


浊积流(英语:turbidity current)是一种富含悬浮固体颗粒的高密度水流,其密度大于周围海水,在重力驱动下顺坡向下流动,多发生于大陆边缘地区,常受地震、滑坡、风浪等因素触发,是将陆源物质由浅海输送到深海的重要机制,可在大陆边缘或洋盆区形成浊流沉积。[1][2]



  1. ^ Turbidity currents' are not just currents, but involve movement of the seafloor itself". EurekAlert!. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. 5 October 2018. Retrieved 8 October 2018
  2. ^ 朱筱敏. 层序地层学. 石油大学出版社. 2000. 
  3. ^ Sanders, J.E. 1965 Primary sedimentary structures formed by turbidity currents and related resedimentation mechanisms. In: Primary Sedimentary Structures and Their Hydro-Dynamic Interpretation – a Symposium Middleton, G. V.), SEPM Spec. Publishers , 12, 192–219.
  4. ^ Wells, Mathew G.; Dorrell, Robert M. (2021-01-05). "Turbulence Processes Within Turbidity Currents". Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 53 (1): 59–83. doi:10.1146/annurev-fluid-010719-060309. ISSN 0066-4189
  5. ^ Meiburg, E. & Kneller, B. 2010, "Turbidity currents and their deposits", Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 42, pp. 135–156