


20世紀90年代,E. J. Kansa將用於散亂數據處理和函數近似的徑向基函數用於處理偏微分方程,並提出一種強格式的配點方法。Kansa所提出的徑向基函數配點方法是真正的無網格方法,具有易於編程、數學形式簡單、方便掌握等優點。該方法提出後不久,被學術界稱之為Kansa方法(Kansa method)。


此外,還有一類以徑向基函數為核函數的邊界型徑向基函數配點方法(Boundary-type RBF collocation method),如基本解法英語Method of fundamental solution邊界節點法奇異邊界法邊界粒子法、和正則化無網格法(Regularized meshless method)等。這類方法選取的基函數(也被稱為核函數),通常選取控制方程的基本解或通解,因而滿足控制方程。因此只需要在邊界離散滿足邊界條件即可。

Kansa方法選取的徑向基函數不需要滿足控制方程,因此選取基函數有更大的自由空間。多元二次曲面(Multiquadric, MQ)函數是Kansa方法最常用的徑向基函數,如果選擇了恰當的形參數可以獲得譜收斂的精度。




在d維物理區域 內考慮以下邊值問題,

= , (1)
= ,(2)
= , (3)

其中L代表微分算子,d為問題的維數, , 分別代表狄利克雷邊界和諾伊曼邊界且。 Kansa方法通過徑向基函數的線性組合來逼近待求的函數,即:

=, (4)

其中為待求參數,代表徑向基函數,如MQ函數。 為確保所求函數的唯一性,在上式右端添加一組多項式:

=+, (5)

其中 為多項式。徑向基插值形式(4)和(5)都經常應用在計算中。(4)式的形式簡單易於掌握且在大多數情況下都能獲取較好的計算結果,因此在工程領域使用廣泛;(5)式的形式嚴謹且理論基礎堅實,所以數學工作者偏於採用後者。 將(4)式或(5)式代入方程組(1)-(3)可得以下線性方程組:

, (6)


, ,=,=. (7)





雖然經過諸多學者的研究,但依舊缺乏對Kansa方法嚴謹的數學證明[3]。另外,混合邊界會破壞插值矩陣的對稱性。文獻[4][5]提及的對稱埃爾米特徑向基函數插值方案(Hermite RBF collocation scheme)其可解性具有可靠的數值分析。其中,Kansa方法和對稱埃爾米特方法都存在一個共同的問題,即相鄰邊界節點的數值解精度比內部節點低1-2個數量級。邊界偏微分方程配點(The PDE collocation on the boundary, PDECB))方案可以消除這一缺陷。然而,這一方案缺乏數學上的理論支持且需要在邊界附近的區域內或區域外設置一系列節點,因此在處理複雜區域或多連通問題時非常複雜。隨後提出的一種相似處理方式[6],在相同的邊界節點同時滿足控制方程和邊界條件,而其缺陷在於產生的插值矩陣是不對稱的且方法本身同樣缺乏明確的理論基礎。通過使用第二格林公式,改進的Kansa方法[7][8]可以彌補以上缺陷。

對於MQ函數,其插值誤差取決於自身的形狀參數,如何選取恰當的形狀參數和關於MQ徑向基函數的一些數學理論可以參見以下文獻 [9][10][11][12]

Kansa方法廣泛應用於計算科學。[1]中Kansa方法用於求解橢圓型、雙曲型和拋物型三類偏微分方程。Kansa近來也應用於求解各類常微分偏微分方程,包括兩相和三相混合模型的組織工程問題[13][14],衝擊波下的一維非線性Burger方程[15],潮汐和海流模擬中的淺水方程 [16],熱傳導方程[17],自由邊界問題[18],分數階擴散方程[19]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 E. J. Kansa, "Multiquadrics—A scattered data approximation scheme with applications to computational fluid-dynamics—II solutions to parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic partial differential equations," Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 19, pp. 147-161, 1990.
  2. ^ J. Li, et al., "A comparison of efficiency and error convergence of multiquadric collocation method and finite element method," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol. 27, pp. 251-257, 2003.
  3. ^ Y. C. Hon and R. Schaback, "On unsymmetric collocation by radial basis functions," Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 119, pp. 177-186, 2001.
  4. ^ C. Franke and R. Schaback, "Solving partial differential equations by collocation using radial basis functions," Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 93, pp. 73-82, 1998.
  5. ^ G. E. Fasshauer, "Solving Partial Differential Equations by Collocation," 1996, p. 1.
  6. ^ A. I. Fedoseyev, et al., "Improved multiquadric method for elliptic partial differential equations via PDE collocation on the boundary," Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 43, pp. 439-455, 2002.
  7. ^ W. Chen, "New RBF Collocation Methods and Kernel RBF with Applications: Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations." vol. 26, M. Griebel and M. A. Schweitzer, Eds., ed: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 75-86.
  8. ^ W. Chen and M. Tanaka, "New insights in boundary-only and domain-type RBF methods," Arxiv preprint cs/0207017, 2002.
  9. ^ R. L. Hardy, "Multiquadric Equations of Topography and Other Irregular Surfaces," J. Geophys. Res., vol. 76, pp. 1905-1915, 1971.
  10. ^ R. Franke, "Scattered Data Interpolation: Tests of Some Method," Mathematics of Computation, vol. 38, pp. 181-200, 1982.
  11. ^ E. J. Kansa and R. E. Carlson, "Improved accuracy of multiquadric interpolation using variable shape parameters," Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 24, pp. 99-120, 1992.
  12. ^ C. A.H.-D, "Multiquadric and its shape parameter-A numerical investigation of error estimate, condition number, and round-off error by arbitrary precision computation," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, vol. 36, pp. 220-239, 2012.
  13. ^ Y. C. Hon, et al., "Multiquadric method for the numerical solution of a biphasic mixture model," Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 88, pp. 153-175, 1997.
  14. ^ Y. C. Hon, et al., "A new formulation and computation of the triphasic model for mechano-electrochemical mixtures," Computational Mechanics, vol. 24, pp. 155-165, 1999.
  15. ^ Y. C. Hon and X. Z. Mao, "An efficient numerical scheme for Burgers' equation," Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 95, pp. 37-50, 1998.
  16. ^ Y.-C. Hon, et al., "Multiquadric Solution for Shallow Water Equations," Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 125, pp. 524-533, 1999.
  17. ^ M. Zerroukat, et al., "A numerical method for heat transfer problems using collocation and radial basis functions," International journal for numerical methods in engineering, vol. 42, pp. 1263-1278, 1998.
  18. ^ J. Perko, et al., "A polygon-free numerical solution of steady natural convection in solid-liquid systems," Computational Modelling of Moving and Free Boundary Problems, pp. 111-122, 2001.
  19. ^ W. Chen, et al., "Fractional diffusion equations by the Kansa method," Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 59, pp. 1614-1620, 2010.