

约翰·雷姆赛·麦克库洛赫 John Ramsay McCulloch

约翰·雷姆赛·麦克库洛赫(英语:John Ramsay McCulloch,1789年3月1日—1864年11月11日)是一位苏格兰经济学家作家编辑,生于苏格兰威格顿郡惠索恩,逝世于伦敦。他最著名是打从1823年李嘉图离世之后,担当李嘉图经济学派的领导者角色。麦克库洛赫是第一名被伦敦大学学院任命的政治经济学教授。他对经济政策的论著范围广泛。另一件让人津津乐道的事是麦克库洛赫乃是一位收集经济数据、统计分析以至出版的拓荒者。





麦克库洛赫收集了早期的政治经济学文献,并撰写了一些关于经济学研究方法和经济思想史的论著[3][4] 。他逝世以后,他的藏书被奥弗斯通男爵收购了,最后移送至雷丁大学展示。麦克库洛赫热心参与政治经济学的研究工作,他是伦敦政治经济学会的其中一名成员,这个学会由他的好友詹姆斯·穆勒创立于1821年[5] 。学会是一个学术讨论圈子,成员经常就政治经济学的基本原理进行交流讨论。


这个问题仍然是劳动价值理论及相关讨论的重要元素。麦克库洛赫使用这个例子来举例:“时间本身不能产生任何效果,他只是给予一个间隔,是真正有效的原因起作用罢了。所以很明显,它与价值毫不相干。[7]李嘉图身为当时政治经济学研究的权威人物,曾经在政治经济学会的学术讨论私底下表示“不存在绝对价值的量度”[8] ,这和麦克库洛赫的论点互相呼应。


  • An Essay on a Reduction of the Interest of the National Debt, 1816.
  • "On Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy and Taxation", 1818, Edinburgh Review
  • "Taxation and the Corn Laws", 1820, Edinburgh Review
  • "The Opinions of Messrs. Say, Sismondi and Malthus, on Effects of Machinery and Accumulation", 1821, Edinburgh Review
  • "On Combination Laws, Restraints on Emigration, &c.", 1824, Edinburgh Review
  • "Political Economy", 1824, Encyclopaedia Britannica.
  • "French Law of Succession", 1824, Edinburgh Review.
  • A Discourse on the Rise, Progress, Peculiar Objects and Importance of Political Economy, 1824.
  • The Principles of Political Economy, with a sketch of the rise and progress of the science. 1825.
  • An Essay on the Circumstances which Determine the Rate of Wages and the Condition of the Working Classes, 1826.
  • "On Commercial Revulsions", 1826, Edinburgh Review
  • "Abolition of the Corn Laws", 1826, Edinburgh Review
  • "On Poor Laws", 1828, Edinburgh Review
  • "Rise, Progress, Present State, and Prospects of the British Cotton Manufacture", 1827, Edinburgh Review.
  • "Introduction" to An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, (ed. J.R. McCulloch), 1828.
  • "Jones on the Theory of Rent", Edinburgh Review, 1831.
  • Principles, Practice and History of Commerce, 1831.
  • "Chalmers on Political Economy", 1832, Edinburgh Review.
  • A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical and Historical of Commerce and Commercial Navigation, 1832.
  • A Descriptive and Statistical Account of the British Empire, exhibiting its extent, physical capacities, population, industry, and civil and religious institutions. 2 volumes, 1837
  • Statements Illustrative of the Policy and Probable Consequence of the Proposed Repeal of the Existing Corn Law, 1841.
  • The Literature of Political Economy, 1845.
  • The Works of David Ricardo, Esq. with a notice of the life and writings of the author (ed. J.R. McCulloch), 1846.
  • A Treatise on the Succession to Property Vacant by Death, 1848.
  • A Treatise on Metallic and Paper Money and Banks, 1858
  • Treatises and Essays, 1859.
  • A Treatise on the Principles and Practical Influence of Taxation and the Funding System, 1863.










  1. ^ John Ramsay McCulloch. Gazeteer for Scotland. [2010年5月13日]. (原始内容存档于2007年7月13日). 
  2. ^ Goring, Rosemary (编). Chambers Scottish Biographical Dictionary. Edinburgh: Chambers. 1992. 
  3. ^ A Discourse of the Rise, Progress, Peculiar Objects, and Importance, of Political Economy: containing an Outline of a Course of Lectures on the Principles and Doctrines of that Science,(1824) (PDF). [2010-08-29]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2007-06-09). 
  4. ^ J. R. McCulloch, Early English Tracts on Commerce. London: Political Economy Club (1856); Cambridge [Eng.] University Press, 1954.
  5. ^ "James Mill, 1773-1836", New School 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2008-04-03.
  6. ^ 麦克库洛赫. 《政治經濟學原理》. : 第177页. 
  7. ^ 麦克库洛赫. 《政治經濟學原理》. : 第177–188页. 
  8. ^ Ricardo to Malthus, August 15, 1823. Quoted by Halevy, The Growth of Philosophic Radicalism, Beacon Press, (1955) p. 352.
  9. ^ (原文:But probably no member of the English school has been so unhappy in his treatment of the subject or done the theory of interest such a disservice as McCulloch)
  10. ^ (原文:He hovers about the fringes of a number of divergent opinions. He penetrates just far enough into each to become involved in glaring self-contradictions, but he does not expand any one of them sufficiently to form a theory that even approaches consistency)
  11. ^ (原文:the most absurd that could possibly occur to a serious thinker)
  12. ^ (原文:enormous difference between what he was supposed to prove and what he did prove)


  • 约·雷·麦克库洛赫. 《政治經濟學原理》. 商务印书馆. 1975年11月. 
  • Denis P. O'Brien, J. R. McCulloch, A Study in Classical Economics, George Allen & Unwin (1970). ISBN 0043301584.
  • Collected works of J R McCulloch, with introductions by Denis O'Brien. 8 volumes. Routledge/Thoemmes Press (1995).