


慕唯仁(Viren Murthy,1968年)是一名印度裔美国历史学家,目前担任威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校历史学教授。



  • “Transfiguring Modern Temporality: Zhang Taiyan’s Critique of Evolutionary History,” in Modern China, September, 2012.
  • “The Strange Fate of Civil Society in Japan and China,” in Frontiers of History in China, Aug, 2012.
  • “The 1911 Revolution and the Politics of Failure: Takeuchi Yoshimi and Global Capitalist Modernity,” Frontiers of Literature in China, May, 2012.
  • “Reconfiguring Historical Time: Moishe Postone’s Interpretation of Marx” in History and Heteronomy, edited by Nakajima Takahiro, University of Tokyo Center of Philosophy, Tokyo, 2009, 9-31.
  • “The Politics of Fengjian in Late Qing and Early Republican China” in Kai-wing Chow, Tze-ki Hon and Hung-yok Ip eds., Modernities as Local Practices, Nationalism, and Cultural Production: Deconstructing the May-Fourth Paradigm on Modern China, from Lexington Books, 2008. 151-182.
  • Modernity Against Modernity: Wang Hui’s Critical History of Chinese Thought,” Modern Intellectual History Vol. 3.1, April, 2006, 137-165.