

塞拉皮斯頭像 (150-200年)

塞拉比斯拉丁語Serapis古希臘語Σάραπις)或譯塞拉皮斯希臘化時代埃及神祇,是一個希臘-埃及複合神。公元前3世紀,托勒密王朝的法老托勒密一世將對塞拉皮斯的祭祀作為統治希臘人和埃及人的一種手段。[1]祭祀塞拉皮斯的神廟或宗教區域被稱作塞拉潘英語Serapeum。托勒密王朝君主非常重視塞拉皮斯的祭祀,亞歷山大港塞拉潘英語Serapeum of Alexandria是最有名的塞拉皮斯神殿。391年,神殿被亞歷山卓主教提阿非羅(Theophilus)拆毀。塞拉皮斯在羅馬帝國期間繼續流行,在埃及以外的神廟內經常取代奧西里斯作為伊西斯的配偶。





這個帶有塞拉皮斯肖像的吊墜可能是埃及貴族佩戴的。沃爾特藝術博物館英語Walters Art Museum巴爾的摩



希臘人幾乎不推崇動物頭像式樣的物品,因此其偶像採用希臘風格的擬人雕塑,並宣佈與當時十分流行的阿匹斯地位同等。[10] 它被命名為Userhapi(即「Osiris-Apis」,奧西里斯-阿匹斯),後來成為希臘語中的Sarapis,據稱是奧西里斯的完全形態,而不僅僅是他的卡(靈魂)英語Ancient Egyptian concept of the_soul






  1. ^ "Sarapis" in The New Encyclopædia Britannica. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 15th edn., 1992, Vol. 10, p. 447.(英文)
  2. ^ Youtie, H. 1948. 「The Kline of Serapis」. The Harvard Theological Review, vol 41, pp. 9–29.
  3. ^ Life of Alexander, 76
  4. ^ Anabasis, VII, 26, 2
  5. ^ Stambaugh, John E. Sarapis Under the Early Ptolemies. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1972: 1–13 [2019-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-07). (英文)
  6. ^ 詹姆斯·M·莫里斯. 美國軍隊及其戰爭. [2019-01-19]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-02). 
  7. ^ Consulting the unabridged Lewis and Short Latin lexicon shows that "Serapis" was the most common Latin version of the name in antiquity: Serapis頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館). Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project. Lewis, Charlton; Short, Charles. A Latin Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1879: 1630.  A Latin Dictionary. : 1678.  On the Internet Archive.(英文)
  8. ^ E.g. CIL 03, 07768; CIL 03, 07770; CIL 08, 12492. All known occurrences can be found at http://db.edcs.eu/epigr/epi.php?s_sprache=de頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館).(德文)
  9. ^ "Of the Egyptian sanctuaries of Serapis the most famous is at Alexandria", Pausanias noted (Description of Greece, 1.18.4, 2nd century AD), in describing the Serapeion at Athens erected by Ptolemy on the steep slope of the Acropolis: "As you descend from here to the lower part of the city, is a sanctuary of Serapis, whose worship the Athenians introduced from Ptolemy."
  10. ^ According to James George Frazer's note to the Biblioteca of Pseudo-Apollodorus, 2.1.1: "Apollodorus identifies the Argive Apis with the Egyptian bull Apis, who was in turn identified with Serapis (Sarapis)"; Pausanias also conflates Serapis and Egyptian Apis: "Of the Egyptian sanctuaries of Serapis the most famous is at Alexandria, the oldest at Memphis. Into this neither stranger nor priest may enter, until they bury Apis" (Pausanias,Description of Greece, 1.18.4).