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Resinomycena saccharifera
科学分类 编辑
界: 真菌界 Fungi
门: 担子菌门 Basidiomycota
纲: 傘菌綱 Agaricomycetes
目: 伞菌目 Agaricales
科: 小菇科 Mycenaceae
属: 脂小菇屬 Resinomycena
Redhead & Singer
Resinomycena rhododendri
Peck)Redhead & Singer

脂小菇屬學名Resinomycena)是小菇科的一個[1],其下包含至少八種物種,分布於北美、歐洲與東亞[2][3][4][5][6][7],其中日本脂小菇瑞典语Resinomycena japonica可以發出螢光[8][3]。本屬菇類大小較小,顏色為白色至棕黃色,在腐爛的樹葉、樹枝與樹幹等基質上行腐生生長。本屬與小菇屬小皮傘屬英语Marasmius半小菇屬的外形十分相似,特徵為梅澤試劑檢驗的結果孢子含有類澱粉蛋白、但子實體組織則很少呈似糊精英语Amyloid (mycology)反應,且蕈褶中的囊狀體英语Cystidium蕈柄均含有許多油脂。



  1. ^ Moncalvo JM, Vilgalys R, Redhead SA, Johnson JE, James TY, Catherine Aime M, Hofstetter V, Verduin SJ, Larsson E, Baroni TJ, Greg Thorn R, Jacobsson S, Clémençon H, Miller OK Jr. One hundred and seventeen clades of euagarics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2002, 23 (3): 357–400. PMID 12099793. doi:10.1016/S1055-7903(02)00027-1. 
  2. ^ Redhead SA, Singer R. Resinomycena gen. nov. (Agaricales), an ally of Hydropus, Mycena and Baeospora. Mycotaxon. 1981, 13: 150–170. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Redhead SA, Nagasawa E. Resinomycena japonica and Resupinatus merulioides, new species of Agaricales from Japan. Canadian Journal of Botany. 1987, 65: 972–976. doi:10.1139/b87-134. 
  4. ^ Kühner R. Transfert de Mycena saccharifera (Berk. et Br.) Gillet dans le genre Resinomycena Redhead et Singer. Documents Mycologiques. 1985, 15 (59): 11–14. 
  5. ^ Miersch J, Dähncke RM. Zur Pilzflora der Kanaren-Insel La Palma. - Häufige und bemerkenswerteFunde von Helmlingen (Mycena) und helmlingsähnlichen Arten (Delicatula,Hemimycena, Resinomycena, Roridomyces). Zeitschrift für Mykologie. 2010, 76 (2): 217–236. 
  6. ^ Antonín V, Noordeloos ME. A Monograph of the Genera Hemimycena, Delicatula, Fayodia, Gamundia, Myxomphalia, Resinomycena, Rickenella and Xeromphalina in Europe. 2004. 
  7. ^ Bau T, Bulakh YM, Zhuang J-Y, Li Y. Agarics and other macrobasidiomycetes from Ussuri River Valley. Mycosystema. 2007, 26 (3): 349–368. 
  8. ^ Terashima Y, Takahashi H, Taneyama Y (编). The fungal flora in southwestern Japan : Agarics and boletes. Tokai University Press. 2016. 
