

Tom Daley

本名Thomas Robert Daley[1]
出生 (1994-05-21) 1994年5月21日30歲)
國家/地區 英國
教練Andy Banks(2002-2013)
Jane Figueiredo(2014-)

湯瑪斯·羅伯特·「湯姆」·戴利OBE(英語:Thomas Robert "Tom" Daley,1994年5月21日),英國跳水運動員,出生於英格蘭普利茅斯,以十米跳台最為擅長。他是2020年奧運雙人10公尺跳台的金牌得主及世界錦標賽10米跳台項目的雙料世界冠軍,於2009年以15歲之齡奪冠,並在2017年再次奪冠。此外,他亦是2012年10公尺跳台丶2016年雙人10公尺跳台和2020年10公尺跳台比賽的奧運銅牌得主,成為英國第一位獲得四枚奧運獎牌的跳水運動員。戴利還參加團體比賽,並於2015年世界游泳錦標賽跳水比賽團體賽贏得了首屆混合團體世界冠軍。他是5次歐洲冠軍和4次英聯邦冠軍。



1994年,戴利生於德文郡普利茅斯[5]德里福德醫院,他是Debbie(原姓Selvester)和Robert Daley的長子[6][7]。他有兩個弟弟——小3歲的William與小5歲的Ben[8]。父親Robert於2011年5月27日因腦瘤去世[9]





2007年1月,澳大利亞青年奧林匹亞節打破最小15歲的年齡慣例,邀請年僅12歲的戴利參加。戴利拇指受傷,仍堅持比賽,並在男子雙人十米跳台決賽中和搭檔凱勒姆·約翰斯頓(Callum Johnstone)一舉奪得銀牌。之後在同一年,他在業餘游泳協會(ASA)國家錦標賽中贏得Senior platform title。這對英國跳水運動員來說是國家級的冠軍獎項,也是在這年,他開始參加國際游泳聯合會國際Grand Prix巡迴賽和一些世界上的賽事,並在個人賽中兩次以第四完賽。

2008年1月,戴利在英國錦標賽得10米跳台冠軍,於是便成為Senior British 10米 title年紀最小的選手。[14]同時,他也和新搭檔布萊克·奧爾德里奇(Blake Aldridge)贏得男子雙人十米跳台的金牌。兩週後,他贏在國際泳聯Grand Prix的西班牙馬德里站贏得他的首個獎牌,包括個人跳台銅牌和雙人的銀牌。戴利和奧爾德里奇在2008年國際泳總跳水世界盃中獲得男子雙人跳水的銅牌。他們的成績成了英國的記錄。戴利也成為世界跳水史上年紀最小的獎章獲得者。戴利7次參加個人賽。2008年3月,他成為2008年在荷蘭埃因霍溫舉辦的歐洲游泳錦標賽上年齡最小的金牌得主。之前年齡最小的獲勝者史蘇格蘭游泳運動員伊恩·布萊克(Ian Black);他曾在1958年榮獲金牌,當時他年僅17歲。戴利獲得可參加2008年夏季奧運會單人10米跳台和與2004年銀牌得主利昂·泰勒一起參加男子雙人十米跳台的資格。最早是由英國媒體宣稱,戴利將是有史以來參加奧運會的年齡最小的英國選手。但稍後人們意識到,參加1960年奧運會肯·萊斯特(Ken Lester)當時僅有13歲零144天大。戴利被BBC授予Sports Personality of The Year Young Personality同時得到英國政府的天才運動員獎勵計劃的資助。人們普遍認為,對於2012年倫敦奧運的獎牌,他是勢在必得,並且,一直到2012年奧運會,英國廣播公司都會通過系列電視節目《奧運暢想》跟蹤記錄小戴利。

在羅馬舉辦的2009 FINA世界泳聯世界跳水錦標賽中,戴利以539.85分贏得單人10米跳台冠軍。雙人部份則和新搭檔馬克斯·布里克得到了第9名。


2016年8月19日,在2016年夏季奧林匹克運動會的男子單人10米跳台預賽中,戴利表現理想,以個人最佳的571.85分破賽會紀錄成績首名晉級次天的準決賽, 但在準決賽中, 戴利有3跳出現嚴重失誤, 最終在18名選手中排名墊底,無緣晉級決賽,而該571.85分的紀錄,亦被冠軍得主中國陳艾森以13.45分之差破掉。



戴利在英國2022新年榮譽英語2022 New Year Honours中頒授大英帝國官佐勳章(OBE),以表彰他「對跳水和LGBTQ+權利提供服務的貢獻」。[19]


戴利於2010年8月23日創建了一個YouTube頻道,他的頻道內容涵蓋多種主題,例如Vlog、運動和食物,2021年8月,該頻道的訂閱人數突破100萬[20]。2013年12月2日,他發佈了一部YouTube影片,說他今年的年初開始與一名男子交往,他說:「我從未如此快樂。(I've never been happier.)」[21][22]。戴利說公開談論他的私生活是一個艱難的決定,他說:「我以前從未體會到愛的感覺,它來得如此地快,我完全被愛淹沒了,以至於我總是無法將他從我腦海中抹去。(I'd never felt the feeling of love, it happened so quickly, I was completely overwhelmed by it to the point I can't get him out of my head all the time.)」[23],他的伴侶是曾獲奧斯卡獎的美國籍電影編劇、導演兼製片人達斯汀·蘭斯·布雷克 [24]

在影片中,他從未使用「男同性戀」或「雙性戀」等字詞,他說:「我當然仍然會喜歡女生。(Of course I still fancy girls.)」。2015年7月,在衛報的採訪中,被問及有關性向的問題時,他說:「我不會將它貼上任何一種標籤,因為我現在與一位男性交往,但仍然會對女性產生性慾感覺。(I don't put a particular label on any of it because right now I'm in a relationship with a guy, but I still have sexual feelings towards girls.)」[25],當被問及他對自己同性傾向的接受與和布萊克的關係(his coming to terms with his same-sex attraction and his relationship with Black.),他說:「我曾和女性交往,我會產生性慾感覺,但當我和蘭斯在一起時,這種感受變得更加強烈。(I'd been in relationships with girls where I'd had sexual feelings, but it became so much more intense when I met Lance.)」[26]。2018年,在LGBT媒體PinkNews英語PinkNews的採訪中,他說他認為自己是酷兒,並說:「我不是百分之百異性戀,也不是百分之百同性戀。(I am not 100 percent straight; I am not 100 percent gay.)」[27]。2021年7月,在東京奧運奪得金牌後的記者會當中,他稱自己為男同性戀者(gay man[28]

戴利和布萊克在一次的業界活動中相遇,戴利後來表示這是「真正的一見鍾情」[29][30]。他於2015年10月1日宣佈訂婚的喜訊[31][32]。2017年5月6日,戴利和布萊克在德文郡博維城堡英語Bovey Castle舉行婚禮[33]。2018年2月14日,戴利在Instagram上宣佈他與丈夫將有一個透過代孕而得的孩子[34][29][35]。2018年6月27日,他們的兒子羅伯特·「羅比」·雷·布雷克-戴利(Robert "Robbie" Ray Black-Daley)出生[36]



  • British champion in all events (1 m, 3 m, platform) in 2004, 2005 and 2006 in the relevant age group.
Competition 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2021
Olympic Games, 10 m 7th 3rd 18th** 3rd
Olympic Games, 10 m (synchro) 8th 4th@ 3rd= 1st£
Summer Youth Olympics, 3m |9th
FINA World Championships, 10 m 1st 5th 6th 3rd 1st 7th
FINA World Championships, 10 m (synchro) 9th§ 6th@ 4th= 3rd£
FINA World Championships, 3 m mixed synchro 2nd 4th
FINA World Championships, team event 1st&
FINA Junior Diving World Championships, 3 m synchro ("A") 1st?
FINA Junior Diving World Championships, 3 m ("B") 2nd
FINA Junior Diving World Championships, Boys 10 m Platform 2nd 1st
European Championships, 10 m 1st 1st 2nd 1st
European Championships, 10 m (synchro) 6th 4th% 2nd=
Commonwealth Games, 10 m 1st 1st
Commonwealth Games, 10 m (synchro) 1st§ 2nd% 1st=
British Championships, 10 m 3rd 2nd 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st
British Championships, 10 m (synchro) 1st 1st@ 1st@ 1st=
British Championships, 10 m (Junior) 1st 1st 1st 1st
British Championships, 3 m 2nd
British Championships, 3 m (Junior) 4th
British Championships, 1 m 17th
FINA Diving World Series, Windsor, Ontario, Canada 10 m 2nd 3rd
FINA Diving World Series, Windsor, Ontario, Canada mixed 3 m springboard 3rd* 2nd=
FINA Diving World Series, Montreal, Quebec, Canada mixed 3 m springboard 2nd 2nd
FINA Diving World Series, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 10 m 1st
FINA Diving World Series, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 10 m synchro 2nd£
FINA Diving World Series, Changzhou, China, 10 m 3rd
FINA Diving World Series, Nanjing, China, 10 m 4th
FINA Diving World Series, Qingdao, China, 10 m 4th
FINA Diving World Series, Beijing, China, 10 m 3rd@ 2nd 3rd 4th 4th
FINA Diving World Series, Beijing, China, 10 m (synchro) 2nd@ 3rd= 3rd=
FINA Diving World Series, Beijing, China, 3 m mixed synchro 2nd 3rd
FINA Diving World Series, Sagamihara, Japan, 10 m 2nd
FINA Diving World Series, Sagamihara, Japan, 10 m (synchro) 4th£
FINA Diving World Series, Sagamihara, Japan, 3 m mixed synchro 3rd
FINA Diving World Series, Fuji, Japan, mixed 3 m springboard 2nd
FINA Diving World Series, Tijuana, Mexico, 10 m 5th 1st
FINA Diving World Series, Tijuana, Mexico, 10 m (synchro) 5th 3rd@
FINA Diving World Series, Veracruz, Mexico, 10 m 4th
FINA Diving World Series, Guanajuato, Mexico, 10 m 2nd
FINA Diving World Series, Guanajuato, Mexico, 10 m (synchro) 4th@
FINA Diving World Series, Mérida, Mexico 10 m 2nd
FINA Diving World Series, Mérida, Mexico mixed 3 m springboard 3rd*
FINA Diving World Series, Doha, Qatar, 10 m 6th
FINA Diving World Series, Moscow, Russia, 10 m 5th 2nd
FINA Diving World Series, Moscow, Russia, 10 m (synchro) 5th@
FINA Diving World Series, Kazan, Russia, 10 m 2nd 3rd
FINA Diving World Series, Kazan, Russia, 10 m (synchro) 3rd= 3rd= 3rd£
FINA Diving World Series, Kazan, Russia, mixed 3 m springboard 2nd 3rd
FINA Diving World Series, Dubai, UAE, 10 m 2nd 4th 2nd 7th
FINA Diving World Series, Dubai, UAE, 10 m (synchro) 4th@ 2nd=
FINA Diving World Series, London, UK 10 m 5th 1st 3rd
FINA Diving World Series, London, UK 10 m (synchro) 1st£
FINA Diving World Series, London, UK mixed 3 m springboard 1st
FINA Diving World Series, Edinburgh, UK, 10 m 1st
FINA Diving World Series, Sheffield, UK, 10 m 4th 2nd 2nd 4th
FINA Diving World Series, Sheffield, UK, 10 m (synchro) 5th 1st 5th§ 1st@
FINA Diving Grand Prix, Fort Lauderdale, USA, 10 m 1st
FINA Diving Grand Prix, Fort Lauderdale, USA, 10 m (synchro) 2nd§
FINA Diving Grand Prix, Madrid, 10 m 4th
FINA Diving Grand Prix, Canada, 10 m 10th
ASA National Championships, 10 m 1st
ASA National Championships, 10 m (synchro) 1st
ASA National Championships, 10 m (Junior) 2nd 1st
ASA National Championships, 3 m (Junior) 1st 1st 1st
ASA National Championships, 3 m 2nd 5th
ASA Elite Junior National Championships, 1 m 1st
ASA Elite Junior National Championships, 3 m 1st
ASA Elite Junior National Championships, 10 m 1st
CAMO Invitational Meet, 10 m 6th
CAMO Invitational Meet, 10 m (synchro) 1st
Australian Junior Elite Diving Championships, 10 m 1st
Australian Junior Elite Diving Championships, 3 m 2nd
Aachen Junior International, 10 m 2nd
Aachen Junior International, 3 m 3rd

with Blake Aldridge
§ with 馬克斯·布里克
@ with 彼得·沃特菲爾德
? with 傑克·勞爾
% with James Denny
& with 麗貝卡·加蘭特里
* with 艾麗西婭·布拉格
= with 丹尼爾·古德菲勞
with 格蕾絲·里德
£ with 馬提·李
** semi-final result

Daley's current dives are:[38]

  1. 307C: Reverse 3 1/2 Somersault Tucked (3.4 Tariff)
  2. 407C: Inward 3 1/2 Somersault Tucked (3.2 Tariff)
  3. 5172B: Forward 3 1/2 Somersault w/ 1 Twist Piked (3.6 Tariff)
  4. 626B: Armstand Back Triple Somersault Piked (3.5 Tariff)
  5. 109C: Forward 4 1/2 Somersault Tucked (3.7 Tariff)
  6. 207B: Back 3 1/2 Somersault Piked (3.6 Tariff)




  1. ^ Lonsbrough, Anita. Diver Tom Daley, 13, to make Olympic history. Daily Telegraph (London). 2008-02-25 [2008-08-29]. (原始內容存檔於2012-09-11). When Thomas Robert Daley dives... 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Tom Daley. Team GB. [5 January 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-02). 
  3. ^ Shea, Julian. Daley's new diving partner named. BBC. 2009-04-07 [2010-04-12]. (原始內容存檔於2009-04-11). 
  4. ^ Waterfield to stay as Daley's Partner. British Olympic Association. 2012-10-17 [2013-01-05]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-09). 
  5. ^ Daley, Tom. My Story: The official story of inspirational Olympic legend Tom Daley. Penguin UK. 2012-05-24 [2022-01-23]. ISBN 978-1-4059-0950-1. (原始內容存檔於2022-10-08) (英語). 
  6. ^ Ben Quinn. Tom Daley's father dies of cancer. The Guardian. 28 May 2011 [17 December 2016]. (原始內容存檔於13 February 2017). 
  7. ^ Team Daley cheer on Tom. Plymouth Herald. (原始內容存檔於25 November 2014). 
  8. ^ Tom Daley mourns father Rob at funeral in Plymouth. BBC News. 8 June 2011 [21 June 2018]. (原始內容存檔於7 October 2018). 
  9. ^ Tom Daley's father Rob loses battle with cancer. BBC Sport. 28 May 2011 [28 May 2011]. (原始內容存檔於28 May 2011). 
  10. ^ Reason, Mark. Tom Daley should not be in Beijing Olympics. The Daily Telegraph (London). 9 August 2008 [5 January 2013]. (原始內容存檔於5 December 2013). 
  11. ^ Leon Taylor: mentoring the Olympians of the future. The Daily Telegraph (London). 20 June 2012 [5 January 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2 July 2012). 
  12. ^ Thomas Daley – Mens Platform World Champion 2009. Plymouth Diving. [27 September 2009]. (原始內容存檔於21 August 2008). 
  13. ^ Tom Daley: Set to make a splash at Beijing. ABC News. abc.net.au. 2008-07-15 [2008-07-22]. (原始內容存檔於2010-03-30). 
  14. ^ "Daley, 13, close to clinching Olympic place" 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2008-01-10., sport.independent.co.uk, 7 January 2008
  15. ^ 英選手跳水失誤怨閃光燈求重跳頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) 《文匯報》 2012年8月12日
  16. ^ Hope, Nick. Fina World Cup: Tom Daley and Matty Lee win gold in Japan. BBC Sport. 2021-05-01 [2021-05-01]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-03). 
  17. ^ Tokyo Olympics: Tom Daley and Matty Lee win gold in 10-metre synchronised dive. Sky News. 2021-07-26 [2021-07-26]. (原始內容存檔於2021-12-05). 
  18. ^ Tom Daley takes bronze in platform diving final at Tokyo Olympics. The Guardian. 2021-08-07 [2021-08-07]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-01). 
  19. ^ New Year Honours 2022: Jason Kenny receives a knighthood and Laura Kenny made a dame. BBC Sport. 2021-12-31 [2022-01-02]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-03). 
  20. ^ Tom Daley. YouTube. [31 July 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-30) (英語). 
  21. ^ Olympic diving star Tom Daley Daley reveals relationship with man. BBC News. 2 December 2013 [2 December 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2 December 2013). 
  22. ^ Daley, Tom (subject and author). Tom Daley: Something I want to say... (Home video). Tom Daley. 2013 [2 December 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2 December 2013). 
  23. ^ Olympic diver Tom Daley reveals it was 'love at first sight' when he met partner. ITV News. 5 December 2013 [14 December 2013]. (原始內容存檔於14 December 2013). 
  24. ^ Respers France, Lisa. Tom Daley engaged to Dustin Lance Black. CNN. 2 October 2015 [22 May 2016]. (原始內容存檔於25 June 2016). 
  25. ^ Simon Hattenstone. Tom Daley: 'I always knew I was attracted to guys'. The Guardian. 18 July 2015 [15 November 2015]. (原始內容存檔於15 November 2015). 
  26. ^ Malec, Malec. Tom Daley Bares All In 'Guardian' Interview on Dating Dustin Lance Black, 2016 Olympics, and Growing Up Gay. towleroad. 18 July 2015 [8 December 2015]. (原始內容存檔於8 December 2015). 
  27. ^ Jackman, Josh. Tom Daley says he's queer, 'not 100 percent gay'. PinkNews. [8 February 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-10). 
  28. ^ Asher McShane. Tokyo 2020: Team GB wins string of medals with Tom Daley getting first Olympic gold. LBC. 26 July 2021 [26 July 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-01). 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Horton, Helena. Tom Daley announces he and his partner are having a baby. The Telegraph. 14 February 2018 [14 February 2018]. ISSN 0307-1235. (原始內容存檔於14 February 2018). 
  30. ^ 存档副本. [2021-07-31]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-01). 
  31. ^ Jenny Booth. Tom Daley gets engaged to his boyfriend. The Times. 1 October 2015 [1 October 2015]. (原始內容存檔於3 October 2015). 
  32. ^ Tom Daley Talks 'Crazy' Attention on His Relationship With Dustin Lance Black. HuffPost. 2 May 2014 [4 May 2014]. (原始內容存檔於4 May 2014). 
  33. ^ Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black marry at Devon hotel. BBC News. 6 May 2017 [7 May 2017]. (原始內容存檔於1 May 2018). 
  34. ^ Tom Daley announces baby news. BBC News. 14 February 2018 [14 February 2018]. (原始內容存檔於14 February 2018). 
  35. ^ Tom Daley and husband are having a baby. Sky News. [14 February 2018]. (原始內容存檔於14 February 2018). 
  36. ^ Gibbons, Katie. Tom Daley and husband have baby son by surrogate. The Times. 30 June 2018 [30 June 2018]. (原始內容存檔於30 June 2018). 
  37. ^ Juneau, Jen. Tom Daley and Dustin Lance Black Welcome Second Baby, Son Phoenix Rose. People. 2023-04-05 [2023-04-06]. (原始內容存檔於2023-04-06). 
  38. ^ Daley, Tom, My 6 Olympic Dives...Explained!, 25 February 2018 [14 June 2018], (原始內容存檔於2021-11-04) 
  39. ^ BBC honours South West sports stars. BBC.co.uk. 2005-12-05 [2007-02-12]. (原始內容存檔於2013-10-28). 
  40. ^ Sportsround reveals young sports star finalists. CBBC Newsround (BBC). 28 November 2008 [28 November 2008]. (原始內容存檔於19 January 2016). 
  41. ^ Brunton, Michael. 100 Olympic Athletes To Watch – 63. Tom Daley. 時代雜誌. 24 July 2008 [22 August 2008]. (原始內容存檔於22 August 2008). 
  42. ^ BBC South West Sports Awards 2009. BBC Devon. 29 November 2009 [29 November 2009]. (原始內容存檔於5 December 2009). 
  43. ^ LEN Magazine Names Paul Biedermann, Britta Steffen Athletes of the Year. Lane 9 News. 25 September 2009 [25 September 2009]. (原始內容存檔於10 September 2012). 
  44. ^ Tom Daley wins second Young BBC Personality award. BBC Sport. 13 December 2009 [13 December 2009]. (原始內容存檔於17 December 2009). 
  45. ^ Diver Daley wins third BBC award. BBC Sport. 19 December 2010 [19 December 2010]. (原始內容存檔於23 December 2010). 
  46. ^ Contenders for BBC Sports Personality award revealed. BBC Sport. 7 December 2009 [5 December 2009]. (原始內容存檔於20 December 2018). 
  47. ^ Legends of sport – Armstrong, Bolt, Federer, Rossi, Watson & Williams – among Nominees for 2010 Laureus World Sports Awards. Laureus. [11 February 2010]. (原始內容存檔於14 February 2010). 
  48. ^ Tom Daley at the 2010 Laureus World Sports Awards. swimwest. [12 April 2010]. (原始內容存檔於28 July 2011). 
  49. ^ Britain's movers and shakers. The Sunday Times Magazine. 9 March 2014 [7 April 2014]. (原始內容存檔於16 March 2014). 
  50. ^ Makers of the 21st century. twimg.com. [28 May 2014]. (原始內容存檔於23 March 2014). 
  51. ^ Timms, Katie. Tom Daley receives honorary degree from Plymouth Marjon University. The Plymouth Herald. 27 October 2017 [26 July 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2021-11-07). 
  52. ^ Olympic champions, Tom Daley and Giselle Ansley awarded Honorary Degrees. The University of St Mark & St John. [26 July 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2021-07-27) (英語). 
  53. ^ Honorary graduates 2017. The University of St Mark & St John. [26 July 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2021-07-26) (英語). 
