

Antonio Lieto
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安东尼奥·列托義大利語Antonio Lieto,1983年12月18日)是意大利都灵大学认知科学家和计算机科学家,也是意大利国家研究委员会高性能计算研究所研究员,專注於认知架构認知的計算模型英语Computational cognition[1]常識推理英语Commonsense reasoning與心智表徵模型、[2]說服技術英语Persuasive technology[3]

他在都灵大学[4]计算机科学系教授人工智能和认知人工系统的设计与评估 。[5]



2020年,他被计算机协会授予 ACM 杰出演讲者地位。[6]2018年,他因在认知启发式人工系统领域的贡献而获得BICA学会(Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture Society)颁发的“杰出研究奖”。[7][8]他是意大利认知科学协会的副主席,[9]以及《Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence》的副主编。[10]


  • Lieto, A. Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds. (2021) London/New York, Routledge (Taylor and Francis). ISBN 978-1138207929
  • A Storytelling Robot Managing Persuasive and Ethical Stances via ACT-R: An Exploratory Study. Augello, A, Città, G., Gentile, M. Lieto, A. (2021). International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-17.
  • A Description Logic Framework for Commonsense Conceptual Combination Integrating Typicality, Probabilities and Cognitive Heuristics". Lieto, A., Pozzato G., (2020). Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 32 (5), 769-804.
  • The knowledge level in cognitive architectures: Current limitations and possible developments. Lieto, A., Lebiere, C., & Oltramari, A. (2018). Cognitive Systems Research, 48, 39-55.
  • Dual-PECCS: a cognitive system for conceptual representation and categorization. Lieto A., Radicioni, D. P., & Rho, V. (2017). Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 29(2), 433-452.
  • A common-sense conceptual categorization system integrating heterogeneous proxytypes and the dual process of reasoning. Lieto, A., Radicioni, D. P., & Rho, V. (2015). In Twenty-fourth international joint conference on artificial intelligence.
  • Influencing the Others' Minds: An Experimental Evaluation of the Use and Efficacy of Fallacious-Reducible Arguments in Web and Mobile Technologies. Lieto, A., Vernero, F. (2014). PsychNology Journal. 12 (3): 87–105.


  1. ^ [1]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Heise.de "Digitale Assistenten: Dein Freund und Lauscher", 01.10.2018, MIT Technology Review, Germany by Von Niels Boeing
  2. ^ Scientific Sense页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Podcast by Gill Eapen
  3. ^ [ACM Distinguished Lecture - Cognitive Biases for the Design of Persuasive Technologies: Uses, Abuses and Ethical Concerns https://speakers.acm.org/lectures/13427页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)]
  4. ^ Curriculum Vitae (PDF) Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
  5. ^ Design and Evaluation of Cognitive Artificial Systems Course Syllabus页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) - Department of Computer Science, Ph.D. Program in Computer Science, University of Turin.
  6. ^ ACM Distinguished Speaker页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Antonio Lieto - ACM Distinguished Speaker
  7. ^ L'Outstanding Research Award per il ricercatore Antonio Lieto - Unitonews, 4 Sept. 2018
  8. ^ Aiuto i robot a risolvere anche gli indovinelli, La Repubblica, 4 Sept. 2018
  9. ^ AISC Previous Governing Boards. [2022-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2022-03-04). 
  10. ^ https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=editorialBoard&journalCode=teta20页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence - Editorial Board

