

类型 军机
制造商 莫拉纳兄弟加布里埃尔·博勒
设计者 雷蒙·索尼耶
首飞 1911年
制造数量 1个原型

莫拉纳-博勒军用单翼机是一架设计失败的法国单引擎多座原型机,为参加于1911年由军方主持的汉斯军用航空竞赛英语Reims Military Aviation Competition, 1911而制作。这架飞机仅完成一项需求后就被淘汰出局。


这架军机的设计源自莫朗埃-博勒公司先前的民用单座单翼机,并加大和加固以容纳驾驶员和两名乘客。它是一种中翼牵引式单翼机,由It was a mid-wing tractor configuration monoplane powered by a 100-匹马力(75-千瓦特) Gnome double Omega 14-cylinder rotary engine driving a two-bladed propeller. The fuselage was a rectangular-section, wire-braced box girder, with only the forward part covered. The two-spar wings were given a trapezoidal shape, lengthened by seven ribs, and retained the elliptical ends of the earlier aircraft. The wings were braced by two pyramidal cabanes in front of the pilot, one on each side of the fuselage, and an inverted V-strut underneath the fuselage, behind the landing gear. Additional pairs of guy-wires were added to reinforce the longer wings.[1]

Lateral control was effected by wing warping and the empennage consisted of a fixed horizontal stabilizer with tip-mounted full-chord elevators at the ends and a vertical stabilizer. The undercarriage was reinforced by the addition of an extra strut fastened to the forward end of the fuselage and consisted of two pairs of three strut assemblies, each with a pair of wheels on an axle and a skid, and a double tailskid.[1]


1911年中,法国军方决定赞助一项于10月时在兰斯举行的飞行竞赛。每架参赛飞机将从两个面向评估,分别为从耕地起飞的能力,以及搭载三名合计至少300公斤的乘客their ability to take off from a plowed field and to carry three people weighing at least 300千克(660英磅) for a distance of 300千米(190英里) at a speed of at least 60千米每小时(37英里每小时). The first prize was 700,000 francs plus additional sums for increases in speed over 60 km/h, as well as a commitment by the military to purchase 10 aircraft.[2] The Morane-Borel leadership and its chief designer, Raymond Saulnier, decided to build an entry to demonstrate the principles behind its race-winning predecessor and to serve as an advertisement for the company. Piloted by Jules Védrines, the aircraft successfully took off from a wet plowed field. It flew carrying one passenger, but failed to lift the required mass due to the weight of its reinforced structure and was eliminated from the competition.[3]


来源:Lacaze & Lherbert, Morane Saulnier: ses avions, ses projets, p. 16


  • 机组:3名人员
  • 长度:7.8米(25英尺7英寸)
  • 翼展:12.3米(40英尺4英寸)
  • 机翼面积:22平方米(240平方英尺)
  • 空重:530千克(1,168英磅)
  • 总重:850千克(1,874英磅)
  • 发动机:1台尼奥姆双欧米茄英语Gnome Omega,14缸气冷式旋转汽缸引擎英语rotary engine,75 kW (100 hp)



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Lacaze & Lherbert, p. 16; Opdycke, p. 66; Moulin, p. 54
  2. ^ Hartmann, pp. 2, 8
  3. ^ Lacaze & Lherbert, p. 16


  • Hartmann, Gérard. Le grand concours d'aviation militaire de Reims 1911 [The Reims Military Aviation Competition, 1911] (PDF). Dossiers historiques et techniques aéronautique française. Gérard Hartmann. [11 September 2022] (法语). 
  • Lacaze, Henri & Lherbert, Claude. Morane Saulnier: ses avions, ses projets [Morane Saulnier: Their Aircraft and Projects]. Outreau, France: Lela Presse. 2013. ISBN 978-2-914017-70-1 (法语). 
  • Moulin, Jean. Reims 1911, le premier concours d'appareils militaires au monde! [Reims 1911, the First Military Aircraft Concours in the World!]. Avions: Toute l'aéronautique et son histoire. October 2004, (139): 51–58. ISSN 1243-8650 (法语). 
  • Opdycke, Leonard E. French Aeroplanes before the Great War. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing. 1999. ISBN 0-7643-0752-5.