


Carex halleriana
科学分类 编辑
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 维管植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 单子叶植物 Monocots
演化支 鸭跖草类植物 Commelinids
目: 禾本目 Poales
科: 莎草科 Cyperaceae
亚科: 莎草亚科 Cyperoideae
族: 薹草族 Cariceae
属: 薹草属 Carex
L., 1753
Carex hirta
    • Agistron Raf.
    • Ammorrhiza Ehrh.
    • Anithista Raf.
    • Archaeocarex Börner
    • Baeochortus Ehrh.
    • Bitteria Börner
    • Blysmocarex N.A.Ivanova
    • Callistachys Heuff.
    • Caricella Ehrh.
    • Caricina St.-Lag.
    • Caricinella St.-Lag.
    • Chionanthula Börner
    • Chordorrhiza Ehrh.
    • Cobresia Pers.
    • Coleachyron J.Gay ex Boiss.
    • Cryptoglochin Heuff.
    • Cymophyllus Mack. ex Britton & A.Br.
    • Cyperoides Ség.
    • Dapedostachys Börner
    • Desmiograstis Börner
    • Deweya Raf.
    • Diemisa Raf.
    • 倍蕊苔属[2] Diplocarex Hayata
    • Dornera Heuff. ex Schur
    • Drymeia Ehrh.
    • Echinochlaenia Börner
    • Edritria Raf.
    • Elyna Schrad.
    • Facolos Raf.
    • Forexeta Raf.
    • Froelichia Wulfen
    • Genersichia Heuff.
    • Heleonastes Ehrh.
    • Hemicarex Benth.
    • Heuffelia Opiz
    • Holmia Börner
    • Homalostachys Boeckeler
    • Itheta Raf.
    • Kobresia Willd.
    • Kobria St.-Lag.
    • Kolerma Raf.
    • Kuekenthalia Börner
    • Lamprochlaenia Börner
    • Leptostachys Ehrh.
    • Leptovignea Börner
    • Leucoglochin Heuff.
    • Limivasculum Börner
    • Limonaetes Ehrh.
    • Loncoperis Raf.
    • Loxanisa Raf.
    • Loxotrema Raf.
    • Manochlaenia Börner
    • Maukschia Heuff.
    • Meltrema Raf.
    • Neilreichia Kotula
    • Neskiza Raf.
    • Olamblis Raf.
    • Olotrema Raf.
    • Onkerma Raf.
    • Osculisa Raf.
    • Phaeolorum Ehrh.
    • Phyllostachys Torr.
    • Physiglochis Neck.
    • Polyglochin Ehrh.
    • Proteocarpus Börner
    • Pseudocarex Miq.
    • Psyllophora Ehrh.
    • Ptacoseia Ehrh.
    • Rhaptocalymma Borrer
    • Rhynchopera Börner
    • Schelhammeria Moench
    • Schoenoxiphium Nees
    • Temnemis Raf.
    • Thysanocarex Börner
    • Trasus Gray
    • Ulva Adans.
    • Uncinia Pers.
    • Vesicarex Steyerm.
    • Vignantha Schur
    • Vignea P.Beauv. ex T.Lestib.
    • Vignidula Börner













  1. ^ Ilkka Kukkonen; Heikki Toivonen. Taxonomy of wetland carices. Aquatic Botany. 1988, 30 (1–2): 5–22. doi:10.1016/0304-3770(88)90003-4. 
  2. ^ 中国种子植物科属词典. 中国数字植物标本馆. [2012-04-01]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-11). 
  3. ^ Li, Bangze; Zhang, Shuren. An updated species checklist and taxonomic synopsis of Cyperaceae in China. Biodiversity Science. 2024, 32 (7): 24106. doi:10.17520/biods.2024106. 
  4. ^ Making Carex monophyletic (Cyperaceae, tribe Cariceae): a new broader circumscription: Making Carex Monophyletic. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2015-09, 179 (1): 1–42. doi:10.1111/boj.12298. 
  5. ^ Carex L.. GBIF. [2023-05-23]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-30). 
  6. ^ Zhao-Cen Lu, Yu-Lan Su, Yi-Fei Lu and Xiao-Feng Jin. 2020. Carex pingleensis (Carex sect. Mitratae), A New Species of Cyperaceae from Guangxi, China. Taiwania. 65(3); 391-395. taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract.php?type=abstract&id=1699
  7. ^ Carmen Benítez-Benítez, Pedro Jiménez-Mejías, Modesto Luceño and Santiago Martín-Bravo. 2023. Carex quixotiana (Cyperaceae), A New Iberian Endemic from Don Quixote’s land (La Mancha, S Spain). PhytoKeys. 221: 161-186. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.221.99234
  8. ^ Radomír Řepka, Petr Maděra, Martin Čermák and Alan Forrest. 2017. Carex socotrana, A New Endemic Species from Socotra Island. Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature. 25(4); 467–472. DOI: 10.3417/D-16-00004