

Jialiang Feng
性別男 MAN
國籍 中華人民共和國
活躍時期1989年 -
<<人體•系列>>, <<佛•系列>>, <<印象江南•系列>>




Feng Jialiang (Chinese: 封加梁) is a Chinese painter from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. He studied oil painting in the School of Fine Arts in Nanjing University of the Arts and was awarded a bachelor’s degree in 1991. He was awarded a master’s degree in oil painting by Nanjing Normal University and began his teaching career there in 1997. He further studied techniques and materials in Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris in 1998, and went on a study tour in the US from 1999-2002 and an academic exchange to Russia in 2002. He was awarded a doctor of arts in 2009.Currently residing in Nanjing, Feng is a professor and graduate supervisor in the School of Fine Arts in Nanjing Normal University and Deputy Secretary General of Jiangsu Oil Painting Association.




  • 1989 《少女》第七屆全國美術作品展
  • 1990 《靜物》南京油畫邀請展
  • 1991 《肖像•女大學生》江蘇油畫展獲銀獎 並被無錫美術館收藏
  • 1992 《少女》92中國油畫展
  • 1996 《綠背景》江蘇油畫肖像展
  • 1998 《山牆》首屆江蘇省美術節
  • 1999 《碑》江蘇油畫大展
  • 1999 《自畫像》百年百人百家姓
  • 1999 應邀赴美國舉辦個人油畫《佛•系列》作品展*2000 應邀赴美國舉辦個人油畫《肖像•系列》作品展
  • 2003 《佛•系列》個人油畫作品展 南京美術館
  • 2011 《暮》《夜色》重疊的世界-2011南京古岸藝術中心當代藝術展
  • 2011 《人體系列》 問道•當代藝術展 江蘇西津會當代藝術空間
  • 2011 《肖像》本體追問•江蘇中青年油畫家研究展 廣東嶺南美術館
  • 2011 《暮》 全國教師美術作品展 廣東美術館
  • 2011 《夜色》《抑》 無錫百年油畫展 無錫蘇珈美術館
  • 2012 《沉》江蘇省第八屆油畫展 獲優秀作品獎 江蘇省美術館
  • 2012 《封加梁個人油畫展》 北京798現實空間
  • 2012 《"框"里•"框"外——寬度5 》 當代藝術展
  • 2012 《"框"里•"框"外——寬度5 》 北京當代藝術館
  • 2012 「情畫江蘇」百名畫家萬里寫生展 南京藝術學院
  • 2012 《閎約深美——南京藝術學院百年校慶美術作品展覽》 南京藝術學院
  • 2012 《藝術叛徒》 南京尚東當代美術館
  • 2012 【困頓與延伸-從南京出發】 南京三川當代美術館
  • 2013 《 亞洲當代藝術展》 香港
  • 2013 「時代風華」江蘇省高校美術作品展 南京藝術學院美術館
  • 2013 應無所住——江蘇當代藝術研究展 浙江美術館
  • 2013 方山藝術營藝術家作品展 南京•方山


  • 1989 The Girl, Seventh National Art Exhibition
  • 1990 Still Life, Exhibition of Oil Painting, Nanjing
  • 1991 Portrait of A Female College Student, Second prize of Jiangsu Oil Painting Exhibition, collected by Wuxi Gallery
  • 1992 The Girl, 1992 China Exhibition of Oil Paintings
  • 1996 The Green Background, Jiangsu Exhibition of Oil Painted Portraits
  • 1998 The Wall of Mountains, First Jiangsu Art Festival
  • 1999 The Stone Tablet, Jiangsu Exhibition of Oil Paintings
  • 1999 Self-Portrait, One Hundred Years, One Hundred People, One Hundred Family Names
  • 1999 The Series of Buddha, Personal Exhibition in the US
  • 2000 The Series of Portraits, Personal Exhibition in the US
  • 2003 The Series of Buddha, Personal Exhibition in Nanjing Gallery
  • 2011 Dusk and Night, The Overlapping World – Exhibition of Contemporary Art in Nanjing Gu’an Art Center, 2011
  • 2011 The Series of Human Bodies, Asking the Way – Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Xijinhui Gallery of Contemporary Art, Jiangsu
  • 2011 The Portrait, Discovering the Noumenon – Exhibition of Jiangsu Young and Middle-aged Oil Painters, Guangdong Lingnan Gallery
  • 2011 Dusk, National Exhibition of Art Teachers, Guangdong Gallery
  • 2011 Night and Restraint, Wuxi Centenary Exhibition of Oil Paintings, Wuxi Sujia Gallery
  • 2012 Descent, awarded work of excellence in the Eighth Jiangsu Oil Painting Exhibition, Jiangsu Gallery
  • 2012 Personal Exhibition of Feng Jialiang, Beijing 798 Art Place
  • 2012 Inside and Outside the Frame – Width 5, Exhibition of Contemporary Arts
  • 2012 Depiction of Jiangsu - Exhibition of One Hundred Painters, Nanjing University of the Arts
  • 2012 Broad, Concise, Profound, Aesthetic – Exhibition of 100th Anniversary of NUA
  • 2012 Traitor to Art, Nanjing Shangdong Contemporary Gallery
  • 2012 Fatigue and Extension – Departure from Nanjing, Nanjing Sanchuan Contemporary Gallery
  • 2013 Exhibition of Contemporary Asian Arts, Hong Kong
  • 2013 Grace of the Age – Art Exhibition of Jiangsu Universities, Gallery of NUA
  • 2013 Detached from Material Life – Exhibition of Jiangsu Contemporary Arts, Zhejiang Gallery
  • 2013 Exhibition in Fangshan Art Camp, Nanjing
  • 2014 Nanjing International Art Exhibition, Nanjing International Expo Center





《嬈系列 1-15》 《熾系列 1-6》 《雲》 《滯》 《醉》 《異》 《夜》



《佛系列1-23》 《歡喜系列1-7》 《佛塔 1-2》 《石像》





  • 1996年 特畫江湖一段情:法常的畫 《國畫家》p63
  • 2004年 論學校美術教育體系的重新構建 《美術與設計》
  • 2005年 難圓的空間之夢-莫迪里阿尼和他的女像柱 《藝術探索》
  • 2005年 喬爾喬內臥女圖式的創意生成與歷史演繹 《藝術百家》
  • 2006年 編著高等師範院校美術專業教程 《油畫》
  • 2010年 徐悲鴻寫實主義思想的成因 《新美術》
  • 2011年 論當代中國書畫裝潢的新秩序 《中國裝飾雜誌》第12期
  • 2011年 民族幻像的視覺秩序——解構二十世紀西班牙超現實主義油畫的視覺邏輯 《美術與設計》2011年第6期發行中
  • 2011年 《徐悲鴻美術教育思想研究》江蘇省社會科學基金項目作品


  • 1996 Romance of Rivers and Lakes: Fachang’s Paintings, Chinese Painters
  • 2004 Reconstruction of Art Education System, Art and Design
  • 2005 Unfulfilled Dreams of Space: Modigliani and His Caryatids, Exploration of Art
  • 2005 The Creation and Evolution of Giorgione’s Sleeping Females, Artists
  • 2006 Oil Painting – Textbook for University Art Students
  • 2010 The Cause to Xu Beihong’s Realism, New Art
  • 2011 The New Order of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy in Home Decoration, Chinese Decoration
  • 2011 The Visual Order of National Fancy: Analysis of the Visual Logic of Spanish Superealistic Oil Paintings in 20th Century, Art and Design
  • 2011 Study on Xu Beihong’s Theory of Art Education



《油畫》 盛梅冰 ,封加梁,江蘇美術出版社

《寫實人生——徐悲鴻(隨園大家)》封加梁,林明 著,南京師範大學出版社


  1. ^ 封加梁官方艺客. [2014-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2014-07-14). 
  2. ^ 封加梁简介 和讯网. [2014-07-14]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-04). 


  • [1] 封加梁官方藝客