


恢复运动Restoration Movement),又译复原运动,是一个18、19世纪,在美国第二次大觉醒期间的基督教改革运动。强调活出新约圣经的原则,恢复圣经里的教会样式,促进在圣经真理的基础上的合一,废除一切晚近神学名称及教会组织等。与基督新教相比,他们更加像基要派。主要领导人物包括亚历山大·坎伯(Alexander Campbell)和伯通·史东(Burton Stone)等。


  • 基督教不应被分割:基督只建立了一个教会。
  • 基督徒合一的基础是圣经真理,不是人的意见。
  • 基督徒应该在早期教会的样式上找到共同点,不是教会人为的传统。
  • 教会的名称应用圣经里的名称,不是人名(反对“卫斯理宗”或“路德宗”等的名称)。






  • 基督会(Disciples of Christ; The Christian Church)─ 在北美约有85万名成员。
  • 基督的教会(The Churches of Christ)─ 在北美约有150万名成员。
  • 独立基督教教会(Independent Christian Churches)─ 全球的大约有200万名成员;截至2001年,在美国约有15万名成员。


  • North, James B. (1994). Union in Truth: An Interpretive History of the Restoration Movement. Cincinnati, Ohio: The Standard Publishing Company. ISBN 0-7847-0197-0.
  • Flavil R. Yeakley, ed., The Discipling Dilemma: A Study of the Discipling Movement Among Churches of Christ (Nashville: Gospel Advocate Co., 1988).
  • C. Leonard Allen and Richard T. Hughes, Discovering Our Roots: The Ancestry of Churches of Christ (Abilene, Texas: ACU Press, 1988)
  • Martin Edward Wooten, "The Boston Movement as a 'Revitalization Movement'" (D.Min. thesis, Harding Graduate School of Religion, 1990)
  • Jerry Jones, What Does the Boston Movement Teach? vols. 1-3 (Bridgeton, Missouri: Jerry Jones, 12880 Bittick, 1991-93)
  • United States Department of Commerce and Labor, Bureau of the Census, Religious Bodies, 1906 (United States Printing Office, 1910), 236
  • West, Earl Irvin (2002). The Search for the Ancient Order Vol. 1. Gospel Light Publishing Company. ISBN 0-89225-154-9
  • Douglas A. Foster (Editor), Paul M. Blowers (Editor), Anthony L. Dunnavant (Editor), D. Newell Williams (Editor). The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. ISBN 0-8028-3898-7
  • Douglas A. Foster, Jack Reese, Jeff W. Childers, The Crux of the Matter: Crisis, Tradition, and the Future of Churches of Christ. ACU Press. ISBN 0-89112-035-1
  • Murch, James DeForest. Christians Only. Cincinnati: Standard Publishing, 1962.
  • Jennings, Walter Wilson. Origin and Early History of the Disciples of Christ Cincinnati: Standard Publishing, 1919.
  • Morrill, Milo True. History of the Christian Denomination in America. Dayton: The Christian Publishing Association, 1912.