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老楞佐图书馆 (Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana) 是意大利佛罗伦萨一个历史悠久的图书馆,收藏有超过11,000册手抄本和4,500册早期印刷书籍[1]。它建于美第奇家族的圣老楞佐圣殿,由出身美第奇家族的教宗克萊孟七世资助。图书馆的建立是为了强调,美第奇家族不只是单纯的商人,也是知识界和宗教界的成员。图书馆的建筑由 米开朗基罗设计建造,属于风格主义.[1][2][3]

The reading room
The Bibliotheca Medicea is also a fully modern scholarly library


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Medicean-Laurentian Library. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. 
  2. ^ Fazio, Michael; Moffett, Marian; Wodehouse, Lawrence, Buildings across Time (London: Lawrence King Publishing Ltd, 2009), pp 308-310
  3. ^ Lotz, Wolfgang; Howard, Deborah, Architecture in Italy, 1500-1600 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995), pp 91-94
  • Pierre Petitmengin – Laetitia Ciccolini, Jean Matal et la bibliothèque de Saint Marc de Florence (1545), "Italia medioevale e umanistica", 46, 2005, pp. 207-238.