

test 1[編輯]


test 2[編輯]


bug 1[編輯]


display as:

%E9%87%8D%E5%AE%9A%E5%90%91 到 協調世界時

the former link title is wrong, and the last is correct!

Thanks, should be fixed now in popupsdev.js. Lupin.en 13:44 2005年12月15日 (UTC)

bug 2[編輯]

point to the link and it just display disambig and stub inenglish!

Now translatable in popupsdev.js Lupin.en 13:44 2005年12月15日 (UTC)

and I think title link is a bizarrerie, when you click 網絡 from the title in the popups, it will go to the right title, but when you click the 模擬器 in the popups, it will go to the wrong one!

I can't reproduce this - I think you said on my talk page that this is not a problem. Lupin.en 13:44 2005年12月15日 (UTC)

(Feel free to delete this stuff when you want :-)

Yes! It's a bug I have checked it again. you can click the 模擬器 tile on the page goes to the right page: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A8%A1%E6%8B%9F%E5%99%A8 , But if you click the title on the popup. It will go to the wrong one: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86%C2%A8%C2%A1%C3%A6%E2%80%B9%C5%B8%C3%A5%E2%84%A2 . But click 網絡 title on the page and the popup is OK, It will go to the same page. and I test other innerlinks, some of them are ok, but some of them are wrong!

and it's the same when you click the other links on the popups!--維游 (+_+) 16:33 2005年12月16日 (UTC)

Please try again using en:User:Lupin/popupsdev.js. Thanks. Lupin.en 23:36 2005年12月16日 (UTC)

bug 3[編輯]

The article has no content such as 香港選舉維基工程 can not be recognized correct. Please pay attention to this bug--維游 (+_+) 08:12 2005年12月18日 (UTC)

I think the characters before the &action should be encoded.--維游 (+_+) 08:18 2005年12月18日 (UTC)

bug 4[編輯]

when I click the links in the popups's preview, It will go to the wrong link. eg:

  • 方塊壯字, point to this link, It will show the preview of this article.

and if you click the 壯族 (the first link on the popup's preview) it will go to the wrong link:

the right link is:

Please fixed it.

bug 5[編輯]

when you pointed to a wikilink of a redirect article, like this: 聖誕節(BTW: Merry Christmas to you!), when you click the 聖誕節 on the popup, [[重定向]] 到 [[圣诞节]] will show on the bottom part of the popup. as you click the link 聖誕節, it will show it will go to the wrong title page. and all the links related to this link are affected. one more example:國民政府 --維游 (+_+) 11:24 2005年12月21日 (UTC)

I guess, the title of the redirect aim page should be encoded.--維游 (+_+) 09:59 2005年12月23日 (UTC)