


芙兰·安·雷伯维兹(英语:Fran Ann Lebowitz (/ˈlbəwɪts/;[1] ,1950年10月27日),美国作家[2]、演说家[3][4]暨业余演员[5]

雷伯维兹对美国人生活的犀利英语Sardonicism社评,体现了她身为纽约客的细腻个性,以及往来的都是1970年代到1980年代纽约艺术界指标性的人物,例如美国知名普普艺术安迪·沃荷、以暴力美学闻名的电影导演马丁·史柯西斯、知名舞蹈家杰罗姆·罗宾斯、知名摄影师罗伯特·梅普尔索普纽约著名前卫艺术家大卫·瓦纳罗维奇英语David Wojnarowicz、美国标志性庞克乐团纽约娃娃乐团英语New York Dolls[6][7][8][9]。美国《纽约时报》曾形容雷伯维兹为“当代的朵乐希·帕克英语Dorothy Parker[10]”;其为诗人暨作家,亦是《纽约客》杂志创始编辑之一,冷箭般的机智妙语与黑色幽默文风是帕克的个人标志。

雷伯维兹的著作有1978年出版的《大都会生活英语Metropolitan Life (book)》、1981年出版的《社会观察英语Social Studies (book)》和1994年出版的《芙兰·雷伯维兹读英语The Fran Lebowitz Reader》皆十分卖座,后者为前二者的综合文集[11]。雷伯维兹也与马丁·史柯西斯合作过两部作品,分别为HBO的2010年播映的纪录片公众演讲英语Public Speaking (film)》,以及Netflix2021年的纪录片节目《弗兰·利波维兹:假装我们在城市英语Pretend It's a City[12]



雷伯维兹生长于纽泽西州莫里斯敦,家里有父亲哈罗德 (Harold)、母亲露丝 (Ruth) 和姊姊艾伦 (Ellen)[13]。雷伯维兹自述她的“犹太人身份”系为“族群文化或随便现在的人怎么称呼的,但不是宗教[14]。”雷伯维兹于7岁起就是无神论者[15],她没有接受犹太教成人礼,但是在满15岁前持续参与主日学(Sunday school),也曾受过信仰坚振礼[14]

雷伯维兹在求学期间,整体表现并不算好,尤其是代数曾被当过六次,她对此表示“我一开始就听不懂这些,也没有兴趣去弄懂[16][17]。”由于学业成绩不佳,父母便帮她在山湖镇英语Mountain Lakes,New Jersey隶属于圣公会的私立威尔森女校 (Wilson School) (现已改制为克雷格学校英语The Craig School) 注册[14][18],她的成绩略见起色,然而由于她不愿遵守校规,最后以“非特定缘由的粗鲁行为”为由遭到开除[14][19][17]。在就读于莫里斯敦高中英语Morristown High School时,也曾因偷偷溜出运动大赛前的赛前加油会英语pep rally遭到停学[16]




遭高中开除后,雷伯维兹仍取得了高中同等学力证明。18岁时,父母将她送到纽约州波启浦夕市的姑姑家住了六个月[21],她在1969年搬到纽约市[22],父亲同意支付前两个月的费用,条件是必须住在仅限女客的玛莎华盛顿饭店 (现更名为纽约红莓酒店英语The Redbury New York[17]),然后她转而住在朋友的纽约公寓和波士顿大学宿舍里,以替学生写报告维生,20岁时在西村自租公寓居住[23][24]。为了养活自己,她做过清洁工[2]、开过私家轿车和计程车,当过黄色书刊撰稿人[19][17],但她拒绝应征餐厅服务生,声称许多餐厅录取的先决条件是要跟经理发生关系[25]

雷伯维兹21岁时在小型杂志《变(Changes)》上班,负责兜售广告版面[2]和撰写书评及影评[18],这本杂志是激进份子的政治与文化刊物[26],由唱片制作人苏·明格斯英语Sue Mingus (婚前的本名为苏珊·葛兰姆(Susan Graham))创立[27],她也是美国爵士贝斯手查尔斯·明格斯的第四任妻子。接著安迪·沃荷聘请雷伯维兹到《访问》杂志[28] 负责撰写专栏“钜细弥遗 (I Cover the Waterfront)[2]”。她随后转至《佳人杂志英语Mademoiselle_(magazine)(Mademoiselle)》上班[29],期间结交到许多艺术家友人,如1971年认识了美国摄影师彼得·胡雅尔英语Peter Hujar和常常送她摄影照的罗伯特·梅普尔索普;然而许多照片她在不久后就丢掉了[30]

1978 年,第一本著作《大都会生活》出版,本文集网罗了主要刊登于《佳人杂志》和《访问》杂志的诙谐散文[21],其中有标题为“没念大学之成功”和“对几句话讲几句话”等;多以辛辣讽刺的语气钜细弥遗阐述她厌烦或沮丧的事物[31]。 《大都会生活》出版后,雷伯维兹成为当地名人,经常现身于美国纽约的传奇俱乐部54俱乐部[32]和上电视。1981年出版了另一本诙谐散文文集《社会观察》[10],同样收录刊登于《佳人杂志》和《访问》杂志的文章[33],探讨有青少年、电影和客房服务等主题[34]。1994年出版的《芙兰·雷伯维兹读》系为《大都会生活》和《社会观察》的合集[35]



自1990年中期以来,雷伯维兹的长达数十年的创作瓶颈广为人知[2];她最近出版的作品是在1994年付梓的《查斯先生和丽莎苏遇见了熊猫英语Mr. Chas and Lisa Sue Meet the Pandas》(Mr. Chas and Lisa Sue Meet the Pandas),这本儿童读物讲的是住在纽约市的熊猫渴望搬到巴黎的故事。至今雷伯维兹仍没有放弃继续她未完成的创作作品,例如未完成的小说《财富的外征》(Exterior Signs of Wealth)[36],描述想当艺术家的富人和想致富的艺术家[2]。2004年,她的《进步》(Progress)一书文摘首次刊载于《浮华世界》杂志[37],但是截至2023年尚未完稿。雷伯维兹在聊到创作瓶颈时表示:“我的编辑--每当我介绍他是我的编辑时,他总是说这是‘城里最简单的工作’;他说我对写作陷入瘫痪是基于过度崇敬文字,我认为很有可能[20]。”

因为文学创作遭遇瓶颈,雷伯维兹主要收入来源转为登上银幕亮相与受邀演讲,对此她表示:“这就是我毕生所追求的:有人想听我表达意见,也不准有人打断我[38]。”她以公开演讲人的身份巡回各地,并由史蒂芬巴克莱经纪公司(Steven Barclay Agency)代为经理其业务[39]。雷伯维兹曾多次登上美国国家广播公司(NBC)的大卫·莱特曼深夜秀英语Late Night with David Letterman[36],她也在《法网游龙》影集饰演戈柏法官一角(Janice Goldberg/Janis Goldberg)[6]。1997年至今,雷伯维兹持续在《浮华世界》杂志担任特约编辑以及临时专栏作家,也一直为新闻报导供稿。

雷伯维兹在进入大众视野后,接触到更广泛的观众,也建立起她标志性的风格并闻名于世:对特定领域所发表的机智妙语及幽默观察评论,像是纽约市、中产阶级化、艺术、文学和政治等。雷伯维兹的代表性衣著为男装西装外套、白衬衫、牛仔靴、Levi's牛仔裤和玳瑁眼镜[40][41],她所穿著的西装外套为英国伦敦塞维街公会的特级订制西装英语Bespoke tailoring安德森与雪帕德英语Anderson&Sheppard工坊所裁量[42]。雷伯维兹时常谈及她唯一的爱车--1979年的珍珠灰色奇克出租车英语Checker Taxi(Checker Taxi),并自述其为“我一辈子中唯一的一夫一妻制关系[43]”。2007年9月,雷伯维兹在《浮华世界》杂志第68届年度国际最佳衣著榜中,获选为年度最时尚女性[44]。雷伯维兹另一件闻名的事迹为拥有大量藏书,高达一万册馀,其中包含一整架的肥皂雕刻教学书[2]。她对许多科技产品保持拒绝态度,像是手机及电脑[45]。雷伯维兹是老烟枪,因而致力倡导吸烟人士有其权利[36][46][47];然而她从19岁起就不再吸毒或饮酒,并表示她“在那个年龄,就达到了二者的毕生用量[48]。”

2010年,雷伯维兹因参与HBO的纪录片《公众演讲》而进入新一代观众的视野,同年11月17日,睽违16年后重返大卫深夜秀为该片宣传,聊到她多年的写作障碍,开玩笑地称之为“作家的封锁(writer's blockade)”。11月22日,HBO首播马丁·史柯西斯执导的《公众演讲》,其中收录有她的采访和演讲片段[49]。雷伯维兹也参与史柯西斯2013年的电影《华尔街之狼》评委;2021年更再次在Netflix的《弗兰·利波维兹:假装我们在城市》纪录片节目中合作,他以纽约市和其他主题采访她的看法[50][51]






她一直批评纽约市市长鲁迪·朱利安尼和前任市长麦克·彭博让纽约更加郊区化并加速曼哈顿的中产阶级化,亦批评纽约市许多有钱人“不创造任何有价值的东西,而只会消费东西。” [53]




2022年,雷伯维兹登上美国唱作人兼制作人奎斯特洛夫英语Questlove的“奎斯妙想”节目(Quest for Craft)时,表示纽约市对她的创作如斯重要,以及场所感对一位作家有多重要[57][58]








雷伯维兹被称为“推进女权主义的反方”[25] , 2019年,她在一次采访中表示:


另一场采访中,她表示:“我不是很注意它(女权主义),主要是因为我从来没想到它有什么用,不幸的是,我多半没想错。”又说道:“现在教养小女孩的方式非常不一样了,我小时候,如果我想做某些事,但是不受允许,很多时候原因往往是‘因为你是女生 ’。”[60]






雷伯维兹对许多政治人物有著犀利的评论;她对前美国总统比尔·柯林顿(1993年-2001年)将民主党推向右翼表示反感:“对我而言,他看起来就是个共和党人⋯⋯当他签署个人责任与工作机会调和法英语Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act时,我整个气到疯掉。他当一个不痛不痒的共和党总统当得很成功[61]”她对美国联邦参议员伯尼·桑德斯表示厌恶,称他为“难以置信的讨厌鬼,自恋的老头”,因为他在2019年参与2020年美国总统选举时抢走她支持的候选人希拉蕊·柯林顿的选票[41][61]。对于前美国总统隆纳·雷根(1981年-1989年),她的看法是“愚蠢总统的模板”:“在雷根之前,没人料想得到当总统的人有可能很蠢。”[64]

雷伯维兹认为美国宪法第二修正案(保障美国持枪权,亦即公民享有正当防卫的公民权)遭到曲解,所保障的权利应该是与其让公民随身佩枪不如让他们自组民兵团[64] 。在辩论拥枪权时,她表示:













年份 标题 角色 备注
1990 巴黎在燃烧英语Paris Is Burning 本人 纪录片
2010 公众演讲英语Public Speaking (film) 本人 HBO 纪录片
2013 华尔街之狼 司徒吉法官 剧情片
2014 重生之河英语River of Fundament 清醒的客人
2016 黑暗王子:摄欲人生英语Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures 本人 纪录片
2017 时尚教父的福音英语The Gospel According to André 本人 纪录片
2018 瑰丽卡莱尔:浮华纽约英语Always at the Carlyle 本人 纪录片
2019 托妮·莫里森:我的作品英语Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am 本人 纪录片
2019 书商英语The Booksellers 本人 纪录片
2020 瓦纳罗维奇同名电影英语Wojnarowicz (film) 本人 纪录片


年份 标题 角色 备注
1980 大卫赖特曼秀英语The David Letterman Show 谈话来宾 集数: 1980年6月30日
1982-10 大卫深夜秀 谈话来宾 15集
1982 迈克·道格拉斯秀英语The Mike Douglas Show 谈话来宾 集数: 大卫·赫索霍夫和芙兰·雷伯维兹
1994-10 查理·罗斯脱口秀英语Charlie Rose (talk show) 谈话来宾 6集
1994-00 康纳·奥布莱恩深夜秀英语Late Night with Conan O'Brien 谈话来宾 7集
2001-07 法网游龙 戈柏法官 12集
2006 法网游龙:犯案动机英语Law & Order: Criminal Intent 集数: "To the Bone"
2010-13 吉米·法伦深夜秀英语Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 谈话来宾 3集
2015-21 吉米A咖秀 谈话来宾 8集
2015-22 马厄脱口秀 谈话来宾 8集
2021 弗兰·利波维兹:假装我们在城市英语Pretend It's a City 自己 制片;Netflix 纪录片[72]
2021 Late Night with Seth Meyers 谈话来宾 集数: 比尔·哈德和芙兰·雷伯维兹
2021 Ziwe 谈话来宾 集数: "55%"




  1. ^ Say How: L. National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled. [June 23, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-19). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Plimpton, George; Linville, James. A Humorist at Work. The Paris Review. 1993,. Summer 1993 (127) [January 10, 2021]. ISSN 0031-2037. (原始内容存档于2016-10-16). While working in the local Carvel ice-cream store, she attended an Episcopalian day school until she was thrown out for "non-specific surliness." Certain that she would starve to death following this banishment, Lebowitz skipped college and moved to Manhattan, where she pursued such jobs as taxi driving, belt peddling, apartment cleaning ("with a small specialty in Venetian blinds"), and selling advertising space for Changes magazine. 
  3. ^ Detrick, Ben. Infallibility Has Its Upside. The New York Times. November 17, 2010 [2018-03-10]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-15). 
  4. ^ King, Loren. Fran Lebowitiz is coming to town to tell it like it is. Boston.com. October 6, 2012 [October 15, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-05). 
  5. ^ David, Mark. Fran Lebowitz Buys $3.1 Million, One-Bedroom Condo in New York City. Variety. February 13, 2017 [2018-03-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-25). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Bennett, Bruce. The Vulture Transcript: Fran Lebowitz on Sarah Palin, Keith Richards, Her Side Career as a Law & Order Judge, and Much More. New York. November 23, 2010 [2022-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-13). 
  7. ^ O'Hagan, Sean. Fran Lebowitz: 'I am really not a contrarian'. The Guardian. 7 February 2021 [22 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-12) (英语). 
  8. ^ Bradley Paige, Katherine. Fran Lebowitz Remembers When Everyone Hated Jerome Robbins and Money Had No Currency. Vice. 14 May 2018 [22 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-10) (英语). 
  9. ^ Harris, Melissa. Close Friend To Both David Wojnarowicz And Peter Hujar, Writer Fran Lebowitz Renders An Intimate Portrait Of Both Artists.... (137). Aperture. Fall 1994 [22 February 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-10). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Collins, Glenn. The sour cream sensibility. The New York Times. August 23, 1981 [2018-03-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-14). 
  11. ^ Callahan, Dan. Fran Lebowitz in Public Speaking. Slant Magazine. February 21, 2011 [2018-03-10]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-03). 
  12. ^ Butler, Sara. Ahead of rare San Diego appearance, Fran Lebowitz chats about writing, Zoom calls and California burritos. The San Diego Union-Tribune. April 27, 2022 [18 August 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-10). 
  13. ^ Harold Lebowitz Obituary - Morristown, New Jersey , Rowe Funeral Home. Tribute Archive. November 21, 2008 [January 10, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-10). Lebowitz owned and operated Pearl's Upholstered Furniture 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Ginsberg, Johanna R. The NJ that's in me doesn't exist anymore. New Jersey Jewish News. January 27, 2016 [January 10, 2021]. (原始内容存档于March 2, 2018). There was no official charge. When people ask me about this, they usually think, what do you have to do to get expelled from school? Now, you have to burn the school down or something. I just wasn't the headmaster's cup of tea...So I went to Sunday school until I was 15. And then had a confirmation. 
  15. ^ KXM. Fran Lebowitz Interview on Charlie Rose. February 15, 2017 [July 17, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-28) –通过YouTube.com. 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 La Gorce, Tammy. Riding Out the Pandemic with Fran Lebowitz. New Jersey Monthly. November 9, 2020 [January 10, 2021]. (原始内容存档于November 9, 2020). I was suspended from Morristown High School specifically for sneaking out of pep rallies...So is algebra, which I failed six times. 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Eleanor Wachtel. Fran Lebowitz interview. Writers & Company (CBC Radio). 2012-11-25 [May 8, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-13) –通过YouTube.com. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 O'Brien, Glenn. Fran Lebowitz, America's Funniest Femme Fatale. High Times. October 28, 2019, (August 1978) [January 11, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-09). Just one day the headmaster woke up and thought. "She's really not our type." 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Osgood, Kelsey. Biographies We Need: The Delightful Drollery of Fran Lebowitz. signature-reads.com. March 25, 2014 [May 8, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-08). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 What Does Fran Lebowitz Really Think About Trump and #MeToo?. InsideHook. [April 17, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-09) (美国英语). 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Mitgang, Herbert. BEHIND THE BEST SELLERS. The New York Times. June 4, 1978 [January 11, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-17). expelled in her senior year — "Kicked out," she says. "I wasn't the right type for Wilson School. I couldn't wear their blazer. I never discovered the formal charge — that went to my parents. I think was thrown out for petulance." 
  22. ^ Fran Lebowitz Remembers Everything in Public Speaking. The Village Voice. February 23, 2011 [April 17, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-10). 
  23. ^ Clemente, Francesco. The Voice: Fran Lebowitz. Interview Magazine. 11 March 2016 [16 January 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-21). But when I say no kitchen, I mean no sink. Okay? There was a sink in the bathroom. But I moved into that apartment in 1970 or '69; there was no ceiling in the bathroom. I saw the super once, just when I moved in, and I pointed out to him there was no ceiling in the bathroom. He said they'd fix it. When I moved out nine years later, there was no ceiling in the bathroom. There may, in fact, still be no ceiling in the bathroom. 
  24. ^ Bui, Phong. FRAN LEBOWITZ with Phong Bui. The Brooklyn Rail. March 4, 2014 [January 11, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-10). I remember when I moved out of the hotel I basically lived on the floors of my friends' apartments. I would even go to Boston and sleep on the floor in the dormitory of a few friends from high school who were going to college in Boston. I didn't really have my own apartment probably until I was 20. 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 Tashjian, Rachel. Fran Lebowitz Will Never Read This Interview. The Cut. March 21, 2019 [April 18, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-12) (美国英语). Fran is very close with Toni Morrison. "She's one of my best friends, and she is the only wise person I've ever known. I know lots of very smart people, but I only know one wise person," she said. She and Toni talk on the phone every day. "She's very important to me because there are very few people's advice I'm interested in," Fran said. "I've not always taken Toni's advice, but I'm always interested. Toni is so unlike me. When I was young, my mother used to say, ‘Can't you be the bigger person?' And I would say no. I am by nature the smaller person, but the bigger person is Toni." 
  26. ^ Santoro, Gene. Myself when I am real : the life and music of Charles Mingus. New York: Oxford University Press. 2001: 283. ISBN 0-19-514711-1. 
  27. ^ Lebowitz v. Mingus, 100 A.D.2d 816. Casetext. April 24, 1984 [January 10, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-07). 
  28. ^ Coughlan, Thomas. Fran Lebowitz goes road-tripping. The Daily Californian. November 7, 2012 [2018-03-10]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-11). 
  29. ^ Alfano, Elysabeth. Quintessential New Yorker and Social Commentator, Fran Lebowitz, Comes to Chicago. The Huffington Post. September 28, 2012 [2023-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-09). 
  30. ^ AnOther. Fran Lebowitz Remembers Her Friend Peter Hujar. AnOtherc. June 28, 2018 [April 18, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-09). 
  31. ^ McKeown, Jim. Likely Stories: Metropolitan Life by Fran Lebowitz. www.kwbu.org. July 27, 2017 [April 18, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-02). 
  32. ^ It Starts With a Drag: The Friendship of Frances A. Lebowitz and Frank Rich '71. The Harvard Crimson. [April 18, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-13). 
  33. ^ Collins, Glenn. The Sour Cream Sensibility. The New York Times. August 23, 1981 [January 11, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-14). 
  34. ^ NBC Learn: Fran Lebowitz, Social Studies (PDF). [永久失效链接]
  35. ^ Callahan, Dan. Fran Lebowitz in Public Speaking. Slant Magazine. February 21, 2011 [2023-05-13]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-03). 
  36. ^ 36.0 36.1 36.2 Morris, Bob. At Lunch With: Fran Lebowitz; Words Are Easy, Books Are Not. The New York Times. August 10, 1994. 
  37. ^ Lebowitz, Fran. Is Everything Sacred?. Vanity Fair. October 2004 [2023-05-19]. (原始内容存档于2014-09-03). 
  38. ^ Public Speaking: A Mash Note from One Fast-Talker to Another. The L Magazine. February 16, 2011 [April 18, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-10) (美国英语). 
  39. ^ Fran Lebowitz: Author, Journalist, Social Observer. Steven Barclay Agency. [2023-05-26]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-22). 
  40. ^ 'Yoga Pants are Ruining Women' and Other Style Advice From Fran Lebowitz. Elle. March 2014 [May 12, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-10). 
  41. ^ 41.0 41.1 Nicole Brodeur. Sex tapes, politics, cigarettes: A Conversation with Fran Lebowitz. Seattle Times. February 15, 2018 [May 9, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-07). 
  42. ^ Lebowitz, Fran. 'I think an Anderson & Sheppard suit is the best suit there is': Fran Lebowitz on her favourite tailor. Financial Times. November 25, 2020 [January 10, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-17). 
  43. ^ NPR. fran lebowitz interview npr. YouTube.com. April 30, 2015 [May 8, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-13). 
  44. ^ The 68th Annual International Best-Dressed List. Vanity Fair. September 2007 [2023-06-01]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-13). 
  45. ^ Eckardt, Stephanie. Fran Lebowitz Doesn't Have a Cell Phone, But Knows Everything That Happens on Social Media Anyway. W Magazine. [October 29, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-07). 
  46. ^ VF editor gives up smoke fight. New York Post. February 19, 2005 [July 6, 2017]. (原始内容存档于November 4, 2012). 
  47. ^ Female Celebrity Smoking List – Lebowitz. Smokingsides.com. [2023-06-01]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-14). 
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 David Hershkovits. Fran Lebowitz to Tourists: "Stay Home". Paper Magazine. September 17, 2014 [May 9, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-19). 
  49. ^ Public Speaking. HBO. 2010 [2023-06-10]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-21). 
  50. ^ The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. Fran Lebowitz Tries to Not Talk About Her Netflix Series with Martin Scorsese. YouTube.com. July 16, 2019 [July 19, 2019]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-13). 
  51. ^ Fran Lebowitz vs. the World Talking (on a landline) with the star of Martin Scorsese's cranky, necessary love letter to New York, Pretend It's a City. Curb. December 29, 2020 [December 30, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-29). 
  52. ^ 52.0 52.1 52.2 The Voice: Fran Lebowitz. Interview Magazine. March 11, 2016 [April 17, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-21) (美国英语). 
  53. ^ amNY. Museum Hours: Memories of Chaos and Quiet in '70s Manhattan. amNewYork. October 6, 2016 [April 18, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-09) (美国英语). 
  54. ^ HBO. Real Time with Bill Maher: Fran Lebowitz – Giuliani and Racism. YouTube.com. February 20, 2015 [May 9, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-13). 
  55. ^ HBO Films. Fran Lebowitz on New York & Andy Warhol. YouTube.com. August 4, 2011 [May 11, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2011-09-30). 
  56. ^ Vanity Fair. Fran Lebowitz Knows What to Do With All Those Empty Oligarch Apartments. YouTube.com. December 2, 2015 [May 9, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-13). 
  57. ^ Kenan Thompson, Fran Lebowitz among featured guests on second season of Questlove's digital series. PhillyVoice. 2022-10-17 [2022-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-27) (english). 
  58. ^ Sarachan, Risa. Questlove And The Balvenie Launch Season Two Of Interview Series 'Quest For Craft'. Forbes. [2022-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-11) (英语). 
  59. ^ Lebowitz, Fran. The Impact of Aids on the Artistic Community. The New York Times. September 13, 1987 [April 18, 2020]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2023-06-07) (美国英语). 
  60. ^ Durbin, Andrew. Women in the Arts: Fran Lebowitz. Frieze. April 9, 2018 [2020-04-18]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-01). 
  61. ^ 61.0 61.1 61.2 Real Time with Bill Maher. Real Time with Bill Maher: Overtime – February 26, 2016 (HBO). YouTube.com. February 26, 2016 [May 16, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-13). 
  62. ^ 62.0 62.1 62.2 Brigid Delaney. Fran Lebowitz: 'You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump'. The Guardian. March 19, 2018 [May 9, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-10). 
  63. ^ Trey Speegle. Fran Leibowitz on Donald Trump: "He's a Poor Person's Idea of a Rich Person". Watch. worldofwonder.net. October 27, 2016 [May 9, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-09). 
  64. ^ 64.0 64.1 64.2 Sydney Opera House Talks & Ideas. Grabbing Back: Women in the Age of Trump – all about women 2018. YouTube.com. March 13, 2018 [May 9, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-13). 
  65. ^ Fran Lebowitz. Fran Lebowitz Has Spoken. Paper Magazine. November 11, 2016 [May 10, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-14). 
  66. ^ Brie Stimson. Maher guest Fran Lebowitz's Trump comments light up social media with reactions. Fox News. May 18, 2018 [May 18, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-10). 
  67. ^ de Moraes, Lisa. Fran Lebowitz Apologizes After Telling Bill Maher U.S. Should Give Donald Trump To Saudis Who Killed Khashoggi. Deadline. May 18, 2019 [April 17, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-20). 
  68. ^ Peter Wade. Fran Lebowitz Kinda Apologizes for Saying Saudis Should 'Get Rid of' Trump Like Khashoggi. Rolling Stone. May 18, 2018 [June 3, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-08). I did not mean that and I regret saying it. 
  69. ^ Adams, Sam N., and Megan B. Prasad (October 18, 2012), "It Starts With a Drag: The Friendship of Frances A. Lebowitz and Frank Rich '71"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Harvard Crimson.
  70. ^ Schulman, Michael. Fran Lebowitz Is Never Leaving New York. The New Yorker. [June 26, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2024-08-22). 
  71. ^ Clemente, Francisco. The Voice: Fran Lebowitz. Interview Magazine. March 11, 2016 [October 20, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-21). 
  72. ^ Henderson, Odie. Pretend It's a City: movie review (2021). RogerEbert.com. Ebert Digital LLC. January 8, 2021 [January 10, 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-27). 
  73. ^ 73.0 73.1 McCulloch, Sara Black. An Interview with Fran Lebowitz. Believer Magazine. 1 October 2018 [2024-01-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-10). Since 1981, she has been writing her famously unfinished novel, Exterior Signs of Wealth. Ever the ironist, for nearly fifteen years Lebowitz has also been working on Progress, a critique of American life and culture. 
  74. ^ Morris, Bob. AT LUNCH WITH: Fran Lebowitz; Words Are Easy, Books Are Not (Published 1994). The New York Times. 10 August 1994 [16 January 2021]. It's only in the last two years that Ms. Lebowitz has broken through an 11-year writer's block that kept her from collecting much of the large advance she received from Random House to write a novel called "Exterior Signs of Wealth," which she describes simply as "unfinished." 
  75. ^ Beller, Thomas. Interview with Fran Lebowitz. Mr. Beller's Neighborhood. 2002-10-11 [16 January 2021] (英语).