


心理学中,心理压力(英语:psychological stress)或心理应激,是一种情绪紧张与受压迫的感觉[1],也是机体在某种环境刺激作用下,由于客观要求和应付能力不平衡所产生的一种适应环境的紧张反应状态。

压力是一种心理性疼痛psychological pain[2]。少量的心理压力可能是有益的,可提高人的警觉水平,从而应付各种环境变化的挑战;例如它可以提高运动表现、动机和对环境的反应。然而,过度的心理压力有害于人体的身心健康;例如会增加中风心脏病发作、溃疡和精神疾病(如抑郁症)的风险[3],也会使原有疾病恶化。






汉斯·谢耶(Hans Selye)在1974年提出了四种压力变化的概念。[5] 在一个(抽象的,表示渐变程度的)上,他定位了良性应激(eustress)和不良应激(distress)即苦恼。另一方面是压力过大(hyperstress)和压力不足(hypostress)。 谢耶提倡平衡这些情况:最终目标是(完美地)平衡,并尽可能多一些 eustress[6]。英语 eustress 来自希腊语词根 eu-,意思是“好”(如“欣快感”)[7]。当一个人认为压力源(stressor)是有助益的时候,就会产生 eustress[8]。英语 distress 源于拉丁语词根 dis-[7]

根据医学上的定义,此类痛苦会影响生活品质。当一个人的能力无法满足自身需求时,就会发生这种情况。[9] 压力可能还会导致头痛[10]


  1. ^ Stress. Mental Health America. 2013-11-18 [2018-10-01]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-01) (英语). 
  2. ^ Shneidman ES. Appendix A Psychological Pain Survey. The Suicidal Mind. Oxford University Press. 1996: 173. ISBN 9780195118018. 
  3. ^ Sapolsky, Robert M. Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers. 175 Fifth Ave, New York, N.Y.: St. Martins Press. 2004: 37, 71, 92, 271. ISBN 978-0-8050-7369-0. 
  4. ^ Fiona Jones, Jim Bright, Angela Clow, Stress: myth, theory, and research 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2018-05-08., Pearson Education, 2001, p.4
  5. ^ Selye, Hans. Stress without distress需要免费注册. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company. 1974: 171. ISBN 9780397010264. 
  6. ^ Selye, Hans. The Stress Concept: Past, Present and Future需要免费注册. Cooper, C. L. (编). Stress Research Issues for the Eighties. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. 1983: 1–20. ISBN 9780471102465. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Selye, Hans. Implications of Stress Concept. New York State Journal of Medicine. 1975, 75 (12): 2139–2145. PMID 1059917. 
  8. ^ Fevre, Mark Le; Kolt, Gregory S.; Matheny, Jonathan. Eustress, distress and their interpretation in primary and secondary occupational stress management interventions: which way first?. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 1 January 2006, 21 (6): 547–565. doi:10.1108/02683940610684391. 
  9. ^ Fevre, Mark Le; Kolt, Gregory S.; Matheny, Jonathan. Eustress, distress and their interpretation in primary and secondary occupational stress management interventions: which way first?. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 1 January 2006, 21 (6): 547–565. doi:10.1108/02683940610684391. 
  10. ^ Chen, Yaniv. Advances in the pathophysiology of tension-type headache: From stress to central sensitization. Current Pain and Headache Reports. 2009, 13 (6): 484–494. ISSN 1531-3433. PMID 19889292. S2CID 36447117. doi:10.1007/s11916-009-0078-x.