
用戶:Erkan Yilmaz/old

Erkan Yilmaz

所涉及的項目 維基媒體基金會 / involved wikimedia projects

維基媒體基金會 英語 德語
Thucydides: The Peloponnesian War
(修昔底德 - 伯羅奔尼撒戰爭)
course: "Peloponnesian War"
(Der Peloponnesische Krieg)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
(by Luo Guanzhong)

(羅貫中 - 三國演義)
Die Geschichte der Drei Reiche
(von Luo Guanzhong)

維基百科 統計 / Wikipedia statistics

時間 用戶
articles 檔案
software version
2007-12月-01, 10:16 (UTC) 377,846 514,921 155,294 21,388 90 5,652,671 1.12alpha (r27992)
2008-3月-24, 20:23 (UTC) 440,068 560,704 170,239 22,895 90 6,551,245 1.13alpha (r32374)
2008-5月-10, 08:50 (UTC) 454,041 579,801 175,719 23,450 91 6,886,576 1.13alpha (r34539)
2008-6月-01, 05:06 (UTC) 460,250 589,116 178,270 23,662 91 7,056,238 1.13alpha (r35667)
2008-9月-10, 19:57 (UTC) 501,600 696,212 203,153 25,039 90 8,128,835 1.14alpha (r40356)
2008-12月-16, 07:24 (UTC) 553,022 733,414 214,425 25,625 91 8,813,119 1.14alpha (r44509)
2024-10月-20, 05:31 (UTC) 3,602,701 7,842,602 1,447,455 68,125 63 84,341,441 1.43.0-wmf.27 (d521558)

學習 機制 / learning mechanisms

中國 德語
Gewöhnung / Habituation habituation habituation
古典制約 klassische Konditionierung classical conditioning conditionnement classique
操作制約 operante Konditionierung operant conditioning conditionnement opérant
遊戲 Spielverhalten exploring / game explorer / jeu
仿製 Nachahmung -> Lernen d. Beobachtungen imitation -> learning by observing imitation -> apprendre par observations
-> 認知 學習
Neukombiniertes Verhalten
-> Lernen durch Einsicht
recombinant behavior
-> cognitive learning
comportement nouveau combiné
-> cognitif apprentissage
銘印 Prägung imprinting empreinte
傳統 Tradition tradition tradition

關於我 / about me


I am working in the IT-business in quality management.
The first wiki article I wrote, was kind of much work. I thought at beginning it would take just 30 mins. I had everything prepared in notepad, but there has to be considered many things when writing a wiki-article. And then when I reached the neutrality point, I realized, what I wrote unconsciously in the article. So, lots of work at first, but now with time I get faster :-)

Do you think you can not change something in the world?
It is so simple, just remember:
if you help someone, this can cause a chain reaction.
If everyone, who gets help, helps 3 other people we can change something/quality (not only for software) in the world.

穆罕默德·尤納斯 had a small, easy idea, which helped to change the world.
孔子 (450BC): "Tell Me and I Will Forget; Show Me and I May Remember; Involve Me and I Will Understand."

We can do the same.
What is wrong being part of this movement NOW ?
Just do it!