2011)

