

美國第一位眾議院議長弗雷德里克·米倫伯格英語Frederick Muhlenberg

米倫伯格傳說是在美國德國流傳的一個都市傳說。這個傳說指美國第一位眾議院議長弗雷德里克·米倫伯格英語Frederick Muhlenberg所投下的一票,使德語不能成為美國的官方語言









大多數的記述都將傳說的起源歸到弗朗茨·馮勒赫英語Franz von Löher。他是曾到美國訪問的德國人,1847年出版著作Geschichte und Zustände der Deutschen in Amerika(德國人在美國的歷史和狀況)。[12]他似乎把這個關鍵投票的故事只設定在賓夕凡尼亞州,決定德語是否為該州的官方語言,而非美國全國。(當時美國國會座落在該州的費城,費城同時也是該州的首府。令事件更加混淆的是,米倫伯格在出任美國眾議院議長前,也曾經出任賓夕凡尼亞州眾議院的議長。)根據他的說法,投票結果打平,於是米倫伯格給英語投下決定性的一票。[13]







  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 German Almost Became Official Language. Snopes. [2018-05-05]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-23). 
  2. ^ Heath, Shirley Brice & Frederick Mandabach. Language Status Decisions and the Law in the United States, in Cobarrubias, Juan & Joshua A. Fishman, eds., Progress in Language Planning, p. 94 (1983)
  3. ^ Sick, Bastian (19 May 2004). German as the official language of the USA?頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), Spiegel Online (in English)
  4. ^ (18 February 1943). A German Language Rumor Traced Down頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), by W.L. Werner in American Speech magazine, reprinted in The Milwaukee Journal
  5. ^ Feer, Robert A. Official Use of the German Language in Pennsylvania頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (Vol. 76, No. 4) (October 1952)
  6. ^ Arndt, Karl J. R. German as the Official Language of the United States of America?, Monatshefte, Vol. 68, No. 2 (Summer, 1976), pp. 129–150 (Arndt's article attempts to trace pre-Loher accounts which may have helped foster the legend, including an 1813 article by Justus Christian Henry Helmuth; at n. 21, Arndt lists seven accounts published between 1927–52 debunking the myth, starting with the 2nd edition of Albert Bernhardt Faust's The German Element in the United States, at Vol. II, pp. 652–56 (1927))
  7. ^ Lohr, Otto. Deutsch als 'Landessprache' der Vereinigten Staaten?, Mitteilungen der Akademie zur wissenschaftlichen Erforschung und zur Pflege des Deutschtums 4 (1931): 283–90 (in German)
  8. ^ Wood, Ralph C. The Second Period of the German Society of Pennsylvania and the Muhlenberg Legend, publication?, cited in The German American Review, 1949
  9. ^ (8 August 1981). Zepezauer, Frank S. When German almost became our language頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), Milwaukee Journal
  10. ^ Baron, Dennis (March 1996). watzmann.net: Urban Legend: German almost became the official language of the US頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), watzmann.net (reprinting 1996 essay by Dennis Baron, full account of the legend and its origin)
  11. ^ Adams, Willi Paul et al. Indiana University-Purdue: German or English? 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2010-06-24., in The German-Americans: An Ethnic Experience (1993)
  12. ^ Loher, Franz. Geschichte und Zustände der Deutschen in Amerika (1847) (in German) via archive.org
  13. ^ Mencken, Henry L. The American Language: Supplement One, pp. 138–39 (1945)
  14. ^ 传言:四川话当年差一票当选普通话?. 四川在線. [2013-02-09]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-17). 
  15. ^ 民国初年——哪种方言“差一票”成为国语. 文摘報. [2013-02-09]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-01).