







  1. ^ Faye Hammill, Sophistication: A Literary and Cultural History, 2010, (原始内容存档于2011-09-22) 
  2. ^ Firat, A. Fuat; Nikhilesh Dholakia. Consuming people: from political economy to theaters of consumption. Routledge interpretive marketing research series. Routledge. 2003: 52 [2011-02-28]. ISBN 978-0-415-31620-0. 每一种文化里头,不同的社会阶级都会发展一套观念,以指出什么意味着地位、高雅、特权和优越。(In every culture ideas develop among the different social classes as to what signifies status, sophistication, privilege, and superiority.)  |pages=|page=只需其一 (帮助)
  3. ^ Holleran, Andrew. Staying a Step Ahead. Out (Here Publishing). January 2001, 9 (7): 38–80 [2011-03-06]. ISSN 1062-7928. (原始内容存档于2012-10-25). [...] 高雅是势利的一种形式 - 它的基础是要懂得一些别人所不懂的。 (it's based above all on knowing something another person does not.) 
  4. ^ DeJean, Joan. The essence of style: how the French invented high fashion, fine food, chic cafes, style, sophistication, and glamour. New York: Free Press. 2003: 193. ISBN 978-0-7432-6413-6. 所以,接下来就是造鞋匠、发型师、化妆师、食谱作者、厨师、钻石商人、女裁缝师,以至到最时尚的女性们、折叠伞...和香槟的发明者的故事。共同地他们创造了一种风格,这风格仍然在影响着我们对优雅、高雅和奢华的观念。 (So here are the stories of the shoemaker, the hairdresser, the cosmetologist, the cookbook writers, the chef, the diamond merchant, the couturieres, and the fashion queens, the inventors of the folding umbrella ... and of champagne. Together they created a style that still shapes our ideas of elegance, sophistication, and luxury.)  |pages=|page=只需其一 (帮助);