

职业导演, 活动家

彼得·约瑟夫是一位美国独立导演活动家。他最为人所知的乃是“时代精神”一片,全程由其编写脚本、执导、讲述和发行。他也是时代精神运动的发起人、Black Sabbath乐团[2]MV“God Is Dead?”的执导者。



彼得在北卡罗来纳温斯顿-赛伦出生,并就读于北卡罗来纳大学艺术学院英语University of North Carolina School of the Arts(UNCSA)。毕业之后,他来到了纽约并投身于新社会运动,曾在网站“Singularity Weblog”中接受访问,谈论自然法系统。[3]



彼得在华尔街开展他的职业生涯──广告以及私人股票交易员。[4]2007年,他发起了他称之为“时代运动”的大型现场展演艺术,虽然当时该展演没有散布的打算,但很快就被发布在网站上并很快地受到数以百万计的议论。[5]该影片也成为时代精神三部曲中的第一部,其馀为2008年的时代精神:增编(Zeitgeist:Addendum)和2011年的时代精神:迈步向前(Zeitgeist:Moving Forward)。

2009年,彼得创立了时代精神运动,自我表述为“一个可永续发展的倡导组织”。一开始,该组织作为雅克·法斯科于1994年开展维纳斯计划的强力活动支援者,但2011年末,两个组织因为理念出现歧异而分道扬镳。[6] 而彼得所运作的时代精神三部曲一直是许多国际媒体关注的焦点,诸如时代杂志棕榈滩邮报VC Reporter以色列著名杂志TheMarker等等。[7][8][9][10]

Joseph is the owner of Gentle Machine Productions LLC, a production company that has released many of his projects, including the Zeitgeist film trilogy. It also is responsible for the production of the Culture in Decline, a web series launched by Joseph in 2012, as well as Joseph's new feature film project: InterReflections.[11][12]

Peter Joseph directed a "short-film" music video for the heavy metal music group Black Sabbath, entitled "God Is Dead?" The film had its world-premiere screening at the band's June 6, 2013, album release in Hollywood's Harmony Gold Preview Center.[2] The music video film is largely composed of symbology extracted from Joseph's Zeitgeist trilogy, coupled with layers of imposed archival imagery of the band.[13]

Joseph has given many lectures and interviews, including two TEDx talks,[14][15] a feature at the 2011 Cine Futuro film festival, a feature at the 2011 Leaders Causing Leaders conference and appeared on RT TV numerous times.[16][17][18][19][20] Other coverage includes The Joe Rogan podcast in 2012,[5][21] The Young Turks,[4] the Marker TV in Israel,[22] and a feature in the New York Times.[7] A proponent of Occupy Wall St, he gave public speeches in both New York and Los Angeles.[23][24] He was a judge in the 2015 USFUCA Worldwide Youth Contest supporting youth generated technological progress and has been featured by The Global Summit. Joseph is also on the steering committee of Project Peace on Earth.[25]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Peter Joseph, Official Media Archive. peterjoseph.info. [9 Aug 2013]. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Black Sabbath Taps Controversial Filmmaker Peter Joseph for God Is Dead? Video. Blabbermouth. 8 June 2013 [11 June 2015]. 
  3. ^ Danaylov, Nikola. Peter Joseph on Singularity 1 on 1: We Are All Subjected To The Same Natural Law System. Singularity 1 on 1. [6 June 2015]. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Uygur, Cenk. Peter Joseph, Zeitgeist Movement Founder on TYT. The Young Turks. YouTube. [11 June 2015]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 PODCAST #173 - Peter Joseph, Brian Redban. The Joe Rogan Experience. [11 June 2015]. 
  6. ^ Bill Stamets. Art-house films: ‘Marwencol,’ ‘Zeitgeist’. Chicago Sun-Times. February 15, 2011 [March 7, 2011].  The view from Venus. Orlando Weekly. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Feuer, Alan. They've Seen the Future and Dislike the Present. The New York Times. 2009-03-17 [2012-05-12]. 
  8. ^ Travis Walter Donovan, The Zeitgeist Movement: Envisioning a Sustainable Future. The Huffington Post, March 16, 2010.
  9. ^ Rhonda Swan, A dream worth having, The Palm Beach Post, May 1, 2009
  10. ^ New world re-order: The Zeitgeist Movement spreads to Ventura County, Shane Cohn, VC Reporter, May 12, 2011
  11. ^ http://www.gentlemachineproductions.com/about.html Retrieved April-15-14
  12. ^ http://domainsigma.com/whois/gentlemachineproductions.com Retrieved April-15-2014
  13. ^ Roffman, Michael. Watch Black Sabbath's haunting new video for God is Dead?. Consequence of Sound. [15 June 2015]. 
  14. ^ Peter Joseph – The Big Question, TEDxOjai, March 9, 2012
  15. ^ Peter Joseph – The Zeitgeist Movement – spreading the interest for a new social system, TED (conference)|TEDxOjai, February 29, 2012
  16. ^ Zeitgeist: Moving beyond money. RT. March 26, 2011. 
  17. ^ The Zeitgeist Movement – Money, Debt and the Economy, RT, December 2, 2011
  18. ^ Zeitgeist Solutions for the World, RT, September 14, 2011
  19. ^ Interview with Activist and Filmmaker Peter Joseph, RT, April 10, 2011
  20. ^ The Zeitgeist Movement on Solutions to War, Imperialism and The State, RT, February 10, 2012
  21. ^ http://vimeo.com/34697252
  22. ^ Discussion of the Zeitgeist movement with Peter Joseph, TheMarkerTV, January 19, 2012. Interview conducted in English, following a brief introduction to Joseph and the movement in Hebrew.
  23. ^ Peter Joseph Speaks at Occupy LA. TZM. YouTube. [15 June 2015]. 
  24. ^ Peter Joseph at Occupy Wall St / New York City, 2011. Peter Joseph Archive. YouTube. [15 June 2015]. 
  25. ^ Project Peace on Earth advisory board


