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=== 航線發展 ===
2005至2007年,墨爾本機場的國際旅客流量下跌下50萬人次。<ref name=tullableeds>{{cite news
| last = Moynihan
| first = Stephen
| title = Tiger bites into fares, but Tulla bleeds
| publisher = [[The Age]]
| date = 2007-07-13
| url = http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/tiger-bites-into-fares-but-tulla-bleeds/2007/07/12/1183833691213.html
| accessdate = 2008-07-31}}</ref>雖然墨爾本機場的乘客量仍頻創新高,但2006年的統計顯而航空公司正在減少航班。[[英國航空]]撤出墨爾本後,[[澳洲航空]]在2006年3月增加往倫敦的航班以彌補流失的客量。<ref>{{cite news
| title = Qantas to double flights between Melbourne and London
| publisher = Asia Travel Tips
| date = 2005-12-15
| url = http://www.asiatraveltips.com/news05/1512-London.shtml
| accessdate = 2008-07-31}}</ref>2006年第四季機場的國際旅客數字跌了百分之二,<ref> http://www.melair.com.au/about_airport/media_releases_item.asp?id=276 Record passenger numbers for Melbourne Airport] 2005</ref>而機場最後一家歐洲航空公司-[[奧地利航空]]亦於2007年3月撤出。<ref>{{cite news
| last = Moynihan
| first = Stephen
| title = Austrian Airlines flies out
| publisher = [[The Age]]
| date = 2007-01-24
| url = http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/austrian-airlines-flies-out/2007/01/23/1169518710193.html
| accessdate = 2008-07-31}}</ref>
但2007年,國際及國內數字旅客回復2006年的水平,<ref>{{cite web
|title=Melbourne Airport Media Release - 'Positive international and domestic passenger growth at Melbourne Airport during 2006/2007' - 23 July 2007

2008至09財政年度,機場的國際乘客流量增加了72.5萬人次。<ref>{{cite press release
== 航廈 ==
| title = End of Year Wrap Up for Australia Pacific Airports Corporation
墨爾本機場的三個航廈共擁有56個登機閘口,其中40個和16個供國內和國際航班使用。<ref>{{cite web
| title = Melbourne Airport — Technical
| publisher = Melbourne Airport
| url = http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/about_airport/facts_figures/technicial.asp
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref> 南面貨運停機坪共有六個停機坪供貨機們泊。<ref name=freighterpark>{{cite web
| title = Melbourne Airport — the hub for freight in Australasia
| publisher = Melbourne Airport
| url = http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/about_airport/freight.asp
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref>2005年7月起,各航廈更改原有的名稱。澳洲航空國內航廈改為現時的一號航廈,國際航廈和北航廈(再之前稱安捷國內航廈)則改為二號及三號航廈。<ref>{{cite web
|title=Melbourne Airport renames terminals
|work=Melbourne Airport Media Releases
|work=Melbourne Airport Media Releases
| date = 2008-08-27
|publisher=Melbourne Airport
| url = http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/about_airport/media_releases_item.asp?id=452
| accessdate = 2008-09-26}}</ref>2007年9月22日,[[大韓航空]]開辨第一條直飛往[[南韓]][[首爾]]的航線。<ref>{{cite news

=== 一號航廈 ===

一號航廈主要供[[澳洲航空]]及旗下[[捷星航空]]和QantasLink使用,離境層設於上層,而抵達層位於地面。 航廈所有15個登機閘口附設登機橋。

1999年年底,, an expanded Qantas terminal was opened, featuring a second pier, a new access roadway and the expansion of the terminal. The works cost $50 million and took two years to complete.<ref name=report1999>{{cite web
|format=PDF|title=1999 Annual Report
|publisher=Australia Pacific Airports
}}</ref> Today, a wide range of shops and food outlets are situated at the end of the terminal near the entrance into Terminal 2. 澳洲航空在一號航廈內設有Qantas Club、Business Class、Chairmans等三間貴賓室。<ref>{{cite web
| title = Qantas Club Locations
| publisher = [[Qantas]]
| url = http://www.qantas.com.au/info/flying/qantasClub/loungeLocations/australia
| accessdate = 2008-07-29}}</ref><ref name=airlinelounges>{{cite web
| title = Melbourne Airport — Airline Lounges
| publisher = Melbourne Airport
| url = http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/passenger_info/airline_info/lounges.asp
| accessdate = 2008-07-29}}</ref>

=== 二號航廈 ===
[[Image:Melbourne Airport terminal.jpg|thumb|left| 二號航廈接機大堂]]

二號航廈處理機場所有的國際航班,捷星航空經[[達爾文國際機場|達爾文]]往[[新加坡樟宜機場|新加坡]]航班除外。二號航廈設有16個登機閘口,11個登機閘口連接登機橋,惟12至16閘口沒有連接登機橋到停機坪。[[國泰航空]]、[[馬來西亞航空]]、[[澳洲航空]](附有兩個貴賓室供頭等及商務艙旅客使用)、[[新加坡航空]]、[[紐西蘭航空]]、[[聯合航空]]和[[阿聯酋航空]]附有貴賓室於二號航廈。<ref name=airlinelounges/>

2007年,二號航廈斥資3億元擴建,項目包括增加零售設施和貴賓室、興建一個衛星航廈、提升處理行李的能力、重新設計海關及安全檢查範圍等工程。<ref>{{cite web
|title=More space promised in Melbourne airport facelift
|work= Herald Sun
|date=27 August 2007
}}</ref>新落成的衛星航廈將設有落地玻璃,能夠俯覽南北跑道,此外還建有三條雙層登機橋,能夠處理一架[[空中巴士A380]]客機或兩架較小的客機。兩條新的行李輸送帶將會增加處理行李的能力,以應付A380客機帶來的額外客量。所有工程已於2007年11月展開,預料於2012年完成。<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/t2/facts.asp|title=$330m Expansions to Melbourne's International Terminal|date=2007-08-25|publisher=Melbourne Airport|accessdate=2007-08-25}}</ref>

=== 三號航廈 ===
[[Image:VB YMML GATE13.JPG|thumb|Gate 13 used by Virgin Blue at T3]]


安捷航空在1989年擴建三號航廈,1991年落成。其後安捷旗下的區域性航空Kendell航空遷入本航廈。<ref>{{cite web
|title=Anderson approves new Melbourne Airport terminal
|date=15 April 2000
|work= Media Release
}}</ref><ref>{{cite press release
| title = Domestic Multi-User Terminal For Melbourne Great For Competition
|work= Melbourne Airport Media Releases
| date = 2002-08-26
| url = http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/about_airport/media_releases_item.asp?id=138
| accessdate = 2008-07-29}}</ref>航廈由[[安捷航空]]及旗下航空公司的國內航班獨自使用,一直到安捷在[[2001年]]破產為止。Tesna隨後有意購入安捷,而三號航廈便計劃預番給一家新的安捷航空。2002年,Tesna退出收購,安捷再把航廈個予墨爾本機場。<ref>{{cite web
|title=Melbourne Airport to buy Ansett terminal
|work=ABC News Online
}}</ref>墨爾本機場其後翻新三號航廈,[[維珍藍航空]]隨之從四號航廈遷入。<ref>{{cite press release
| title = Virgin Blue and Melbourne Airport Reach Terminal Deal
|work= Melbourne Airport Media Releases
| date = 2002-07-23
| url = http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/about_airport/media_releases_item.asp?id=134
| accessdate = 2008-07-29}}</ref>維珍藍和<ref name=airlinelounges/><ref>{{cite web
| title =The Lounge Pricing
| publisher = [[Virgin Blue]]
| url = http://www.virginblue.com.au/thelounge/pricing/
| accessdate = 2008-07-29}}</ref> [[區域快線]]亦在三號航廈設有貴賓室。<ref>{{cite web
| title = Rex Lounge
| publisher = [[區域快線]]
| url = http://www.rex.com.au/FlightInfo/RexLounge.aspx
| accessdate = 2008-08-15}}</ref>

=== 四號航廈 ===
四號航廈-原稱「Domestic Express」或南航廈,是澳洲各主要機場的首個廉價航空航廈。四號航廈原本供維珍藍航空和[[Impulse Airlines]]使用,但安捷航空倒閉後,維珍藍遷入三號航廈。<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/about_airport/media_releases_item.asp?id=138|title=Domestic Multi-User Terminal For Melbourne Great For Competition|date=2002-08-26|work=Melbourne Airport Media Releases|accessdate=2008-05-02}}</ref>2007年6月,墨爾本機場參照[[新加坡樟宜機場]]和[[吉隆坡國際機場]]的廉價航廈模式,斥資500萬元翻新四號航廈。<ref>{{cite web
| title = Melbourne Airport
| publisher = Airport Technology
| url = http://www.airport-technology.com/projects/melbourne/
| accessdate =2008-07-26 }}</ref> along the lines of the budget terminal model at [[Singapore Changi Airport]] and [[Kuala Lumpur International Airport]]. Lower [[landing fee|landing]] and airport handling fees are charged to airlines due to the basic facilities, lack of [[aerobridges]], and fewer amenities and retail outlets compared to a conventional terminal. However, the terminal is located next to the main terminal building, unlike in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. The terminal was rebuilt by Tiger Airways Australia, who have used it as their main hub since they operated their first domestic flight on 23 November 2007.<ref>{{cite news
| last = Murphy
| last = Murphy
| first = Mathew
| first = Mathew
| title = Fares to fall as city sinks its claws into Tiger
| title = Korean Air to announce new Melbourne service
| publisher = The Age
| date = 2007-09-05
| url = http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/korean-air-to-announce-melbourne-service/2007/09/04/1188783237579.html
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref>{{lang|en|Norfolk Air}}以每週一班航班飛往[[諾福克島]]。2007年10月,[[國泰航空]]增加到[[香港]]的航班至每日三班。<ref>{{cite press release
| title = Cathay Pacific goes triple daily from Melbourne
|work=Melbourne Airport Media Releases
| date = 2007-07-19
| url = http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/about_airport/media_releases_item.asp?id=406
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref>2008年3月30日,[[泰國國際航空]]增加班次至每日兩班。澳洲航空從2008年開始,開設每週兩班的墨爾本至上海航空,及後在2009年3月停辦。同年,[[中國國際航空]]每週三班往上海及北京的航班將不經中途站[[悉尼]],直達目的地。<ref>{{cite news
| title = Air China strengthens position as carrier of choice between Australia & China
| publisher = e-Travel Blackboard
| date = 2007-10-10
| url = http://www.etravelblackboard.com/index.asp?nav=2&id=70119
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref>[[中國南方航空]]在旺季加開航班往來[[廣州]]。<ref>{{cite news
| title = China Southern introduces Melbourne-Guangzhou direct service
| publisher = e-Travel Blackboard
| date = 2007-10-05
| url = http://www.etravelblackboard.com/index.asp?nav=2&id=69965
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref> Domestically, [[Skywest Airlines|Skywest]]開辨每週三班 introduced a thrice-weekly Perth—Kalgoorlie—Melbourne service in November 2007 to cater for the mining industry, but this ended in November 2008.<ref name=skywestends>{{cite press release
| title = Skywest Suspends Kalgoorlie to Melbourne Services
| publisher = [[Skywest Airlines]]
| date = 2008-07-29
| url = http://www.skywest.com.au/home.asp?documentid=399
| accessdate = 2008-07-31}}</ref> [[Tiger Airways Australia]] began operations in November 2007 with Melbourne Airport as its first hub, serving destinations throughout Australia from Terminal 4.

[[捷星航空]]在2008年4月17日開辦經達爾文往新加坡的航線,以較相宜的價格與傳統的直航航班競爭。<ref>{{cite news
| title = Jetstar to fly Melbourne-Singapore route
| publisher = [[The Age]]
| publisher = [[The Age]]
| date = 2007-05-03
| date = 2008-01-23
| url = http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/fares-to-fall-as-city-sinks-its-claws-into-tiger/2007/05/02/1177788225184.html
| url = http://news.theage.com.au/jetstar-to-fly-melbournesingapore-route/20080123-1npc.html
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref> [[Air Vanuatu]] began a weekly service to Port Vila on 5 June 2007,<ref name="airvanuatubegin">{{cite news
| title = Air Vanuatu to commence Melbourne service
| publisher = Aviation Record
| date = 2008-03-13
| url = http://www.aviationrecord.com/search-results.aspx?articleType=ArticleView&articleId=272
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref> and [[Norfolk Air]] added a second weekly flight to Norfolk Island on 1 September 2008.<ref>{{cite news
| title = Norfolk Air adds Melbourne service
| publisher = Aviation Record
| date = 2008-03-10
| url = http://www.aviationrecord.com/news-articles.aspx?articleType=ArticleView&articleId=250
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref> Both [[Malaysia Airlines]] and [[Garuda Indonesia]] increased their services in July 2008.<ref>{{cite news
| title = Garuda expands capacity on more Australian routes
| publisher = Aviation Record
| date = 2008-05-05
| url = http://www.aviationrecord.com/search-results.aspx?articleType=ArticleView&articleId=553
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref>
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref>

[[Pacific Blue (airline)|Pacific Blue]] entered the underserved Auckland market with daily flights from 22 September 2008 using the [[737-800]],<ref name=PBAuckland>{{cite news
Jetstar Airways confirmed its involvement in discussions with Melbourne Airport regarding the expansion of terminal facilities to accommodate for the growth of domestic low-cost services. The proposed expansion of Terminal 4 includes infrastructure to accommodate Tiger Airways Australia and Jetstar Airways flights. These plans are currently in development, and the expansion of Terminal 4 would include the relocation of the current freight centre. If approved, the development is expected to cost hundreds of millions of dollars and take five years to complete.<ref name=jqt4expansion>{{cite news
| title = Virgin Blue launches daily Melbourne-Auckland service
| publisher = Aviation Record
| date = 2008-07-28
| url = http://www.aviationrecord.com/search-results.aspx?articleType=ArticleView&articleId=931
| accessdate = 2008-07-28}}</ref> while [[Air New Zealand]] also increased capacity.<ref>{{cite news
| title = Air NZ to increase seats to Australia
| publisher = [[The Age]]
| date = 2008-03-25
| url = http://news.theage.com.au/air-nz-to-increase-seats-to-australia/20080325-21cb.html
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref> Qantas will significantly increase capacity to [[Los Angeles International Airport|Los Angeles]] by progressively replacing the nonstop [[747-400|747-400ER]] with the [[A380-800]] from 20 October 2008<ref name="qfa380"/> and replacing the last [[A330-200]] via Auckland services with the 747-400. [[Low-cost carrier]] [[AirAsia X]] began flying nonstop to [[Kuala Lumpur International Airport|Kuala Lumpur]] from 12 November 2008, competing with [[Malaysia Airlines]] on price. It initially operated four times a week before eventually increasing to twice daily.<ref name=airasiaxbegin>{{cite news
| title = AirAsia X flies direct to Melbourne
| publisher = Peanuts! Online
| date = 2008-08-20
| url = http://peanuts.aero/low_cost_airline_news/airline/13515/59/AirAsia+X+flies+direct+to+Melbourne+
| accessdate = 2008-08-20}}</ref> [[Emirates Airline]] went thrice daily on 3 February 2009 using the [[Airbus A340-500]].<ref>{{cite news
| title = Emirates announces third Melbourne flight
| publisher = Travel Weekly
| date = 2008-07-25
| url = http://www.travelweekly.com.au/articles/40/0c058b40.asp
| accessdate = 2008-07-25}}</ref> [[Etihad Airways]] launched daily flights to [[Abu Dhabi International Airport|Abu Dhabi]] from 29 March 2009 using the [[A340-600]], providing further competition in the Middle East market.<ref name=Etihad>{{cite press release
| title = Etihad to launch flights to Melbourne in 2009
| publisher = [[Etihad Airways]]
| date = 2008-07-28
| url = http://www.etihadairways.com/sites/etihad/global/en/aboutetihad/mediacenter/newslisting/newsdetails/pages/EtihadtolaunchflightstoMelbournein2009.aspx?fromNewsListing=true
| accessdate = 2008-07-28}}</ref> [[V Australia]] will launch flights to [[Los Angeles International Airport|Los Angeles]] from 1 December 2009 providing year-round nonstop competition to Qantas.<ref name=vaustralialaunch>{{cite press release
| title = V Australia announces third Trans-Pacific route direct Melbourne — Los Angeles flights
| publisher = [[V Australia]]
| date = 2009-02-07
| url = http://www.vaustralia.com.au/about-us/media-releases/view-media-releases/P_007410.html
| accessdate = 2009-02-11}}</ref> [[Qatar Airways]]將成為第三家航空公司提供前往中東地區的航班服務,並於2009年12月 will commence services to [[Doha International Airport|Doha]], [[Qatar]] from December 2009 becoming the third carrier to serve the Middle East.<ref name=qatarbegin>{{cite press release
| title = Qatar Airways To Launch Melbourne Route In Time For Holiday Rush
| publisher = [[Qatar Airways]]
| date = 2009-06-17
| url = http://www.qatarairways.com/global/en/newsroom/archive/press-release-17June09-2.html
| accessdate = 2009-06-18 }}</ref>

==== Prospective users and routes ====
* [[Cebu Pacific]] - Applied for twice weekly flights to Melbourne.<ref>{{cite news
| title = Cebu Pacific seeks flights to Brunei and Australia
| publisher = BusinessWorld Online
| date = 2009-04-16
| url = http://www.bworldonline.com/BW041609/content.php?id=042
| accessdate = 2009-04-18}}</ref>
* [[Delta Air Lines]] – Considering flying to Melbourne pending the availability of longer range aircraft.<ref>{{cite news
| last = Rochfort
| first = Scott
| title = Delta to compete with Qantas on Sydney-LA route
| publisher = [[The Age]]
| date = 2008-12-19
| url = http://www.theage.com.au/travel/delta-to-compete-with-qantas-on-sydneyla-route-20081219-71xs.html
| accessdate = 2008-12-21}}</ref>
* [[以色列航空]]-考慮Considering launching flights to [[Ben Gurion International Airport|Tel Aviv]] as part of long term expansion plans.<ref>{{cite news
| last = Kohn
| first = Peter
| title = El Al direct flights still on agenda
| publisher = [[Australian Jewish News]]
| date = 2009-03-11
| url = http://www.ajn.com.au/news/news.asp?pgID=7182
| accessdate = 2009-03-13}}</ref>
* [[日本航空]]-有意恢復澳洲航空停辨的[[東京]]航線。<ref>{{cite news
| title = JAL likes the look of Melbourne
| publisher = Travel Weekly
| date = 2008-09-01
| url = http://www.travelweekly.com.au/dirplus/images/travelweekly/TravelTodayPDF/1_09_2008.pdf
| format = [[PDF]]
| accessdate = 2008-09-01}}</ref>
* [[捷星航空]]-當接收新的[[波音787]]客機後,將拓展航線到[[吉隆坡]]、<ref>{{cite news
| last = Sidhu
| first = B. K.
| title = Jetstar keen to add new routes
| publisher = [[The Star (Malaysia)|The Star]]
| date = 2008-02-18
| url = http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/2/18/business/20347165&sec=business
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref>[[羅馬]]和[[雅典]]。<ref>{{cite news
| last = Murphy
| last = Murphy
| first = Mathew
| first = Mathew
| title = Jetstar bid for Tulla expansion
| title = Jetstar to drop Melbourne flights to Hawaii
| publisher = [[The Age]]
| publisher = [[The Age]]
| date = 2008-05-19
| date = 2007-08-08
| url = http://business.theage.com.au/jetstar-bid-for-tulla-expansion-20080518-2flw.html
| url = http://www.theage.com.au/news/business/jetstar-to-drop-melbourne-flights-to-hawaii/2007/08/07/1186252706500.html
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref>
* [[汶萊皇家航空公司]]-於2003年試行包機服務,<ref>{{cite news
| last = Boey
| first = Caroline
| title = Royal Brunei starts charter to Melbourne
| publisher = TTG Asia
| date = 2003-07-03
| url = http://www.ttgasia.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2791
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref> 曾跟墨爾本機場商議開設定期航班,但並未落實具體時間表。<ref>{{cite news
| title = Royal Brunei eyes Melbourne, Adelaide
| publisher = Travel Weekly
| date = 2007-02-02
| url = http://www.travelweekly.com.au/articles/d5/0c048fd5.asp
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref><ref>{{cite web
| title = Delegate Report on Launch of Brunei Halal Brand
| publisher = [[City of Hume]]
| date = 2007–08
| url = http://www.hume.vic.gov.au/Files/Att4EC11.pdf
| format = [[PDF]]
* [[維珍航空]]-正與[[新加坡航空]]實施[[代碼共享]],並考慮以波音787客機營運定期航班服務,但並未落實具體時間表。<ref>{{cite press release
| title = Virgin Atlantic Makes Europe's Largest Single Order for Fuel-Efficient Boeing 787 Dreamliners
| publisher = [[維珍航空]]
| date = 2007-04-24
| url = http://www.virgin-atlantic.com:80/en/gb/allaboutus/pressoffice/pressreleases/news/pr240407a.jsp
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref><ref>{{cite news
| title = Virgin sets long term sights on Melbourne
| publisher = Travel Weekly
| date = 2006-10-11
| url = http://www.travelweekly.com.au/articles/be/0c045fbe.asp
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref>
| accessdate = 2008-06-30}}</ref>

=== 南面貨運停機坪 ===
南面貨運停機坪有五個指定給貨機停泊的停機坪,供周21班特定貨運航班使用。<ref name=freighterpark/>

=== 其他設施 ===
[[Image:Hilton Melbourne Airport.jpg|thumb|墨爾本機場[[希爾頓酒店 ]]]]

墨爾本機場附近設有四間酒店。提供280間房間的[[希爾頓酒店]]坐落於二號航廈100米外的多層停車場上蓋,於2000年年中落成。<ref name=report1999/> 假日酒店(Holiday Inn)、Motel Formule 1及Mantra Tullamarine則距離主航廈範圍600米至2公里不等。<ref>{{cite web
| title = Melbourne Airport — Hotels
| publisher = Melbourne Airport
| url = http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/airport_facilities/hotels.asp
| accessdate = 2008-09-27}}</ref> 機場的入口設有一間[[BP]]加油站、[[平治]]汽車代理和一間[[麥當勞]]餐廳。<ref>{{cite web
| title = Melbourne Airport — General Facilities
| publisher = Melbourne Airport
| url = http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/airport_facilities/general.asp
| accessdate = 2008-09-27}}</ref>墨爾本機場高爾夫球會在北南跑旁。<ref>{{cite web
| title = Melbourne Airport — Golf Club
| publisher = Melbourne Airport
| url = http://www.melbourneairport.com.au/airport_facilities/golfclub.asp
| accessdate = 2008-09-27}}</ref>

2009年10月23日 (五) 06:21的版本

Template:Infobox Melbourne Railway Station

墨爾本中心站(英文:Melbourne Central)澳洲墨爾本近郊鐵路網絡的一個地底鐵路車站。它是環繞商業中心區的市環線(City Loop)五個車站其中之一,位於商業中心區北端La Trobe Street、Swanston Street和伊利沙伯街(Elizabeth Street)交界的地底。車站以其上蓋,墨爾本中心購物中心(Melbourne Central Shopping Centre)命名。 墨爾本中心並非墨爾本的鐵路終站,Flinders Street是近郊鐵路的終點站;南十字車站是區域鐵路的總站。


The station was built using cut and cover construction. In December 1973 to permit excavation of the station, La Trobe Street and its tram tracks were temporarily relocated to the south onto the site of what is now the Melbourne Central Shopping Centre, and moved back on completion of the work in 1978.[1] The pit was 168 metres long and 22.5 metres wide, 29 metres deep at the Swanston Street end and 22 metres at Elizabeth Street. Seven layers of struts were used to support the excavation, with 2600 tonnes of steel temporary supports required.[2]

The station opened as Museum on January 24, 1981 and was the first station on the loop to open.[3] Initially services only operated for the Burnley and Caufield Groups on platforms 2 and 4, trains started using platform 1 on October 31, 1982, and platform 3 on May 1, 1984. The Elizabeth Street entrance to the station was opened on 5 April 1982. It was named Museum after the adjacent Melbourne Museum in the State Library of Victoria complex on Swanston Street. The Museum moved in 1995 to its current premises beside the Royal Exhibition Building in the Carlton Gardens. It was renamed on February 16, 1997,[4] after Melbourne Central Shopping Centre,[3] which was built above and around the station concourse in the early 1990s. At peak times with a train arriving every 2.5 minutes, the station has a passenger flow of 30,000 per hour. Three elevators were initially provided, as well as 21 Escalators.[2]


Melbourne Central, like the other two underground City Loop stations (Parliament and Flagstaff) has an underground concourse and two levels of platforms below it (2 island platforms and four tracks). Each platform serves a separate group of rail lines that leave the Loop and radiate out into the city's suburbs. It is a premium station, meaning that it is staffed from first to last train and provides extra customer services.


  • 伊利沙伯街大堂設有3條通往地面的扶手電梯、售票處、閘機、洗手間、三條往月台的扶手電梯和樓梯。
  • 斯旺斯頓街大堂在2000年開始改建,閘內設有洗手間、兩部升降機和五條扶手電梯往月台。閘外是分割車站大堂的美食廣場Inside the ticket barriers there are toilets (currently closed for refurbishment), and two lifts and five escalators going to the platforms. Outside is a food court, an exit to La Trobe Street and Level LG of the shopping centre (which passes under Little Lonsdale Street). There is also a lift and four escalators to the shopping centre level above. On the next level up (Level G) there is access to Little Lonsdale and La Trobe Streets via the shopping centre. Access to Swanston Street is via three escalators rising another floor (or the lift to level 1 and a 70m walk), and a walk through the shopping centre past the shot tower.

The redevelopment works at the Swanston Street entrance to the station have been criticised by many due to the difficulty in accessing the street from the station itself.[5]


1號月台 艾平、Hurstbridge、市環線
2號月台 帕肯漢、格里本、法蘭克斯頓、市環線
3號月台 Craigieburn、Upfield、先鄧咸、Werribee、市環線
4號月台 Lilydale/Belgrave、韋弗利谷、阿拉曼、市環線


  • 艾平線 - 往艾平(Epping)
  • Hurstbridge線 - 所有停站及有限停站服務往海德堡(Heidelberg)、麥高樂(Macleod)、Greensborough、Eltham、Hurstbridge
  • 市環線 - 往Flinders Street


  • 帕肯漢線 - 所有停站及有限停站服務往Oakleigh、Westall、丹德農(Dandenong)、帕肯漢(Pakenham)、Cranbourne
  • 格里本線 - 往Crabourne
  • 法蘭克斯頓線 - 所有停站及有限停站服務往切爾滕納姆(Cheltenham)、Mordialloc、Carrum、法蘭克斯頓(Frankston)
  • 市環線 - 往Flinders Street


  • Craigieburn線 -所有停站及有限停站服務往Broadmeadows、Craigieburn
  • Upfield線 - 往科堡(Coburg)、高里(Gowrie)、Upfield
  • 先鄧咸線 - 所有停站及有限停站服務往Sunshine、聖奧爾本斯(St Albans)、Watergardens
  • Werribee線 - 所有停站及有限停站服務往Werribee
  • 市環線 - 往Flinders Street


  • Lilydale/貝爾格雷夫線 - 所有停站及有限停站服務往博士山(Box Hill)、布力般(Blackburn)、靈伍德(Ringwood)、Lilydale、Upper Ferntree Gully、貝爾格雷夫(Belgrave)
  • 韋弗利谷線 - 所有停站及有限停站服務往韋弗利谷(Glen Waverley)
  • 阿拉曼線 - 往Riversdale、阿什伯頓(Ashburton)、阿拉曼(Alamein)
  • 市環線 - 往Flinders Street


  1. ^ S.E. Dornan and R.G. Henderson. Electric Railways of Victoria. Australian Electric Traction Society. 1979: 93. ISBN 0 909459 06 1. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Metropolitan Transport Authority. MURL Booklet (PDF). www.doi.vic.gov.au. [2008-07-20]. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Department of Infrastructure. Public transport - City Loop history. www.doi.vic.gov.au. [2008-07-20]. 
  4. ^ Upgrading Eltham to a Premium Station. Newsrail (Australian Railway Heritage Society (Victorian Division)). 1997: page 310.  已忽略未知参数|month=(建议使用|date=) (帮助)
  5. ^ Shopping detour forced on passengers at Melbourne Central Station. Melbourne Indymedia. November 17, 2003 [2008-07-20]. 
逆時針 Flgstaff | Flinders Street 順時針
上一站 Flagstaff | Parliament 下一站
上一站 議會 | Flagstaff 下一站

37°48′41.25″S 144°58′21.90″E / 37.8114583°S 144.9727500°E / -37.8114583; 144.9727500

Template:Infobox Melbourne Railway Station


2005至2007年,墨爾本機場的國際旅客流量下跌下50萬人次。[1]雖然墨爾本機場的乘客量仍頻創新高,但2006年的統計顯而航空公司正在減少航班。英國航空撤出墨爾本後,澳洲航空在2006年3月增加往倫敦的航班以彌補流失的客量。[2]2006年第四季機場的國際旅客數字跌了百分之二,[3]而機場最後一家歐洲航空公司-奧地利航空亦於2007年3月撤出。[4] 但2007年,國際及國內數字旅客回復2006年的水平,[5]2006至07年,共有2千2百萬名乘客使用了本機場。

2008至09財政年度,機場的國際乘客流量增加了72.5萬人次。[6]2007年9月22日,大韓航空開辨第一條直飛往南韓首爾的航線。[7]Norfolk Air以每週一班航班飛往諾福克島。2007年10月,國泰航空增加到香港的航班至每日三班。[8]2008年3月30日,泰國國際航空增加班次至每日兩班。澳洲航空從2008年開始,開設每週兩班的墨爾本至上海航空,及後在2009年3月停辦。同年,中國國際航空每週三班往上海及北京的航班將不經中途站悉尼,直達目的地。[9]中國南方航空在旺季加開航班往來廣州[10] Domestically, Skywest開辨每週三班 introduced a thrice-weekly Perth—Kalgoorlie—Melbourne service in November 2007 to cater for the mining industry, but this ended in November 2008.[11] Tiger Airways Australia began operations in November 2007 with Melbourne Airport as its first hub, serving destinations throughout Australia from Terminal 4.

捷星航空在2008年4月17日開辦經達爾文往新加坡的航線,以較相宜的價格與傳統的直航航班競爭。[12] Air Vanuatu began a weekly service to Port Vila on 5 June 2007,[13] and Norfolk Air added a second weekly flight to Norfolk Island on 1 September 2008.[14] Both Malaysia Airlines and Garuda Indonesia increased their services in July 2008.[15]

Pacific Blue entered the underserved Auckland market with daily flights from 22 September 2008 using the 737-800,[16] while Air New Zealand also increased capacity.[17] Qantas will significantly increase capacity to Los Angeles by progressively replacing the nonstop 747-400ER with the A380-800 from 20 October 2008[18] and replacing the last A330-200 via Auckland services with the 747-400. Low-cost carrier AirAsia X began flying nonstop to Kuala Lumpur from 12 November 2008, competing with Malaysia Airlines on price. It initially operated four times a week before eventually increasing to twice daily.[19] Emirates Airline went thrice daily on 3 February 2009 using the Airbus A340-500.[20] Etihad Airways launched daily flights to Abu Dhabi from 29 March 2009 using the A340-600, providing further competition in the Middle East market.[21] V Australia will launch flights to Los Angeles from 1 December 2009 providing year-round nonstop competition to Qantas.[22] Qatar Airways將成為第三家航空公司提供前往中東地區的航班服務,並於2009年12月 will commence services to Doha, Qatar from December 2009 becoming the third carrier to serve the Middle East.[23]

Prospective users and routes

  1. ^ Moynihan, Stephen. Tiger bites into fares, but Tulla bleeds. The Age. 2007-07-13 [2008-07-31]. 
  2. ^ Qantas to double flights between Melbourne and London. Asia Travel Tips. 2005-12-15 [2008-07-31]. 
  3. ^ http://www.melair.com.au/about_airport/media_releases_item.asp?id=276 Record passenger numbers for Melbourne Airport] 2005
  4. ^ Moynihan, Stephen. Austrian Airlines flies out. The Age. 2007-01-24 [2008-07-31]. 
  5. ^ Melbourne Airport Media Release - 'Positive international and domestic passenger growth at Melbourne Airport during 2006/2007' - 23 July 2007. [2007-07-31]. 
  6. ^ End of Year Wrap Up for Australia Pacific Airports Corporation. Melbourne Airport Media Releases (新闻稿). 2008-08-27 [2008-09-26]. 
  7. ^ Murphy, Mathew. Korean Air to announce new Melbourne service. The Age. 2007-09-05 [2008-06-30]. 
  8. ^ Cathay Pacific goes triple daily from Melbourne. Melbourne Airport Media Releases (新闻稿). 2007-07-19 [2008-06-30]. 
  9. ^ Air China strengthens position as carrier of choice between Australia & China. e-Travel Blackboard. 2007-10-10 [2008-06-30]. 
  10. ^ China Southern introduces Melbourne-Guangzhou direct service. e-Travel Blackboard. 2007-10-05 [2008-06-30]. 
  11. ^ Skywest Suspends Kalgoorlie to Melbourne Services (新闻稿). Skywest Airlines. 2008-07-29 [2008-07-31]. 
  12. ^ Jetstar to fly Melbourne-Singapore route. The Age. 2008-01-23 [2008-06-30]. 
  13. ^ Air Vanuatu to commence Melbourne service. Aviation Record. 2008-03-13 [2008-06-30]. 
  14. ^ Norfolk Air adds Melbourne service. Aviation Record. 2008-03-10 [2008-06-30]. 
  15. ^ Garuda expands capacity on more Australian routes. Aviation Record. 2008-05-05 [2008-06-30]. 
  16. ^ Virgin Blue launches daily Melbourne-Auckland service. Aviation Record. 2008-07-28 [2008-07-28]. 
  17. ^ Air NZ to increase seats to Australia. The Age. 2008-03-25 [2008-06-30]. 
  18. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为qfa380的参考文献提供内容
  19. ^ AirAsia X flies direct to Melbourne. Peanuts! Online. 2008-08-20 [2008-08-20]. 
  20. ^ Emirates announces third Melbourne flight. Travel Weekly. 2008-07-25 [2008-07-25]. 
  21. ^ Etihad to launch flights to Melbourne in 2009 (新闻稿). Etihad Airways. 2008-07-28 [2008-07-28]. 
  22. ^ V Australia announces third Trans-Pacific route direct Melbourne — Los Angeles flights (新闻稿). V Australia. 2009-02-07 [2009-02-11]. 
  23. ^ Qatar Airways To Launch Melbourne Route In Time For Holiday Rush (新闻稿). Qatar Airways. 2009-06-17 [2009-06-18]. 
  24. ^ Cebu Pacific seeks flights to Brunei and Australia. BusinessWorld Online. 2009-04-16 [2009-04-18]. 
  25. ^ Rochfort, Scott. Delta to compete with Qantas on Sydney-LA route. The Age. 2008-12-19 [2008-12-21]. 
  26. ^ Kohn, Peter. El Al direct flights still on agenda. Australian Jewish News. 2009-03-11 [2009-03-13]. 
  27. ^ JAL likes the look of Melbourne (PDF). Travel Weekly. 2008-09-01 [2008-09-01]. 
  28. ^ Sidhu, B. K. Jetstar keen to add new routes. The Star. 2008-02-18 [2008-06-30]. 
  29. ^ Murphy, Mathew. Jetstar to drop Melbourne flights to Hawaii. The Age. 2007-08-08 [2008-06-30]. 
  30. ^ Boey, Caroline. Royal Brunei starts charter to Melbourne. TTG Asia. 2003-07-03 [2008-06-30]. 
  31. ^ Royal Brunei eyes Melbourne, Adelaide. Travel Weekly. 2007-02-02 [2008-06-30]. 
  32. ^ Delegate Report on Launch of Brunei Halal Brand (PDF). City of Hume. 2007–08. 
  33. ^ Virgin Atlantic Makes Europe's Largest Single Order for Fuel-Efficient Boeing 787 Dreamliners (新闻稿). 維珍航空. 2007-04-24 [2008-06-30]. 
  34. ^ Virgin sets long term sights on Melbourne. Travel Weekly. 2006-10-11 [2008-06-30].