


掸泰地块,又称掸邦地块、滇缅马苏地块(Sibumasu massif)、滇缅马来亚地块(Sinoburmalaya massif),中国境内称为保山地块。位于缅甸东部掸邦的一个近南北向的长条形地体。北起中国云南保山,向南经过缅甸、泰国、马来半岛,南至苏门答腊岛,长4000km。[1]






"Thai" elements, bordering the Indochina block, are of 华夏古陆n type and characterised by palaeo-tropical warm-water 沉积相. The external "Shan" part has Gondwanan cold-water facies whilst the central "Sibumasu" part is transitional between the other two.

The internal parts of Shan–Thai merged with Laurasia 265 Ma when the Nan-Uttaradit suture closed.[4] Oceanic basins separated the other elements of Shan–Thai until the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic Late Indochina Orogeny.[5]

The collision between India and Eurasia during the Oligocene and Miocene resulted in clockwise rotation of south-west Asia, severe deformation of south-east Asia, and the extrusion of Shan–Thai and Indochina blocks. These two blocks are still crisscrossed by the faults from this collision.[6]


  1. ^ Chaodumrong, Xiangdong & Shuzhong 2007: "Permian strate of the Shan-Thai terrance in Thailand consist of the clastic sequence of the Kaeng Krachon Group and the conformably overlying carbonate sequence of the Ratburi Group ...[which] can be traced widely from Malaysia, through peninsular Thailand, Myanmar, West Yunnan, to Lhasa."
  2. ^ Fortey & Cocks 1998,Introduction, pp. 43-44
  3. ^ Bunopas & Vella 1992: "Thailand consists of Shan–Thai and Indochina Microcontinents or Terranes welded together by the subsequently deformed Nan Suture.... During the Middle Triassic Shan–Thai sutured nearly simultaneously to Indochina and to South China, the continent–continent collision being a part of the Indosinian Orogeny and Indochina tended to underthrust Shan–Thai."
  4. ^ Hirsch et al. 2006,Abstract; Paleozoic, p. 201
  5. ^ Hirsch et al. 2006,Late Permian – Triassic, p. 201
  6. ^ Hirsch et al. 2006,Cenozoic, p. 201