
模組:Protection banner/doc


此頁面為 Module:Protection banner 的說明文件

This module creates protection banners and padlock icons that are placed at the top of protected pages.



Most users will not need to use this module directly. For adding protection templates to pages you can use the {{pp}} template, or you may find it more convenient to use one of the more specific protection templates in the table below.

{{pp-meta}} 全保護 延伸確認保護 半保護 移動保護
爭議: {{pp-dispute}} {{pp-move-dispute}}
破壞: {{pp-vandalism}} {{pp-move-vandalism}}
高風險模板: {{pp-template}} 不適用 {{pp-template}} 不適用
高風險模組: {{pp-module}} 不適用 {{pp-module}} 不適用
用戶討論頁: {{pp-usertalk}} 不適用 {{pp-semi-usertalk}} 不適用
傀儡: 不適用 {{pp-ecp-sock}} {{pp-semi-sock}} 不適用
生者傳記 不適用 不適用 {{pp-semi-blp}} 不適用
長期: 不適用 不適用 {{pp-semi-indef}} {{pp-move-indef}}
通用: {{pp}} {{pp-move}}
基金會行動 {{pp-office}} 不適用 {{pp-reset}} 不適用
討論頁資訊: {{Permanently protected}} 不適用 {{Temporarily protected}} 不適用
白紙保護: {{pp-create}} 不適用

From wikitext

{{#invoke:Protection banner|main
| 1        = reason
| small    = yes/no
| action   = action
| date     = protection date
| user     = username
| section  = talk page section name
| category = no

The #invoke syntax can be used for creating protection templates more specific than {{pp}}. For example, it is possible to create a protection template which always shows a padlock icon by using the code {{#invoke:Protection banner|main|small=yes}}. Pages which call this template will still be able to use other arguments, like action. However, this only works one level deep; a page calling a template which calls another template containing the above code will not automatically be able to use parameters like action.

Note: You should no longer specify the expiry, as it is automatically retrieved in all cases.

From Lua


First, load the module.

local mProtectionBanner = require('Module:Protection banner')

Then you can make protection banners by using the _main function.

mProtectionBanner._main(args, cfg, titleObj)

args is a table of arguments to pass to the module. For possible keys and values for this table, see the parameters section. The cfg and titleObj variables are intended only for testing; cfg specifies a customised config table to use instead of Module:Protection banner/config, and titleObj specifies a mw.title object to use instead of the current title. args, cfg and titleObj are all optional.



All parameters are optional.

  • 1 - the reason that the page was protected. If set, this must be one of the values listed in the reasons table.
  • small - if set to "yes", "y", "1", or "true", a padlock icon is generated instead of a full protection banner.
  • action - the protection action. Must be one of "edit" (for normal protection), "move" (for move-protection) or "autoreview" (for pending changes). The default value is "edit".
  • date - the protection date. This must be valid input to the second parameter of the #time parser function. This argument has an effect for reasons that use the PROTECTIONDATE parameter in their configuration. As of July 2014, those were the "office" and "reset" reasons.
  • user - the username of the user to generate links for. As of July 2014, this only has an effect when the "usertalk" reason is specified.
  • section - the section name of the protected page's talk page where discussion is taking place. This works for most, but not all, values of reason.
  • category - categories are suppressed if this is set to "no", "n", "0", or "false".



The following table contains the available reasons, plus the actions for which they are available.

原因 操作 描述
blp edit 為了遵守 生者傳記方針而保護的頁面
dispute edit 由於編輯爭議而被保護的頁面
dmca edit 數字千年版權法移除通知而被維基媒體基金會保護的頁面
mainpage edit 由於在Wikipedia:首頁展示而被保護的頁面
office edit 被維基媒體基金會保護的頁面
reset edit 被維基媒體基金會保護,並將其「重置」為純粹版本的頁面
sock edit 由於濫用傀儡而被保護的頁面。
template edit 高風險模板和Lua模塊
usertalk edit 由於特定用戶破壞而被保護的頁面
vandalism edit 由於破壞而被保護的頁面
dispute move 由於標題爭議而被移動保護的頁面
vandalism move 由於移動破壞而被保護的頁面



Below is a list of some of the common errors that this module can produce, and how to fix them.

Invalid protection date


Error: invalid protection date ("abc")

This error is produced if you supply an |date= parameter value that is not recognised as a valid date by the #time parser function. If in doubt, you can just use a date in the format "dd Month YYYY", e.g. "16 10月 2024". To see a full range of valid inputs, see the #time documentation (only the first parameter, the format string, may be specified).

Invalid action


Error: invalid action ("abc")

This error is produced if you specify an invalid protection action. There are only three valid actions: edit (the default, for normal protection), move (for move-protection), and autoreview (for pending changes). This should only be possible if you are using a template that supports manually specifying the protection action, such as {{pp}}, or if you are using #invoke directly. If this is not the case, please leave a message on Module talk:Protection banner.

Reasons cannot contain the pipe character


Error: reasons cannot contain the pipe character ("|")

This error is produced if you specify a reason using the |1= parameter that includes a pipe character ("|"). Please check that you are not entering the {{!}} template into this parameter by mistake. The pipe character is disallowed as the module uses it internally. A list of valid reasons can be seen in the reasons section.

Other errors


If you see an error other than the ones above, it is likely to either be a bug in the module or mistake in the configuration. Please post a message about it at Module talk:Protection banner.

Technical details


This module uses configuration data from Module:Protection banner/config. Most of the module's behaviour can be configured there, making it easily portable across different wikis and different languages.

General test cases for the module can be found at Module:Protection banner/testcases, and test cases specific to enwiki's config can be found at Module:Protection banner/config/testcases.

Bug reports and feature requests should be made on the module's talk page.