本頁面是一個維護分類,用以維護維基百科計劃。由於並非百科全書的一部分,因此本分類或是不含條目頁面,或是按狀態而非主題收錄條目頁面。請勿將本分類包含在常規的分類頁面中。 本分類另有以下功能: |
致管理員:即使本分類不含任何頁面,也請不要將其刪除! 本分類有時甚至大部分時間可能是空的。 |
This is a maintenance category for articles with invalid ISSNs. It is sometimes added by the template {{Please check ISSN}}, which should be located next to the ISSN with the problem.
Articles can also be included in this category if an ISSN used in an {{ISSN}} or {{ISSN link}} template is not valid.
The most likely reason is a bad checksum, (see ISSN) which probably means there is a typing error in the ISSN. Also, ISSNs that are not eight digits in a 4-4 pattern (i.e.: ISSN 1234-5678) will return an error message. Use an upper-case "X", not a lower-case "x", if "X" is the final character in the ISSN. The two groups of four characters are joined with a hyphen, not a dash.
See also Category:CS1 errors: ISSN