


化石时期:84.9–66 Ma
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 爬行纲 Reptilia
目: 有鳞目 Squamata
总科: 沧龙总科 Mosasauroidea
科: 沧龙科 Mosasauridae
亚科: 沧龙亚科 Mosasaurinae
属: 球齿龙属 Globidens
Gilmore, 1912
  • 阿拉巴马球齿龙 G. alabamaensis (模式种)
    Gilmore, 1912
  • 达科塔球齿龙 G. dakotensis Russell, 1975
  • 舒氏球齿龙 G. schurmanni Martin, 2007
  • 磷酸盐球齿龙 G. phosphaticus Bardet and Pereda-Suberbiola, 2005
  • 单一球齿龙 G. simplex LeBlanc "et al.", 2019

球齿龙Globidens)又称圆齿龙,意为“球状牙齿”,是沧龙科的一个属,模式种阿拉巴马球齿龙 (Globidens alabamaensis)。





  • Bardet, N., Pereda Suberbiola, X., Iarochène, M., Amalik M., and Bouya, B. 2005. Durophagous Mosasauridae (Squamata) from the Upper Cretaceous phosphates of Morocco, with description of a new species of Globidens. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw, 84(3), p. 167-176.
  • Everhart, M.J. 2008. Rare occurrence of a Globidens sp. (Reptilia; Mosasauridae) dentary in the Sharon Springs Member of the Pierre Shale (Middle Campanian) of Western Kansas. p. 23-29 in Farley G. H. and Choate, J.R. (eds.), Unlocking the Unknown; Papers Honoring Dr. Richard Zakrzewski, , Fort Hays Studies, Special Issue No. 2, 153 p., Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS.
  • Gilmore, Charles W. 1912. A new mosasauroid reptile from the Cretaceous of Alabama, Proceedings U.S. National Museum, 40(1870): 489-484, 3 fig., pl. 39-40 (Description of Globidens alabamaensis type)
  • Huene, E. von. 1935. Mosasaurier-Zähne von Timor. Centralblatt fur Mineralogie. Geologic und Palaeontologie; in Verbindung mit dens Neuen Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie. Stuttgart. Abt. B 10 412-416, 3 figs. (in German)
  • Martin, J. E. 2007. A new species of the durophagous mosasaur, Globidens (Squamata: Mosasauridae) from the Late Cretaceous Pierre Shale Group of central South Dakota, USA. Pages 167-176 in Martin, J. E. and Parris D. C. (eds.), The Geology and Paleontology of the Late Cretaceous Marine Deposits of the Dakotas. Geological Society of America, Special Paper 427. (Globidens schurmanni)
  • Russell, Dale A. 1975. A new species of Globidens from South Dakota. Fieldiana Geology, 33(13): 235-256. (Field Museum of Natural History)
  • Zdansky, O. 1935. The occurrence of mosasaurs in Egypt and in Africa in general. Bulletin de l’Institut d’Egypte 17: 83-94.