



"Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam"
—— Fire Wasps

"No weapon in the arsenal of the Imperium or the Traitor equals the Titan on the battlefield, and a Legion of such vast war machines can bring any world to its knees. In truth, a Titan has only three enemies: folly, hubris, and another of its own kind."
— Grand Master Volkus, Ordo Sinister of the Divisio Militaris

"There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal."
"There is no strength in flesh, only weakness."
"There is no constancy in flesh, only decay."
"There is no certainty in flesh but death."
— Credo Omnissiah

"The Legio Cybernetica is a treasured facet of the Mechanicum. The Great Crusade leans heaviest on the Legio Titanicus for their war engines, but Cybernetica plays its role among the noblest Astartes Legions. Their artificials are robotic shells housing Machine Spirits. Cybernetica Tech-priests engineer organic-synthetic minds from biological components."
— Seventh Captain Argel Tal, commander of the Word Bearers Space Marine Legion's Serrated Suns Chapter

"I have seen worlds burn and crushed nations underfoot, torn down the idols of false gods and slaughtered kings like cattle. Presume not to order me, tiny man, for I am war, and you are no more than chaff before the scythe..."
—Venerable Targas of the Executioners to General von Litzner of the Jantine Cataphracts

"The First Axiom of Victory is to be other than where the enemy desire you to be. The First Axiom of Stealth is to be other than where the enemy believes you to be. The First Axiom of Freedom is that justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyranny."
— Corvus Corax, Axioms of the Legiones Astartes, Raven Guard Legion

"Discipline. Duty. Unyielding Will. These are the measures by which every warrior is judged. Unarmed, a warrior with these qualities will still find victory, no matter how long or arduous the path. When girded with the sacred armaments of the Adeptus Astartes, such a warrior becomes truly indomitable."
— Rogal Dorn, primarch of the Imperial Fists


