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- I agree that the first name is way off, but I would like to see it completely rectified. The best Chinese way to represent "Anders" would be 昂德史, not 安德史. I also agree with your suggestion for the second name. I disgree about the family name though, because even though if 廣灣 is an accurate translation if the meaning, the two first names are sound translated, and as long as they are, the last name should be as well. So, as far as I can see, the best sound translation of this name should be 昂德史 北令 布雷維克. I am tempted by the 廣灣 though, but this must be part of a sinicized name, where you would expect a Chinese sounding family name in the initial position, and if we go with 安, it could be 安廣灣. The problem about 安廣灣 is that it is not really a plausible Chinese name. I have seen the author Jens Bjørneboe being rendered as 熊居, and here comes my suggestion for a better name or Anders Behring Breivik in Chinese: Simply 廣灣, nothing more, nothing less.
- 我已改正了名字。現在需要移動本頁到新名字,我不好意思不知道如何做。誰能幫忙?
是的,虔誠的Mogametanere 。阿洛。威脅,侮辱反對奧斯陸對Norvegiere Stadbürgere ( 「 Rassiste 」等),反覆講。明確承諾將離開該國,拒絕庇護安特, Modjaheddins保存食物存款從規劃的城市金庫在奧斯陸恐怖襲擊。 Namaz合成邪惡Mogametaneren在真主不僅聽到mogametanischen宗教家,但至今 < Anders Behring Breivik > ( Allahu阿克巴爾! )的真主(上帝)和他的話exestieren所有!大神(真主)已美 化的慷慨和友好Norvégien的壽命和身體,和GivenName上生命的邪惡Modjaheddins < Anders Behring Breivik >手中。不幸的是,適當的OFFT ,邪惡Mogametaneren ( Modjaheddins )隱藏背後的上帝 - 完成。一次恐怖襲擊施加anjagen的焦慮,而不是一個的<preventDefault>計劃提前許諾,恐怖。從優秀Mogametaners ,其中有可能是的,上帝的恐懼,儘管所有的努力得到社會權威奧斯陸,不能忍受寒冷的天氣在該州Norvej ,在布魯塞爾更溫暖,他們是 - <HERZLICH WILLKOMMEN>.
- 抱歉。。。我完全看不懂你在寫甚麼鬼 by phoenix--留言) 2016年3月17日 (四) 17:21 (UTC)
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