
用户:WeiHsiang Wang/凯西·奈斯塔特

Casey Neistat
(Casey Owen Neistat)
(1981-03-25) 1981年3月25日43岁)
YouTube 资料
10万订阅 2013
100万订阅 2015


凯西·欧文·奈斯塔特(英语:Casey Owen Neistat/ˈk.siˌˈn.stæt/[3]1981年3月25日[4]是一名美国YouTube名人、电影制作人,以及社群媒体公司Beme英语Beme的共同创办人。[5]奈斯塔特曾与他的哥哥凡(Van)共同制作HBO影集《奈斯塔特兄弟英语Neistat Brothers》。[6]



1981年3月25日,奈斯塔特生于美国康乃狄克州盖尔斯弗瑞英语Gales Ferry, Connecticut[7]他的双亲曾是纽约市的房地产商人及开发商。[8]年仅15岁的他在就读莱迪高中(Ledyard High School)十年级时遭到退学,之后便未再重返校园。[9]奈斯塔特在他17岁时搬离家里,与当时的女友罗宾·哈里斯(Robin Harris)及他们年幼的儿子欧文住在一处拖车公园。[10]他便在此期间萌生搬往纽约居住的念头。[11]于此期间,奈斯塔特曾在康乃狄克州米斯蒂克的一家餐厅担任洗碗工。[12]






2001年中,奈斯塔特和他的哥哥凡(Van)开始与艺术家汤姆·萨克斯英语Tom Sachs (artist)合作,最终,完成了一系列有关雕塑作品及装置艺术的电影。[13]这也是兄弟俩首次合作完成的作品。



奈斯塔特因为在2003年9月制作的一支名为《iPod不可告人的秘密》的3分钟长短片,[14]批评苹果公司没有为iPod建立适当的电池更换计划,逐渐受到国际瞩目。美国媒体开始关注这支短片,探讨苹果公司在更换iPod电池方面的政策。[15]短片以拨打苹果支援服务免付费电话为开头,随后,凯西·奈斯塔特与接线员莱恩(Ryan)对谈,告诉对方他的iPod使用了18个月后,电池寿命已经耗尽。莱恩建议凯西与其支付运费及工本费更换电池,不如再购买一台全新的iPod。短片的最后,奈斯塔特兄弟为了告知消费者关于电池的内幕,在美国嘻哈团体N.W.A的饶舌歌曲〈表现自己〉(Express Yourself)的伴奏下,展开一系列的公众宣导。他们利用刻好“iPod无法更换的电池仅有18个月寿命”字样的模版,在曼哈顿街头的iPod广告旁喷上警告标语。[16]

2003年11月14日,苹果宣布推出电池更换方案,[17]并在11月21日发布延长iPod保固方案。[18]华盛顿邮报》错误地报导这两项计划皆在短片发布“几天后”推出。[16]苹果女发言人娜塔莉·塞奎拉(Natalie Sequeira)否认新方案的推出与这支短片相关,表示这项方案的修订工作早在短片发布前几个月便已展开。[16]



2004年,奈斯塔特与他的哥哥共同制作了一部名为《科学实验》(Science Experiments)的系列影片,在时长15分钟的系列中包含了许多记录各种不同实验的短片。这部系列影片曾在第26届圣保罗双年展上展示,[19]也得到不错的回响。[20]这部作品也曾登上艺术组织创意时代英语Creative Time的第59分钟(The 59th Minute)计划,[21]每59分钟便在国际牌时代广场Astrovision看板上播放奈斯塔特影片的1分钟片段。[22]

The Neistat Brothers


In July 2008, HBO purchased an eight-episode television series, The Neistat Brothers, for just under $2 million.[6] The series was created by Casey Neistat, Van Neistat, Mason Daugherty and Tom Scott. Independent film producer Christine Vachon served as consulting producer. Written and directed by Casey and Van, the show is autobiographical and told in the first person. Each of the eight episodes is made up of short stories about the brothers' lives. The show premiered June 4, 2010 at midnight on HBO.

The Hollywood Reporter said 'the Neistat Brothers are to film what Dr. Seuss is to literature'.[23] Hank Stuever of the Washington post noted 'the Neistats exhibit an enthusiasm for life that you can't help but love'.[24] The show was not without detractors. The blog The Zeitgeisty Report called the show 'A cutesy, hipster-y, pretentious mess' and went on to suggest it was "the most irritating show in HBO's history."[25]

YouTube career


As of October 1, 2016, Neistat has released 944 vlogs and short films on his YouTube channel since its creation on February 15, 2010. The subject matter of the films varies greatly and most feature Neistat. On August 22, 2015, Neistat reached 1 million subscribers which increased to 4 million by August 2016, and 5 million on October 1, 2016.[4]

On February 17, 2010 Neistat uploaded a video about when, and when not, to use the emergency brake cord on train cars in the New York City Subway.[26][27] Neistat criticised the way that the MTA did not make it clear when the emergency brake cord should be pulled. According to the video, one should only use the emergency brake when the motion of the train poses an imminent threat to life or limb.[27][28]

On February 23, 2010, Neistat released a six-minute film on Vimeo about the internet site Chatroulette.[29] It explains what the Chatroulette site is, how it works, and why people use it.[30] Various experiments are conducted in the video with the findings presented in stop frame animations. One experiment found that people on Chatroulette are much more likely to talk to a woman. While 95% "nexted" Neistat, his female friend Genevieve was clicked away by only 5%.[31]

On June 7, 2011, Neistat criticized New York City Police Department's ticketing of cyclists in New York City for riding outside of the marked bike lanes. In a video entitled "Bike Lanes", Neistat encounters an officer, wherein receiving a $50 ticket for not riding within the lanes.[32] Neistat then proceeds to comically ride his bike in the lane crashing into various obstructions, supporting the argument that lanes aren't the safest at all times and are even sometimes unusable. In response, New York Magazine called Neistat a "Bike-Lane Vigilante"[33] and the film was covered by most mainstream media outlets. Additionally, Time named Bike Lanes number 8 on their Top 10 Creative Videos of 2011 list.[34]

In 2014, Neistat was listed on New Media Rockstars Top 100 Channels, ranked at #82.[35] Neistat has also begun to use Snapchat to capture moments of his life and add them to his "story". There is no main theme to these as they showcase all different parts of his life or feature whatever he is doing that day, including behind-the-scenes content to his YouTube videos.[36]

Daily vlogs


Neistat started to post daily vlogs on YouTube on March 24, 2015. On his May 15, 2015, vlog post "The Vice President, Outer Space and the Baby," Neistat stated that he sees his vlogs more as a forum as opposed to a daily journal.[37] On January 19, 2016 Neistat posted his 300th vlog.[38] As a result of vlogging everyday, Neistat said he has chosen to refrain from making any feature length content. Neistat is frequently seen using and discussing his collection of Boosted boards in his daily vlogs, which are sometimes showcased in his other YouTube videos.

On January 23, 2016, during the January 2016 United States blizzard, which caused travel bans in New York City, Neistat, his brother Dean, Oscar Boyson, and Jesse Wellens filmed a video through the empty streets of New York City.[39] The 2-minute, 41-second video, titled "Snowboarding with the NYPD," showed Neistat being towed on a rope on the streets and through Times Square, after which a police officer pardons him. The video went viral,[40][41] and gained 6.5 million views on YouTube within 24 hours.[42]



Beme logo

In a July 8, 2015 vlog,[45] Neistat announced that he has been working with Matt Hackett on building a video sharing app called Beme.[5] Designed as an alternative to highly edited content found in social media, the app enables users to produce unedited four-second videos, which are immediately uploaded and shared with the user's subscribers, without the ability to review the video.[46] Users respond to shared content by sending "reactions", photographs of themselves, back to the video uploader.

Beme released the first version of the app on July 17, 2015.[47] Shortly after the launch, BuzzFeed described Beme's minimalist design as "deceptively simple and decidedly weird."[48] The New York Times explained that Beme's user experience is "as if the phone becomes a stand-in for one's body, the camera facing outward to capture what the user is experiencing."[47] Within eight days of the app's release, Beme users had shared 1.1 million videos and logged 2.4 million reactions.[49]



In addition to his career in television and film, Neistat also directs television commercials, having worked with clients such as Samsung Nike, Inc,[50] Google,[51] Finn Jewelry,[52] J.Crew[53] and Mercedes-Benz.[54]

Make It Count


"Make It Count" is a video written, directed, and starring Casey Neistat for Nike. The video begins with scrolling text that reads "Nike asked me to make a movie about what it means to #makeitcount. Instead of making their movie I spent the entire budget traveling around the world with my friend Max. We'd keep going until the money ran out. It took 10 days."

The video then begins in earnest with Neistat and his collaborator Max Joseph traveling to the airport.[55] Fast editing of their travels with interludes of inspirational quotes make up the film ultimately ending with Neistat returning to New York City where the story began. On April 8, 2012, Nike launched the video on their official YouTube page titled "MAKE IT COUNT". The next day Neistat launched the video on his official YouTube. Neistat's posting went viral, as within the first 3 days the film garnered over one and a half million views.[56]

Mashable's Zoe Fox commented that it was "The Best Branding Story Ever Told".[56] A number of mainstream outlets referred to Neistat's production of the film as 'going rogue' including CNNGo,[57] Fast Company[58] and Conde Nast Traveler.[59]

Public speaking


Neistat has lectured on topics related to filmmaking and his life experiences.

On October 15, 2010 Neistat spoke at the South Carolina Arts Education Association Fall Conference.[60] He was the events Special Feature Media Artist.

On February 2, 2011 Neistat Lectured in the Celeste Bartos Theater at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The lecture was described as "Casey Neistat will show and tell you how he taught himself everything from design to film making since he dropped out of high school. His tools are simple; a camera, a marker, paper and scissors and anything that surrounds him, which he incorporates into stories on topics such as the subway's emergency brake and Facebook's privacy settings."[9] Tickets for the event were $40 and it was sold out. Neistat concluded his lecture by inviting Q and A participants onto the stage to choose a gift from his large cardboard box labeled Party Favors,[61] gifts included an iPad, fake Rolex and cases of beer.[62]

Neistat spoke at The Nantucket Project on October 2, 2011. Described as an event experience that brings together a select group of eminent and accomplished visionaries, thinkers, innovators and performers to one of the most storied places in the United States.[63] Neistat spoke for a predetermined 20 minutes along with presenters such as politician Rahm Emanuel, American Businessman Eddie Lampert, former United States Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers, Google Executive Charman Eric Schmidt and stage director Julie Taymor. Neistat's lecture was described as a 'witty explanation of how he chooses his topics and his methods of production gave hope to every potential filmmaker, at any income level'.[64]

Neistat spoke at the TEDx Parker School in Chicago on March 24, 2012. The events theme was The Eye Opening Experience.[65]

Personal life


Neistat had a son, Owen, when he was 17, with then-girlfriend Robin Harris.[66] On February 18, 2013, Neistat became engaged to Candice Pool, who is featured in many of his films. On December 29, 2013, Candice and Casey were married in Cape Town, South Africa.[67] Together they have a daughter, Francine.[68]

Louise Neistat (born Louise Celice Grossman), Casey Neistat's grandmother, was a tap dancer and one of the Radio City Music Hall's Rockettes during World War II. In 2004, Casey directed a video in which his grandmother made the "world's greatest french toast" and delivered it to his son, Owen.

On October 31, 2011, Casey Neistat posted a four-minute short film on YouTube about her.[69] The video opens with Casey asking his grandmother how many more years she thinks she will put on her annual tap dance show, then inter-cuts various press clippings from her accomplished life with footage from her most recent tap dance show; the focus of her accomplishments being the money her tap dancing has raised for cancer research-related charities.[70] The video was tweeted by YouTube's official Twitter handle and appeared on numerous news and viral video websites including the Huffington Post. 22 days after the video was posted, Louise died of natural causes at the age of 92; Casey wrote her obituary and delivered the eulogy.[71]




Year Film Credited as Notes
Director Producer Writer Actor Role
2008 The Pleasure of Being Robbed Executive [72]
2009 Daddy Longlegs
2011 3x3
2016 Nerve Himself [73]


Year Film Credited as Notes
Director Producer Writer Actor Role
2010 The Neistat Brothers [6]
2011 Alter Egos 1 episode




  1. ^ Casey Neistat's Formative Moment. Reddit. 2015-11-24 [2015-11-26]. 
  2. ^ INSIDE THE COURTHOUSE. Youtube.com. 2016-08-11 [2016-08-11]. 
  3. ^ How To Pronounce Casey Neistat. SoundCloud. [2016-05-23]. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 CaseyNeistat. YouTube. [2015-08-11]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Beme. Beme.com. [2015-08-29]. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Frankel, Daniel. HBO nabs the Neistats. Variety. 2009-03-18 [2016-09-05]. 
  7. ^ Reddit, Casey Neistat's Formative Moment, 2015-11-24 [2016-08-09] 
  8. ^ Howard, Lee. Ledyard native Casey Neistat: Full bore, never boring. theday.com (The Day Publishing Company). 2013-08-11 [2016-11-11]. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 A CAMERA, MARKER, PAPER & SCISSORS = CASEY NEISTAT. AIGA/NY. [2016-09-02]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-24). 
  10. ^ MIshka M, The Neistat Brothers Episode 6, 2016-04-25 [2016-09-05] 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Neistat, Casey. Draw My Life - Casey Neistat. YouTube. 2015-02-09 [2015-08-29].  引用错误:带有name属性“youtube.com”的<ref>标签用不同内容定义了多次
  12. ^ Koster, Rick. The Neistat brothers' handmade films make the big time. The Day. 2010-06-04 [2016-09-05]. 
  13. ^ Norwich, William. STYLE & ENTERTAINING; Whiskey À Go-Go. The New York Times. 2002-10-06 [2016-09-05]. ISSN 0362-4331. 
  14. ^ Casey, Neistat. A Message From the Neistat Brothers. ipodsdirtysecret.com. Neistat Brothers. [2003-12-03]. (原始内容存档于2003-12-03). 
  15. ^ iPod Person. New York Magazine. [2016-09-05]. 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Stuever, Hank. Battery And Assault. Washingtonpost.com. Washington Post. 2003-12-20 [2016-08-21]. 
  17. ^ Kim, Arnold. iPod Battery Replacement Details from Apple. MacRumors.com. 2003-11-14 [2016-09-05]. 
  18. ^ Kim, Arnold. AppleCare for iPod. MacRumors.com. 2003-11-21 [2016-09-05]. 
  19. ^ 26th São Paulo Biennial, 2004: Artists (print version). universes-in-universe.de. Universes in Universe - Gerhard Haupt & Pat Binder. [2016-09-05]. 
  20. ^ Eleey, Peter. 26th Bienal de Sao Paulo. Frieze. 2005 [2016-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2007-12-25). 
  21. ^ The 59th Minute. www.creativetime.org. [2016-05-23]. 
  22. ^ The 59th Minute The 59th Minute Through April .... New York Press. 2004-02-03 [2016-09-05]. 
  23. ^ Garron, Barry. The Neistat Brothers -- TV Review. The Hollywood Reporter. October 14, 2010 [2016-09-05]. 
  24. ^ Stuever, Hank. HBO's 'Neistat Brothers': Musings worth meditating on. The Washington Post. June 4, 2010 [2016-09-05]. ISSN 0190-8286 (美国英语). 
  25. ^ HBO’s ‘The Neistat Brothers’: A cutesy, hipster-y, pretentious mess. The Zeitgeisty Report. June 27, 2007 [2016-08-21]. (原始内容存档于December 27, 2010). 
  26. ^ Emergency Brake by Casey Neistat. YouTube. February 17, 2010 [September 7, 2016]. 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 Weiner, David. When SHOULD You Pull The Emergency Brake? Finally An Answer. The Huffington Post. March 31, 2010 [2016-09-05]. 
  28. ^ Grynbaum, Michael M. ‘Emergency Brake’ Name Confuses Many on New York Subways. The New York Times. January 18, 2010 [2016-09-05]. ISSN 0362-4331. 
  29. ^ ChatRoulette by Casey Neistat. YouTube. February 23, 2010 [September 7, 2016]. 
  30. ^ Carlson, Nicholas. Chatroulette Explained In 357 Seconds. Business Insider. March 17, 2010 [2016-09-05]. 
  31. ^ Technology blog + Chatroulette | Technology. The Guardian. [2016-09-05]. 
  32. ^ Bike Lanes by Casey Neistat. YouTube. June 7, 2011 [September 7, 2016]. 
  33. ^ Pasick, Adam. Interview With a New York Bike-Lane Vigilante. New York Magazine. June 9, 2011 [2016-09-05]. 
  34. ^ Lapinski, Valerie. Bike Lanes - The Top 10 Everything of 2011. Time. December 7, 2011 [2016-09-05]. ISSN 0040-781X. 
  35. ^ Staff. The NMR Top 100 YouTube Channels: 100 - 76!. New Media Rockstars. December 29, 2014 [2016-09-05] (美国英语). 
  36. ^ Siskar, Kevin. 14 New York City Snapchat Accounts You Need to See. The Huffington Post. May 31, 2016 [2016-09-05]. 
  37. ^ CaseyNeistat, The Vice President, Outer Space and the Baby, May 16, 2015 [2016-09-05] 
  38. ^ CaseyNeistat, NEVER DRESS LIKE THIS IN NYC, January 19, 2016 [2016-09-05] 
  39. ^ CaseyNeistat, SNOWBOARDING WITH THE NYPD, January 24, 2016 [2016-09-05] 
  40. ^ Stableford, Dylan. 'Snowboarding With the NYPD': YouTube filmmakers use NYC blizzard shutdown for viral video. Yahoo News. January 24, 2016 [2016-09-05]. 
  41. ^ Joiner, James. Renegade NYC Snowboarding With the NYPD. The Daily Beast. January 24, 2016 [2016-09-05]. 
  42. ^ Steinbuch, Yaron. Watch these snowboarders make NYC streets their slopes. New York Post. January 24, 2016 [2016-09-05]. 
  43. ^ GQ. Casey Neistat wins New Media Star of the Year 2016. [2016-10-06] (英国英语). 
  44. ^ Koster, Rick. Neistat wins British GQ New Media Star award. The Day. 2016-09-08 [2016-09-20]. 
  45. ^ Terrible With Money, [July 13, 2015] 
  46. ^ Johnson, Lauren. Casey Neistat's App Beme Films 4-Second Videos Using a Phone Sensor. AdWeek. July 20, 2015 [2016-09-02]. 
  47. ^ 47.0 47.1 Isaac, Mike. Casey Neistat's Beme Is a Social App That Aims to Replace Illusions With Reality. bits.blogs.nytimes.com (The New York Times). July 17, 2015 [August 10, 2015]. 
  48. ^ Kantrowitz, Alex. On The Ground With Beme, The New Face Of Social Media's Raw Revolution. buzzfeed.com. BuzzFeed News. July 29, 2015 [2016-09-02]. 
  49. ^ Tepper, Fitz. A Week In, Casey Neistat's New App Beme Has 1.1M Videos Shared. techcrunch.com. July 28, 2015 [2016-09-05]. 
  50. ^ Make It Count. YouTube. April 9, 2012 [August 4, 2015]. 
  51. ^ Casey Neistat - this was the commercial i made a little... | Facebook. www.facebook.com. [August 20, 2015]. 
  52. ^ Barneys New York, Barneys New York Introduces Same-Day Delivery, November 13, 2015 [2016-07-04] 
  53. ^ Travel With Style - Casey Neistat for J.Crew. YouTube. March 18, 2014 [August 4, 2015]. 
  54. ^ The Mercedes-Benz CLA (a car commercial). YouTube. September 5, 2013 [August 4, 2015]. 
  55. ^ Moure, Celeste. Video: Filmmaker spends Nike ad budget to travel. Vancouver Sun. April 12, 2012 [2016-08-21]. 
  56. ^ 56.0 56.1 Fox, Zoe. Nike's #MakeItCount Video: The Best Branded Story Ever Told?. Mashable. April 12, 2012 [2016-08-21]. 
  57. ^ Li, Zoe. Nike video Make It Count -- Casey Neistat - CNN Travel. CNN Travel. April 12, 2012 [2016-09-02]. 
  58. ^ Berkowitz, Joe. How Director Casey Neistat Went Rogue With Nike's New Ad. Co.Create. April 11, 2012 [2016-09-02]. 
  59. ^ Fergus, Molly. Travel Inspiration. The Daily Traveler. April 11, 2012 [2016-09-02]. (原始内容存档于April 13, 2012). 
  60. ^ South Carolina Arts Education Association Fall Conference Program (PDF). www.scaea.org. [2016-09-02]. [失效链接]
  61. ^ c neistat AIGA/NY @ MOMA. Flickr - Photo Sharing!. [August 4, 2015]. 
  62. ^ L., Irina. Event Recap: A Camera, Marker, Paper & Scissors = Casey Neistat. AIGA/NY. February 17, 2011 [2016-09-03] (美国英语). 
  63. ^ The Nantucket Project. nantucketproject.com. [2016-09-02]. 
  64. ^ The Nantucket Project 2011. Blouin Artinfo. October 11, 2011 [2016-09-02]. (原始内容存档于April 8, 2014). 
  65. ^ Theme: The Eye Opening Experience. TEDx. [2016-09-02]. (原始内容存档于April 23, 2012). 
  66. ^ Mother of Owen Neistat. The Neistat Brothers S01E07. [6 May 2016]. 
  67. ^ Arter, Neesha. Meet the Power Couple You Want at Your Next Dinner Party. Observer. January 15, 2016 [2016-08-21] (美国英语). 
  68. ^ Casey Neistat on Twitter. Twitter. [August 4, 2015]. 
  69. ^ 92 year old tap dancer by Casey Neistat. YouTube. October 31, 2011 [September 7, 2016]. 
  70. ^ Bells, Nadine. Louise Neistat, 92, tap dances to fund cancer research. Yahoo News. November 2, 2011 [2016-09-02]. 
  71. ^ Louise Cecile Neistat's Obituary on The Day. www.legacy.com. The Day. November 23, 2011 [2016-09-02]. 
  72. ^ Nelson, Rob. Review: 'The Pleasure of Being Robbed'. Variety. Variety Media, LLC. June 2, 2008 [2016-09-24]. 
  73. ^ Tolentio, Jia. The Eerie, Mundane Thrill of Being Watched on the Internet. The New Yorker. July 30, 2016 [2016-08-21]. 

