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生於[[麻省]][[波士頓]],丹尼特亦在[[黎巴嫩]]渡過了其部分童年。這是因他的父親在二戰期間,在[[黎巴嫩]]首都[[貝魯特]]以美國[[大使館]]文化專員的身份,秘密擔任[[戰略情報局]]的反間諜特務工作。<ref name="Spydad">{{citation |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/23/nyregion/23spydad.html |title=A Dead Spy, a Daughter’s Questions and the C.I.A. |periodical=New York Times |last=Feuer |first=Alan |publication-date=2007-10-23 |work= |accessdate=2008-09-16}}</ref>在丹尼特五歲之齡時,他的父親因不明的飛機意外過生,其母便將他帶回麻省繼續撫養。<ref>{{cite web|url=http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/politicsphilosophyandsociety/story/0,6000,1193371,00.html|title=The semantic engineer|first=Andrew|last=Brown|date=2004-04-17|publisher=The Guardian|accessdate=2010-02-01}}</ref>他有一名擔任[[調查報道]]專員的妹妹夏洛特·丹尼特。<ref name="Spydad"/>
生於[[麻省]][[波士頓]],丹尼特亦在[[黎巴嫩]]渡過了其部分童年。這是因他的父親在二戰期間,在[[黎巴嫩]]首都[[貝魯特]]以美國[[大使館]]文化專員的身份,秘密擔任[[戰略情報局]]的反間諜特務工作。<ref name="Spydad">{{citation |url=http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/23/nyregion/23spydad.html |title=A Dead Spy, a Daughter’s Questions and the C.I.A. |periodical=New York Times |last=Feuer |first=Alan |publication-date=2007-10-23 |work= |accessdate=2008-09-16}}</ref>在丹尼特五歲之齡時,他的父親因不明的飛機意外過生,其母便將他帶回麻省繼續撫養。<ref>{{cite web|url=http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/politicsphilosophyandsociety/story/0,6000,1193371,00.html|title=The semantic engineer|first=Andrew|last=Brown|date=2004-04-17|publisher=The Guardian|accessdate=2010-02-01}}</ref>他有一名擔任[[調查報道]]專員的妹妹夏洛特·丹尼特。<ref name="Spydad"/>
中學階段就讀於著名的[[菲利普斯埃克塞特学院]],1963年,在[[哈佛大學]]取得其[[文學士]]學位前在[[衞斯理大學]]渡過了一年的時光。於哈佛大學期間師承[[科學哲學]]大師[[威拉德·冯·奥曼·蒯因]]。後於[[牛津大學]]師承於[[吉伯特·賴爾]](Gilbert Ryle),為[[牛津大學赫特福德學院|赫特福德學院]](Hertford College)的成員,並於1965年取得其在哲學的[[哲學博士]]。
中學階段就讀於著名的[[菲利普斯埃克塞特学院]],1963年,在[[哈佛大學]]取得其[[文學士]]學位前在[[衞斯理大學]]渡過了一年的時光。於哈佛大學期間師承[[科學哲學]]大師[[威拉德·冯·奥曼·蒯因]]。後於[[牛津大學]]師承於[[吉伯特·賴爾]](Gilbert Ryle),為[[牛津大學赫特福德學院|赫特福德學院]](Hertford College)的成員,並於1965年取得其在哲學的[[哲學博士]]。

[[File:Daniel dennett Oct2008.JPG|thumb|left|2008年時的丹尼特]]
由2009年4月起,丹尼特是塔夫斯大學的哲學系教授、Austin B. Fletcher講座哲學教授及認知研究中心的共同主任(另一名主任為[[瑞·杰肯道夫]](Ray Jackendoff))。<ref>[http://ase.tufts.edu/cogstud/ Center for Cognitive Studies]</ref>
丹尼特形容自己為「[[自主學習|自主學習者]],或更準確點說,透過非正式的學習途徑,從世界上不同範疇中最出色的科學家中得益。」<ref name="what_I_want_to_be">{{Citation |last=Dennett |first=Daniel C. |editor=[[John Brockman (literary agent)|John Brockman]] |title=Curious Minds: How a Child Becomes a Scientist |url=http://www.edge.org/books/curious_index.html |origyear=2004 |date=2005-09-13 |publisher=Vintage Books |location=New York |isbn=1-4000-7686-2 |chapter=What I Want to Be When I Grow Up |month=08 }}</ref>

他是[[福布莱特计划|福布莱特獎學金]],兩次[[古根海姆基金獎]](Guggenheim Fellowships),及行為科學進階研究中心獎學金的得獎者。<ref>[http://www.americanscientist.org/bookshelf/pub/daniel-dennett American Scientist]</ref> 目前為[[懷疑性探究委員會]](Committee for Skeptical Inquiry)委員,[[國際人文主義學院]](International Academy of Humanism)的人文學人。<ref>[http://www.secularhumanism.org/index.php?page=index&section=iah Secular Humanism Laureate]</ref>於2004年他被[[美國人道主義協會]](American Humanist Association)選為年度人道主義者。<ref>[http://www.americanhumanist.org/who_we_are/about_the_AHA/Humanists_of_the_Year Humanist of the Year]</ref>2010年2月他入選為[[擺脫宗教基金會]](Freedom From Religion Foundation)名譽榜的傑出成就者。<ref> {{cite web |url= http://ffrf.org/news/releases/honorary-ffrf-board-announced/ |title= Honorary FFRF Board Announced |accessdate=2008-08-20}}</ref>

丹尼特將以自然選擇為基礎的演化過程看成是一個[[算法]]過程(雖然他所指的漫長算法過程中也包含了一定的[[隨機性]])。<ref>p. 52-60, ''Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life'' (Simon & Schuster; reprint edition 1996) (ISBN 0-684-82471-X)</ref>這一想法與另一演化哲學家兼[[古生物學|古生物學家]][[史蒂芬·古爾德]]的想法有所衝突,當中古爾德較傾向認同演化的過程當中包含很多關鍵性因素,而自然選擇的只是其一。
丹尼特在演化的觀點上是一名強烈的[[適應主義|適應主義者]](Adaptationism),付合由他所提出的[[意向立場]]理論(Intentional stance)及另一生物學家理查德·道金斯的演化觀。在[[達爾文的危險想法]]一書中,丹尼特較理查德·道金斯更強烈地捍衛適應主義的看法,並用了一整個章節去批判古爾德的觀點。
這源於一場由古爾德與[[艾德華·威爾森]]及其他演化生物學家,就有關[[社會生物學]](sociobiology)及其衍生的[[演化心理學]](evolutionary psychology)的漫長辯論。當中古爾德及[[理查德·路溫頓]](Richard Lewontin)一直持反對意見,但丹尼特、道金斯及[[史迪芬·平克]]則提倡的。<ref>Although Dennett has expressed criticism of human sociobiology, calling it a form of "[[greedy reductionism]]",he is generally sympathetic towards the explanations proposed by [[evolutionary psychology]]. Gould also is not one sided, and writes: "Sociobiologists have broadened their range of selective stories by invoking concepts of [[inclusive fitness]] and [[kin selection]] to solve (successfully I think) the vexatious problem of altruism—previously the greatest stumbling block to a Darwinian theory of social behavior. . . . Here sociobiology has had and will continue to have success. And here I wish it well. For it represents an extension of basic Darwinism to a realm where it should apply." Gould, 1980. [http://www.ags.uci.edu/~mzyoung/p1.htm "Sociobiology and the Theory of Natural Selection"] In G. W. Barlow and J. Silverberg, eds., ''Sociobiology: Beyond Nature/Nurture?'' Boulder CO: Westview Press, pp. 257-269.</ref>

Strong disagreements have been launched against Dennett from Gould and his supporters, who allege that Dennett overstated his claims and misrepresented Gould's to reinforce what Gould describes as Dennett's "Darwinian fundamentalism".<ref>[http://cogweb.ucla.edu/Debate/Gould.html 'Evolution: The pleasures of Pluralism']&nbsp;— Stephen Jay Gould's review of ''Darwin's Dangerous Idea'', June 26, 1997</ref>

Dennett's theories have had a significant influence on the work of evolutionary psychologist [[Geoffrey Miller (evolutionary psychologist)|Geoffrey Miller]]. He has also written about and advocated the notion of [[memetics]] as a philosophically useful tool, most recently in his "Brains, Computers, and Minds," a three part presentation through Harvard's MBB 2009 Distinguished Lecture Series.

He has recently been doing research into clerics who are secretly atheists and how they rationalize their works. He found what he called a "Don't ask, don't tell" conspiracy because believers did not want to hear of loss of faith. That made unbelieving preachers feel isolated but they did not want to lose their jobs and sometimes their church-supplied lodgings and generally consoled themselves that they were doing good in their pastoral roles by providing comfort and required ritual.<ref name="Dennett2010">[http://www.epjournal.net/filestore/EP08122150.pdf Preachers who are not Believers (PDF)], Evolutionary Psychology, Vol. 8, Issue 1, March, 2010, pp. 122-50, (ISSN 1474-7049).</ref> The research, with [[Linda LaScola]], was further extended to include other denominations and non-Christian clerics.<ref>[http://traffic.libsyn.com/ffrf/FTradio_247_011511.mp3 Podcast: interview with Daniel Dennett. Further developments of the research: pastors, priests, and an Imam who are closet atheists].</ref>


2012年1月24日 (二) 08:16的版本

Daniel Clement Dennett
出生 (1942-03-28) 1942年3月28日82歲)
母校哈佛大學 (B.A.)
牛津大學 (D.Phil.)
意向立場(Intentional stance)
直覺幫浦(Intuition pump)
Multiple Drafts Model
Greedy reductionism

丹尼爾·丹尼特Daniel Clement Dennett)1942-03-28[1][2],是一名美國哲學家作家認知科學家。其研究集中於科學哲學生物學哲學,特別是與演化生物學認知科學有關的課題。[3]目前是塔夫斯大學(Tufts University)的哲學系教授、Austin B. Fletcher講座哲學教授及認知研究中心的共同主任。丹尼特是一名堅實的無神論世俗主義美國世俗聯盟(Secular Coalition for America)諮詢委員會成員,[4]明智思想運動(Brights movement)一名突出的支持者。有媒體將丹尼特、理查德·道金斯山姆·哈里斯克里斯托弗·希欽斯稱作新無神論的四騎士。[5]


生於麻省波士頓,丹尼特亦在黎巴嫩渡過了其部分童年。這是因他的父親在二戰期間,在黎巴嫩首都貝魯特以美國大使館文化專員的身份,秘密擔任戰略情報局的反間諜特務工作。[6]在丹尼特五歲之齡時,他的父親因不明的飛機意外過生,其母便將他帶回麻省繼續撫養。[7]他有一名擔任調查報道專員的妹妹夏洛特·丹尼特。[6] 中學階段就讀於著名的菲利普斯埃克塞特学院,1963年,在哈佛大學取得其文學士學位前在衞斯理大學渡過了一年的時光。於哈佛大學期間師承科學哲學大師威拉德·冯·奥曼·蒯因。後於牛津大學師承於吉伯特·賴爾(Gilbert Ryle),為赫特福德學院(Hertford College)的成員,並於1965年取得其在哲學的哲學博士



由2009年4月起,丹尼特是塔夫斯大學的哲學系教授、Austin B. Fletcher講座哲學教授及認知研究中心的共同主任(另一名主任為瑞·杰肯道夫(Ray Jackendoff))。[8] 丹尼特形容自己為「自主學習者,或更準確點說,透過非正式的學習途徑,從世界上不同範疇中最出色的科學家中得益。」[9]

他是福布莱特獎學金,兩次古根海姆基金獎(Guggenheim Fellowships),及行為科學進階研究中心獎學金的得獎者。[10] 目前為懷疑性探究委員會(Committee for Skeptical Inquiry)委員,國際人文主義學院(International Academy of Humanism)的人文學人。[11]於2004年他被美國人道主義協會(American Humanist Association)選為年度人道主義者。[12]2010年2月他入選為擺脫宗教基金會(Freedom From Religion Foundation)名譽榜的傑出成就者。[13]


丹尼特將以自然選擇為基礎的演化過程看成是一個算法過程(雖然他所指的漫長算法過程中也包含了一定的隨機性)。[14]這一想法與另一演化哲學家兼古生物學家史蒂芬·古爾德的想法有所衝突,當中古爾德較傾向認同演化的過程當中包含很多關鍵性因素,而自然選擇的只是其一。 丹尼特在演化的觀點上是一名強烈的適應主義者(Adaptationism),付合由他所提出的意向立場理論(Intentional stance)及另一生物學家理查德·道金斯的演化觀。在達爾文的危險想法一書中,丹尼特較理查德·道金斯更強烈地捍衛適應主義的看法,並用了一整個章節去批判古爾德的觀點。 這源於一場由古爾德與艾德華·威爾森及其他演化生物學家,就有關社會生物學(sociobiology)及其衍生的演化心理學(evolutionary psychology)的漫長辯論。當中古爾德及理查德·路溫頓(Richard Lewontin)一直持反對意見,但丹尼特、道金斯及史迪芬·平克則提倡的。[15]


Strong disagreements have been launched against Dennett from Gould and his supporters, who allege that Dennett overstated his claims and misrepresented Gould's to reinforce what Gould describes as Dennett's "Darwinian fundamentalism".[16]

Dennett's theories have had a significant influence on the work of evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller. He has also written about and advocated the notion of memetics as a philosophically useful tool, most recently in his "Brains, Computers, and Minds," a three part presentation through Harvard's MBB 2009 Distinguished Lecture Series.

He has recently been doing research into clerics who are secretly atheists and how they rationalize their works. He found what he called a "Don't ask, don't tell" conspiracy because believers did not want to hear of loss of faith. That made unbelieving preachers feel isolated but they did not want to lose their jobs and sometimes their church-supplied lodgings and generally consoled themselves that they were doing good in their pastoral roles by providing comfort and required ritual.[17] The research, with Linda LaScola, was further extended to include other denominations and non-Christian clerics.[18]


  1. ^ Autobiography
  2. ^ About the Author
  3. ^ Beardsley, T. (1996) Profile: Daniel C. Dennett – Dennett's Dangerous Idea, Scientific American 274(2), 34-35.
  4. ^ Secular Coalition for America Advisory Board Biography
  5. ^ [1]
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Feuer, Alan, A Dead Spy, a Daughter’s Questions and the C.I.A., New York Times, 2007-10-23 [2008-09-16] 
  7. ^ Brown, Andrew. The semantic engineer. The Guardian. 2004-04-17 [2010-02-01]. 
  8. ^ Center for Cognitive Studies
  9. ^ Dennett, Daniel C., What I Want to Be When I Grow Up, John Brockman (编), Curious Minds: How a Child Becomes a Scientist, New York: Vintage Books, 2005-09-13 [2004], ISBN 1-4000-7686-2  已忽略未知参数|month=(建议使用|date=) (帮助)
  10. ^ American Scientist
  11. ^ Secular Humanism Laureate
  12. ^ Humanist of the Year
  13. ^ Honorary FFRF Board Announced. [2008-08-20]. 
  14. ^ p. 52-60, Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life (Simon & Schuster; reprint edition 1996) (ISBN 0-684-82471-X)
  15. ^ Although Dennett has expressed criticism of human sociobiology, calling it a form of "greedy reductionism",he is generally sympathetic towards the explanations proposed by evolutionary psychology. Gould also is not one sided, and writes: "Sociobiologists have broadened their range of selective stories by invoking concepts of inclusive fitness and kin selection to solve (successfully I think) the vexatious problem of altruism—previously the greatest stumbling block to a Darwinian theory of social behavior. . . . Here sociobiology has had and will continue to have success. And here I wish it well. For it represents an extension of basic Darwinism to a realm where it should apply." Gould, 1980. "Sociobiology and the Theory of Natural Selection" In G. W. Barlow and J. Silverberg, eds., Sociobiology: Beyond Nature/Nurture? Boulder CO: Westview Press, pp. 257-269.
  16. ^ 'Evolution: The pleasures of Pluralism' — Stephen Jay Gould's review of Darwin's Dangerous Idea, June 26, 1997
  17. ^ Preachers who are not Believers (PDF), Evolutionary Psychology, Vol. 8, Issue 1, March, 2010, pp. 122-50, (ISSN 1474-7049).
  18. ^ Podcast: interview with Daniel Dennett. Further developments of the research: pastors, priests, and an Imam who are closet atheists.

