


毋寡希臘語Μαύης (Maúēs);塞語:Mauakes[1][2];意為「老虎」或「英雄」[3];?—前101年),西漢時代大宛的國王。



  1. ^ W. W. TARN. The Greeks In Bacteria And India (英語). But somewhere about 80 B.c. they started northward from Abiria up the Indus to attack the Greek centres in the north, under a leader whose name in Greek was Maues or Mauakes, in Kharoshthi Moa or Moga (p. 4^6). The same name, Mauakes (Mu-ku’a), had been borne by the Saca king of Ferghana in loi b.c. (p. 308); if I am right in my belief that the Saca rulers of Ferghana at this time belonged to the Sai-wang... 
  2. ^ K. Walton Dobbins. Vonones, Maues and Hermaios The Imperial Coinage of Mithradates II. East and West (Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente (IsIAO)). December 1980, 30: 31–53. 
  3. ^ Harmatta 1999,第410頁.

