

职业YouTuber 编辑维基数据

鲁比·法兰克(英语:Ruby Franke,1982年[1][2][3]),美国前家庭影片Vlog作者,也是被定罪的虐待儿童者,经营的YouTube频道“8 Passengers”现已解散。2023年8月30日,法兰克在犹他州华盛顿县被捕,根据犹他州法律,她被控六项严重虐待儿童罪,并对其中四项认罪。法兰克预计于2024年2月被判刑。



2015年初,法兰克创建了一个名为“8 Passengers”的YouTube频道,记录她与丈夫凯文以及六个孩子在犹他州的家庭生活[4][5][6]。她最初每周五天在早上6点发布内容[4]。截至2020年6月,该频道拥有近250万订阅者[7][8],观看次数达10亿次[9]

从2020年开始,当法兰克的一个儿子说他被禁止进入自己的卧室,被迫睡在豆袋上达七个月之久时,观众开始关注法兰克的管教方式,其中还包括扣留食物[5][8]、将一个孩子送往问题青少年野外训练营、威胁要砍掉一个毛绒玩具的头,以及告诉两个孩子圣诞老人不会在当年的圣诞节给他们带来任何东西,因为他们太“麻木”了,无法对其他惩罚做出反应[6]。有人在Change.org上发起请愿,举报虐待和忽视儿童的行为[5][6][8][10]。鲁比和凯文·法兰克发文为纪律辩护,称这些事件被断章取义[7]。2021年,“8 Passengers”频道的受欢迎程度有所下降[5]

2022年,法兰克夫妇分居,凯文·法兰克搬出了房子。法兰克删除了YouTube频道[11],开始在咨商师乔迪·南·希尔德布兰特(Jodi Nan Hildebrandt)经营的ConneXions公司担任心理健康教练[2][6][10]。2022年,她们共同推出一个新的影片频道[12],并合作开设一个名为“Moms of Truth”的Instagram账户[12],还开设了育儿课程[5]。根据邻居和法兰克家的大女儿观察,法兰克经常把孩子们独自留在家里,并打电话给有关部门查看他们的情况[11]



2023年8月30日,法兰克和希尔德布兰特在犹他州艾文斯被捕,9月1日两人被指控犯有六项严重虐待儿童的重罪[1][2][5][6][13][14]。根据圣克拉拉-艾文斯公共安全部门的一份声明,法兰克12岁的儿子看起来很消瘦,“四肢有开放性伤口和胶带”,他曾爬过希尔德布兰特家的窗户,向邻居家索取食物和水[1][2][5][13]。急救人员在屋内发现了法兰克10岁的女儿,她也营养不良;两个孩子都被送往医院,男孩因严重营养不良和“被绳子捆绑造成的深度撕裂伤”接受治疗[1][6]。犹他州儿童和家庭服务部将两人以及法兰克的另外两个孩子送去照顾[1][2]。警方后来报告,据男孩说他的伤口是用卡宴辣椒英语Cayenne pepper和蜂蜜包扎的[11][15]

法兰克和希尔德布兰特被关押,不得保释。两人的首次虚拟听证会于2023年9月8日在犹他州圣乔治举行[16][17];原定于9月18日举行的状况审查听证会应其律师的要求推迟。希尔德布兰特交出了她的心理咨商师执照,等待法庭案件和纪律调查的结果[11] [18]


2023年12月18日,法兰克承认四项严重虐待儿童罪。后来,她对另外两项指控不认罪[20]事实依据英语Factual basis更详细地阐明了虐待行为,包括法兰克强行让她的儿子在户外工作数周而未采取适当保护措施,导致严重晒伤,以及声称孩子被附身的事件。法兰克同意入狱服刑,并同意连续服刑而不是同时服刑。预计法兰克将在即将对希尔德布兰特进行的审判中作证指控希尔德布兰特。法兰克将于2024年2月20日判刑[21] [22]





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Ruby Franke: '8 Passengers' parenting mum arrested on child abuse suspicion. BBC News. September 1, 2023. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Tumin, Remy. Host of YouTube Parenting Channel Is Charged With Child Abuse. The New York Times. September 1, 2023 [September 2, 2023]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于September 2, 2023). 
  3. ^ Utah County Sheriff's Office Inmate Search. sheriff.utahcounty.gov. [2023-11-09]. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Christensen, Megan Marsden. Springville mother documents family life on popular YouTube channel. KSL.com (Deseret Digital Media). January 16, 2016 [September 3, 2023]. 
  5. ^ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 Ables, Kelsey; Bellware, Kim. What to know about Ruby Franke, parenting YouTuber charged with child abuse. The Washington Post. September 1, 2023 [September 2, 2023]. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Hanson, Amy Beth. Parenting advice YouTuber Ruby Franke charged with aggravated child abuse of 2 of her 6 children. Associated Press. September 1, 2023 [September 3, 2023]. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Dodgson, Lindsay. These YouTuber parents are speaking out after drama channels and TikTokers accused them of being abusive to their children and had child protective services visit their house. Business Insider. June 25, 2020 [September 3, 2023]. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Walrath-Holdridge, Mary. Who is Ruby Franke? 8 Passengers family vlogger arrested on child abuse charges. USA Today. September 1, 2023 [September 2, 2023]. 
  9. ^ 8 Passengers YouTube Channel statistics. July 31, 2023 [September 8, 2023]. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Tolentino, Daysia; Rosenblatt, Kalhan. Who is Ruby Franke, the mom of the '8 Passengers' YouTube channel arrested on abuse charges?. NBC News Pop Culture. August 31, 2023 [September 6, 2023]. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Miller, Jordan. Ruby Franke case: A timeline of events. The Salt Lake Tribune. October 4, 2023 [October 6, 2023]. 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Bubalo, Mattea. Ruby Franke and 8 passengers: The rise and fall of a parenting influencer. BBC News. September 9, 2023 [September 10, 2023]. 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Sole, Elise. YouTuber mom Ruby Franke arrested and charged in child abuse investigation. Today.com. September 1, 2023 [September 2, 2023]. 
  14. ^ Olson, Emily. YouTube vlogger Ruby Franke formally charged with 6 felony counts of child abuse. NPR. September 6, 2023. 
  15. ^ Hanson, Amy Beth. Son of Utah woman who gave online parenting advice says therapist tied him up with ropes. Associated Press. September 20, 2023. 
  16. ^ Rissman, Kelly. Ruby Franke virtual court hearing on child abuse charges is derailed by tech issues. The Independent. September 10, 2023 [September 10, 2023]. 
  17. ^ Hanson, Amy Beth. Parenting advice YouTuber Ruby Franke and business partner to remain jailed on child abuse charges. Associated Press. September 8, 2023 [September 8, 2023]. 
  18. ^ YouTube mom Ruby Franke to plead guilty in child abuse case, attorney says. ABCNEWS. 
  19. ^ Neumann, Sean. YouTube Bans Ruby Franke, Deletes Her Channels Following Arrest and Child Abuse Charges. People. September 6, 2023 [September 13, 2023]. 
  20. ^ Fadulu, Lola. Former YouTube Parenting Channel Host Pleads Guilty to Child Abuse. The New York Times. 2023-12-18 [2023-12-19]. ISSN 0362-4331. OCLC 990059982 (美国英语). 
  21. ^ YouTube mom who gave parenting advice, Ruby Franke, pleads guilty in child abuse case. AP News. 2023-12-18 [2023-12-18] (英语). 
  22. ^ Momfluencer Ruby Franke Admits to Sick Abuse in Guilty Plea. Daily Beast. 
  23. ^ Yang, Angela. 'We did not know what they were doing': Ruby Franke's sisters share new video statements. NBC News. September 14, 2023. 
  24. ^ Ruby Franke’s husband files for divorce. NBC News. 
  25. ^ Ruby Franke’s husband files for divorce after her child abuse arrest. independent. ISSN 0951-9467. OCLC 1113389868.