此條目可參照英語維基百科相應條目來擴充。 (2024年3月19日) |
敵對的外國人(英語:Enemy alien),又譯敵國人或敵僑,泛指在兩國開戰期間,居住在該國的敵國公民或僑民,或者是敵國裔在該國出生的公民。這些敵對的外國人往往遭到歧視,更甚的可能會被該國政府以其種族為由囚禁起來。美國在第二次世界大戰期間就曾經無差別地將居住在西岸的12萬名日裔美國人扣留,轉移和囚禁[1]。澳大利亞亦有類似的安排,將德國裔及日本裔民眾運送到塔圖拉的集中營[2]。
[編輯]- ^ The official WRA record from 1946 states it was 120,000 people. War Relocation Authority. The Evacuated People: A Quantitative Study. 1946: 8 [2022-02-24]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-24).This number does not include people held in other camps such as those which were run by the DoJ or the Army. Other sources may give numbers which are slightly more or less than 120,000.
- ^ Part III, Matters Affecting Both Enemy Prisoners of War and Enemy Internees (PDF). Australian Army. [2024-03-19]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2023-03-30).