


鄉村,又稱為農村或是鄉下,是指位於城市城鎮外的地理區域[1]美國衛生及公共服務部衛生資源和服務局英語Health Resources and Services Administrationdefines the word rural as encompassing "...all population, housing, and territory not included within an urban area. Whatever is not urban is considered rural."[2]

典型的鄉村與城市相比人口密度較低,且定居點也比較零散。Agricultural area commonly comes under rural, as are other types of area such as forest. Different countries have varying definitions of rural for statistical and administrative purposes.



In Canada, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development defines a "predominantly rural region" as having more than 50% of the population living in rural communities where a "rural community" has a population density less than 150 people per square kilometer. In Canada, the census division has been used to represent "regions" and census consolidated sub-divisions have been used to represent "communities". Intermediate regions have 15 to 49 percent of their population living in a rural community. Predominantly urban regions have less than 15 percent of their population living in a rural community. Predominantly rural regions are classified as rural metro-adjacent, rural non-metro-adjacent and rural northern, following Philip Ehrensaft and Jennifer Beeman (1992). Rural metro-adjacent regions are predominantly rural census divisions which are adjacent to metropolitan centers while rural non-metro-adjacent regions are those predominantly rural census divisions which are not adjacent to metropolitan centers. Rural northern regions are predominantly rural census divisions that are found either entirely or mostly above the following lines of parallel in each province: Newfoundland and Labrador, 50th; Quebec 54th; Ontario, 54th; Manitoba, 53rd; Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia, 54th. As well, rural northern regions encompass all of the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Statistics Canada defines rural for their population counts. This definition has changed over time (see Appendix A in du Plessis et al., 2002). Typically, it has referred to the population living outside settlements of 1,000 or fewer inhabitants. The current definition states that census rural is the population outside settlements with fewer than 1,000 inhabitants and a population density below 400 people per square kilometer (Statistics Canada, 2007).



美國84%的居民都住在郊區城市地區[3],但是城市在正個美國的面積佔比只有10%,農村卻佔了大部分的90%。 The U.S. Census Bureau, the USDA's Economic Research Service, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have come together to help define rural areas. United States Census Bureau: The Census Bureau definitions (new to the 2000 census), which are based on population density, defines rural areas as all territory outside Census Bureau-defined urbanized areas and urban clusters.

  • An urbanized area consists of a central surrounding areas whose population ("urban nucleus") is greater than 50,000. They may or may not contain individual cities with 50,000 or more; rather, they must have a core with a population density generally exceeding 1,000 persons per square mile; and may contain adjoining territory with at least 500 persons per square mile (other towns outside an urbanized area whose population exceeds 2,500).
  • Thus, rural areas comprise open country and settlements with fewer than 2,500 residents; areas designated as rural can have population densities as high as 999 per square mile or as low as 1 person per square mile.[4]


  • The USDA's Office of Rural Development may define rural by various population thresholds. The 2002 farm bill (P.L. 107–171, Sec. 6020) defined rural and rural area as any area other than (1) a city or town that has a population of greater than 50,000 inhabitants, and (2) the urbanized areas contiguous and adjacent to such a city or town.
  • The rural-urban continuum codes, urban influence code, and rural county typology codes developed by USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) allow researchers to break out the standard metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas into smaller residential groups.[4] For example, a metropolitan county is one that contains an urbanized area, or one that has a twenty-five percent commuter rate to an urbanized area regardless of population.


Under the Core Based Statistical Areas used by the OMB (commonly referred to as 'CBSA Codes'),[5]

  • a metropolitan county, or Metropolitan Statistical Area,(MSA) consists of (1) central counties with one or more urbanized areas (as defined by the Census Bureau) and (2) outlying counties that are economically tied to the core counties as measured by worker commuting data (i.e. if 25% of workers living there commute to the core counties, or if 25% of the employment in the county consists of workers coming from the central counties).
  • Non-metro counties are outside the boundaries of metro areas and are further subdivided into Micropolitan Statistical Areas centered on urban clusters of 10,000–50,000 residents, and all remaining non-core counties.[4][6]

In 2014, the USDA updated their rural / non-rural area definitions based on the 2010 Census counts.[5]

Rural schools[編輯]

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) revised its definition of rural schools in 2006 after working with the Census Bureau to create a new locale classification system to capitalize on improved geocoding technology.

Rural health[編輯]

Rural health definitions can be different for establishing under-served areas or health care accessibility in rural areas of the United States. According to the handbook, Definitions of Rural: A Handbook for Health Policy Makers and Researchers, "Residents of metropolitan counties are generally thought to have easy access to the relatively concentrated health services of the county's central areas. However, some metropolitan counties are so large that they contain small towns and rural, sparsely populated areas that are isolated from these central clusters and their corresponding health services by physical barriers." To address this type of rural area, "Harold Goldsmith, Dena Puskin, and Dianne Stiles (1992) described a methodology to identify small towns and rural areas within large metropolitan counties (LMCs) that were isolated from central areas by distance or other physical features." This became the Goldsmith Modification definition of rural. "Bhoomeet rural education The Goldsmith Modification has been useful for expanding the eligibility for federal programs that assist rural populations—to include the isolated rural populations of large metropolitan counties."

Health care delivery in rural areas of the United States can be challenging. From 2005 to 2011, the rate of potentially preventable hospitalizations for acute conditions was highest in rural areas (as compared to large metropolitan, small metropolitan, or micropolitan areas).[7]



In Brazil, there are different notions of "rural area" and "countryside". Rural areas are any place outside a municipality's urban development (buildings, streets) and it is carried by informal usage. Otherwise, countryside (interior in Portuguese) are officially defined as all municipalities outside the state/territory capital's metropolitan region. Some states as Mato Grosso do Sul do not have any metropolitan regions, thus all of the state, except its capital is officially countryside. Rio de Janeiro is singular in Brazil and it is de facto a metropolitan state, as circa 70% of its population are located in Greater Rio. In the Federal District it is not applicable and there is no countryside as all of it is treated as the federal capital. Brasília is nominally the capital, but the capitality is shared through all Federal District, because Brazil de facto defines its capital as a municipality, and in municipal matters, the Federal District is treated and governs as a single municipality, city-state-like (Brasília, DF).



鄉村佔據法國九成的面積,但人口卻只佔15%。2019年,法國馬克宏政府President Emmanuel Macron government launched an action plan in 2019 in favour for rural areas named "Agenda Rural".[8] Among many initiatives recommended to redynamize rural areas, energy transition is one of them. Research is being carried out to assess the impact of new projects in rural areas.[9]


德國分成402個郡,其中有295個鄉村和107個城市Germany is divided into 402 administrative districts, 295 rural districts and 107 urban districts. As one of the largest agricultural producers in the European Union, more than half of Germany's territory which is almost 19 million hectares,[10] is used for farming, and located in the rural areas. 德國近一成的人口從事的工作與第一級產業有關,其中大約五分之一的人直接從事第一級產業工作。Almost 10% of people in Germany have jobs related to the agricultural, forest and fisheries sectors; approximately a fifth of them are employed in the primary production. Since there is a policy of equal living conditions, people see rural areas as equivalent as urban areas. Village renewal is an approach to develop countryside and supports the challenges faced in the process of it.[11]



在英國,環境食品與鄉村事務部(DEFRA)會依據最近期的人口普查來判別地區是否屬於「鄉村」(rural[12]。These definitions have various grades, but the upper point is any local government area with more than 26% of its population living in a rural settlement or market town ("market town" being defined as any settlement which has permission to hold a street market).英國政府透過一系列方法來保護鄉村地區,包括築構綠化帶 (英國)英語Green belt (United Kingdom)

Rural health[編輯]

英格蘭和蘇格蘭對病人是否來自鄉村有不同的判斷標準。在英格蘭,如果病人的居住地距離最近的醫生或藥師超過1英里(1.6公里),國民保健署就會認為病人來自鄉村;但在蘇格蘭,病人的取藥方法才是判別標準。蘇格蘭城鎮裏的診所會讓病人自己到街上去買處方藥,診所內部不會附設藥局In Scotland a different definition of rural is used. This is important for defining whether the patient is expected to collect their own medicines. While doctors' surgeries in towns will not have a medicines dispensary instead expecting patients to use a high-street chemist to purchase their prescription medicines (in Scotland collection not purchase, as prescriptions are paid by the state), in rural village surgeries,[13] an NHS medicines dispensary will be built into the same building.



A rural village in Rajasthan, India

Rural areas are also known as the 'countryside' or a 'village' in India. It has a very low population density. In rural areas, agriculture is the chief source of livelihood along with fishing,[14] cottage industries, pottery etc.

The quest to discover the real rural India still continues in great earnest. Almost every economic agency today has a definition of rural India. Here are a few definitions: According to the Planning Commission, a town with a maximum population of 15,000 is considered rural in nature. In these areas the panchayat makes all the decisions. There are five people in the panchayat. The National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) defines 『rural』 as follows:

  • An area with a population density of up to 400 per square kilometer,
  • Villages with clear surveyed boundaries but no municipal board,
  • A minimum of 75% of male working population involved in agriculture and allied activities.[15]

RBI defines rural areas as those areas with a population of less than 49,000 (tier -3 to tier-6 cities).[15]

It is generally said that the rural areas house up to 70% of India's population. Rural India contributes a large chunk to India's GDP by way of agriculture, self-employment, services, construction etc. As per a strict measure used by the National Sample Survey in its 63rd round, called monthly per capita expenditure, rural expenditure accounts for 55% of total national monthly expenditure. The rural population currently accounts for one-third of the total Indian FMCG sales.[15]


In Japan, rural areas are referred to as "Inaka" which translates literally to "the countryside" or "one's native village".[16][17]


Amra Kalan village in Kharian, Pakistan

According to the 2017 census about 64% of Pakistanis live in rural areas. Most rural areas in Pakistan tend to be near cities and are peri-urban areas. This is due to the definition of a rural area in Pakistan being an area that does not come within an urban boundary.[18] Rural areas in Pakistan that are near cities are considered as suburban areas or suburbs.

The remote rural villagers of Pakistan commonly live in houses made of bricks, clay or mud. Socioeconomic status among rural Pakistani villagers is often based upon the ownership of agricultural land, which also may provide social prestige in village cultures. The majority of rural Pakistani inhabitants livelihoods is based upon the rearing of livestock, which also comprises a significant part of Pakistan's gross domestic product. Some livestock raised by rural Pakistanis include cattle and goats.



In New Zealand census areas are classified based on their degree of rurality. However, traffic law has a different interpretation and defines a Rural area as "... a road or a geographical area that is not an urban traffic area, to which the rural speed limit generally applies."[19]

Human fertility[編輯]

Rural residence is a fertility factor, with total fertility rates and pregnancy being higher among women in rural areas than among women in urban areas and the rural population is much younger than urban areas.[20]



  1. ^ WordNet Search - 3.1. Wordnetweb.princeton.edu. [2013-04-25]. 
  2. ^ Defining the Rural Population. Hrsa.gov. [2013-04-25]. 
  3. ^ Yen, Hope. Rural US Disappearing? Population Share Hits Low. Yahoo News. Associated Press. 2011-07-28 [2016-01-07]. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 CRS Report for Congress: Agriculture: A Glossary of Terms, Programs, and Laws, 2005 Edition - Order Code 97-905 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2011-02-12.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Rural, Urban and Suburban Definitions. GreatData.com. 
  6. ^ What is Rural? 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2007-10-17. USDA, National Agricultural Library, Rural Information Center.
  7. ^ Torio CM, Andrews RM. Geographic Variation in Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations for Acute and Chronic Conditions, 2005-2011. HCUP Statistical Brief #178. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. September 2014. 
  8. ^ Nos campagnes, territoires d’avenir (PDF). CGET. 
  9. ^ Louis Boisgibault, Fahad Al Kabbani (2020): Energy Transition in Metropolises, Rural Areas and Deserts. Wiley - ISTE. (Energy series) ISBN 9781786304995.
  10. ^ BMELV - Agriculture and rural areas - Farming in Germany. 2012-06-09 [2020-02-20]. (原始內容存檔於2012-06-09). 
  11. ^ Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene. Village renewal as an instrument of rural development: evidence from Weyarn, Germany. Community Development. 2012, 43 (2): 209–224. doi:10.1080/15575330.2011.575231. 
  12. ^ Local Authority Rural-Urban Classification. UK Government. 24 June 2011. 
  13. ^ About Dispensing Practice. Dispensing Doctors' Association. (原始內容存檔於1 April 2017). 
  14. ^ 林, 榮祥. Greening the Blue: End Child Labour in Agriculture. Greening the Blue. [24 July 2018]. 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 In Focus (PDF). www.dhanbank.com. December 2010. 
  16. ^ Feb 2017, Tim Asamen / 10. Inaka: Moving from Scorn to Pride. Discover Nikkei. [2019-09-19] (英語). 
  17. ^ Foley, Dylan. Exploring rural Japan from the comfort of your living room with 'The Inaka Project'. The Japan Times Online. 2019-04-20 [2019-09-19]. ISSN 0447-5763 (美國英語). 
  18. ^ Zaidi, S. Akbar. Rethinking urban and rural. Dawn. 29 August 2017. 
  19. ^ Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2003, Rule 54001 - Part 2. Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. Ministry of Transport. [9 January 2021]. 
  20. ^ Rai, Piyush Kant; Pareek, Sarla; Joshi, Hemlata. Regression Analysis of Collinear Data using r-k Class Estimator: Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors Affecting the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in India. (PDF). Journal of Data Science. 2013, 11. 
