
用户:It's gonna be awesome/controlled medications

药理学 - 药物化学
生药学 - 天然药物化学
药剂学 - 药物分析
临床药学 - 药事管理学

管制药物管制药品管制药指的是那些当使(服)用剂量于“医疗用剂量范围(therapeutic dose)”附近时,对于患者病情以及其生理结构之改善将有显著帮助(在统计学上具有意义);但是当服用剂量远超过“医疗用剂量范围”时,持续下去,可能会让脑部或身体逐渐对该药物成分产生“生理”依赖性的药品。[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][7]


管制药品与毒品的定义并不相同。 若将毒品与管制药品混为一谈将使患者心生畏惧并对医护人员造成困扰,不利于国家的公共卫生与健康照护。[17][18][19]



  1. ^ What's stimulant
  2. ^ Mental Health Medications
  3. ^ 管制药品管理使用手册
  4. ^ 青少年ADHD的治疗-一系统性回顾
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 20160728公听会-台湾儿童青少年精神医学会新闻稿
  6. ^ 孩子和家长接受专业医疗协助的权利,是需要被维护的
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 台湾儿童青少年精神医学会新闻稿20160603
  8. ^ 新闻稿20160412-回应质疑注意力不足过动症之诊断、药物治疗等议题
  9. ^ Results_ADHD medication was not associated with increased rate of substance abuse. Actually, the rate during 2009 was 31% lower among those prescribed ADHD medication in 2006, even after controlling for medication in 2009 and other covariates (hazard ratio: 0.69; 95% confidence interval: 0.57–0.84). Also, the longer the duration of medication, the lower the rate of substance abuse. Similar risk reductions were suggested among children and when investigating the association between stimulant ADHD medication and concomitant short-term abuse.
  10. ^ [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25158998 J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2014 Aug;55(8):878-85. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12164. Epub 2013 Oct 25. Stimulant ADHD medication and risk for substance abuse. Chang Z1, Lichtenstein P, Halldner L, D'Onofrio B, Serlachius E, Fazel S, Långström N, Larsson H.: CONCLUSIONS: We found no indication of increased risks of substance abuse among individuals prescribed stimulant ADHD medication; if anything, the data suggested a long-term protective effect on substance abuse. Although stimulant ADHD medication does not seem to increase the risk for substance abuse, clinicians should remain alert to the potential problem of stimulant misuse and diversion in ADHD patients.]
  11. ^ [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26249301 Lancet Psychiatry. 2015 Aug;2(8):702-9. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(15)00271-0. Epub 2015 Jul 22. Effect of drugs on the risk of injuries in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a prospective cohort study. Dalsgaard S1, Leckman JF2, Mortensen PB3, Nielsen HS4, Simonsen M4.: INTERPRETATION: Children with ADHD had an increased risk of injuries compared with other children. Treatment with ADHD drugs reduced the risk of injuries by up to 43% and emergency ward visits by up to 45% in children with ADHD. Taken together with previous findings of accidents being the most common cause of death in individuals with ADHD, these results are of major public health importance.]
  12. ^ [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25686215 JAMA Pediatr. 2015 Apr;169(4):391-5. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.3275. Injury prevention by medication among children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a case-only study. Mikolajczyk R1, Horn J2, Schmedt N3, Langner I3, Lindemann C4, Garbe E5.: CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: No significant risk reduction for hospitalizations with injury diagnoses was observed during periods of ADHD medication, but there was a preventive effect on the risk of brain injuries (34% risk reduction). The effects were controlled for time-invariant characteristics of the patients by the study design.]
  13. ^ 青少年ADHD的治疗-一系统性回顾
  14. ^ Stimulants
  15. ^ Stimulant ADHD Medications: Methylphenidate and Amphetamines
  16. ^ Attention_deficit_hyperactivity_disorder#Medication
  17. ^ ADHD用药争议 立法院上演大对决, 2016年8月
  18. ^ 台湾儿童青少年精神医学会新闻稿(2010.1.13)
  19. ^ 台湾儿童青少年精神医学会-新闻稿(2010.1.13)