English: Sierpinski square, a Fractal. The image is an example of a "space filling fractal". Its fractal dimension is 2.0. This will make it fill out the space completely in a fractal pattern/structure without overlap at any point. The image was created from using an "iterated function system" (IFS).
Sierpinski square, a Fractal. The image is an example of a "space filling fractal". Its fractal dimension is 2.0. This will make it fill out the space completely in a fractal pattern/structure without overlap at any point. The image was created from using an "iterated function system" (IFS).
All fractals are from self-written tools - linear IFS images from my: "2D IFS Studio", non-linear (rev Julia) from "3D RJIFS", (that also writes 2D rev Julias), escape time Z² fractals from "Julia dream", the rest are from small "hacks".