


1978年,英國伯明翰出現天花疫情伯明翰大學醫學攝影師珍妮特·帕克()於8月確診感染天花,9月11日不治身亡,成為歷史記錄中最後一位死於天花的人。The 1978 smallpox outbreak in the United Kingdom claimed the life of Janet Parker (1938–1978), a British medical photographer, who became the last recorded person to die from smallpox.

帕克的母親希爾達·威特科姆亦感染天花,最終痊癒。Her illness and death, which was connected to the deaths of two other people, led to an official government inquiry and triggered radical changes in how dangerous pathogens were studied in the UK.[1][2] The government inquiry into Parker's death by R.A. Shooter英語R.A. Shooter[3] found that while working at the University of Birmingham Medical School英語University of Birmingham Medical School,[4][5] she was accidentally exposed to a strain of smallpox virus that had been grown in a research laboratory on the floor below her workplace, and that the virus had most likely spread from that laboratory through ducting. Shooter's conclusion on how the virus had spread was challenged in court when the University of Birmingham was prosecuted by the Health and Safety Executive英語Health and Safety Executive for breach of Health and Safety legislation.[6]

帕克的父親弗雷德里克·威特科姆在隔離期間疑似突發心臟病逝世。伯明翰大學醫學院微生物學系教授亨利·貝德森(Henry Bedson)自殺身亡。


Janet Parker

珍妮特·帕克(英語:Janet Parker)出生於1938年3月,[7]婚前姓威特科姆(Witcomb)。她是家中的獨女,父親是弗雷德里克·威特科姆(Frederick Witcomb),母親希爾達(Hilda)婚前姓林斯科特(Linscott)。[7][8]她的丈夫約瑟夫·帕克(Joseph Parker)是一位郵政業工程師,二人婚後住在伯明翰[8][9]帕克年輕時曾在西米德蘭茲郡警署擔任攝影師,之後到伯明翰大學醫學院工作,成為其解剖學系的醫學攝影師。[8]她工作的暗室樓下就是微生物學系主管亨利·貝德森(Henry Bedson)教授研究天花的實驗室,[10][8][4][11]兩層之間還有管道相連接。[4]

天花是由天花病毒引起的人類傳染病,病原體分為主天花病毒(Variola major)和次天花病毒(Variola minor)兩種類型。其中主天花病毒引起症狀較重,致死率較高,整體死亡率約為30%;次天花病毒引起的病症則較為溫和,死亡率不到1%。[12][3]:5[13]1950至1960年代,世界衛生組織正式發起消滅天花的行動,至1970年代時已經幾乎完全撲滅這一疾病。1975年,孟加拉國女童拉希馬·巴努英語Rahima Banu成為人類歷史上最後一位自然感染主天花病毒的患者。1977年,索馬里醫院廚師阿里·馬奧·馬阿林英語Ali Maow Maalin感染次天花病毒,成為最後一例自然感染天花的患者。[13][10]英國最後一次天花地方性流行則出現在1930年代。[14]1977年至1978年間,伯明翰大學醫學院微生物學系正在從事白痘病毒的相關研究,研究也涉及主天花病毒。[15][8]白痘病毒與天花類似,醫學界認為這可能是消滅天花之前的一大阻礙。[16]



此前在1966年,伯明翰大學攝影師托尼·麥克倫南(Tony McLennan)曾在日後帕克的這一間暗室工作。他在這一年感染了較弱的次天花病毒,5月出現症狀,醫生卻誤診為汗疹,建議他「洗洗澡」。之後麥克倫南與多人接觸,造成天花在伯明翰擴散,73人感染,但無人死亡。疫情直至八周後才得到確診。麥克倫南社交生活豐富,與不同背景的人都有接觸,因此當時並不能確定他感染天花是因為接觸過實驗室病毒還是接觸過疫區人士。[9][17]當時的病毒學系(微生物學系前身之一[3]:7)主管P·威爾迪(P. Wildy)教授曾擔心可能是實驗室病毒導致此次疫情,但實驗室當時並未就此展開調查。[3]:30-34




8月24日[3]:1[10][19](一說20日[8][9])下午3時,帕克頭痛難忍,被送往東伯明翰醫院(今心地醫院英語Heartlands Hospital),住進了32號病房的隔離病室。此時醫生已經懷疑她可能感染天花,於是從皮疹上取下體液標本,送往伯明翰大學醫學院微生物學系天花實驗室檢驗。貝德森教授負責這項工作。[3]:1[19]東伯明翰醫院的阿拉斯戴爾·哥德斯(Alasdair Geddes)教授和微生物學專家托馬斯·亨利·弗拉維特英語Thomas Henry Flewett醫生在當日確診她感染主天花病毒。[8][19]

入院當晚10時,帕克轉院至索利哈爾市區外的凱瑟琳-德-巴恩斯隔離醫院(Catherine-de-Barnes Isolation Hospital)。[3]:1[8][9]標本檢測結果於次日出爐,證實了醫生的診斷。[8][19]住院期間,帕克一度感覺良好,告訴護士自己「心情愉悅」。[9]9月11日,帕克在凱瑟琳-德-巴恩斯醫院不治身亡。她也成為歷史記錄中最後一位死於天花的人。[10][8][4][11][19]

帕克的葬禮上採取了嚴格的疾控措施,只有極少數人獲准接近她的遺體。葬禮承辦人羅恩·弗利特(Ron Fleet)回憶稱,帕克的遺體滿是傷痕,裝在一個透明的袋子裡。袋子還裝有木屑和鋸末,放在遠離醫院主樓的一間車庫中。管理部門為避免病毒擴散,不允許使用醫院冷櫃暫存遺體。醫院工作人員也十分謹慎,不願幫忙搬運。[21]葬禮當天,警方派便衣警車全程護衛,以防出現意外情況。帕克的遺體隨後火化處理,以防止埋葬後病毒進入土壤。該火葬場取消當日所有其他葬禮,在之後徹底清潔消毒。[8][21]





除帕克本人之外,此事件中僅有帕克的母親希爾達一人感染天花。[8]70歲的希爾達在帕克確診當日接種了疫苗,次日服用了預防天花的藥物美替沙腙英語Metisazone,之後一直照顧患病的帕克。[10][3]:5她於9月7日確診患病,接受治療後痊癒,於9月22日出院。[10][3]:5, 214-215在隔離期間,帕克的父親弗雷德里克於9月5日在凱瑟琳-德-巴恩斯醫院逝世。他在探視女兒時疑似突發心臟病死亡,享年71歲。[22][9][8][19]醫院認為弗雷德里克沒有感染天花,但因擔心病毒傳染而未進行屍檢。[9][8]



疫情曝光後,媒體對事件提出質疑,指責貝德森及其團隊違反操作規範導致帕克感染天花病毒。公眾恐慌情緒逐漸蔓延,衛生部門官員卻未能消除疑慮。民眾於是向伯明翰大學醫學院微生物學系主管亨利·貝德森教授施加巨大壓力。亨利·薩繆爾·貝德森(Henry Samuel Bedson,1929年9月29日-1978年9月6日)教授是微生物學家薩繆爾·貝德森英語Samuel Bedson之子,在當時也是著名微生物學家、天花研究的權威人物。[9][11][23]帕克入院次日,他的天花實驗室全部工作停止。[9][3]:214-2158月31日,貝德森宣布天花研究工作重啟無望。[9]


  • A:天花病毒實驗室
  • B:動物痘病毒實驗室
  • C:組織培養實驗室
  • D:內部通風管道,管道口有門
  • E:走廊,其盡頭有閘門
圖片頂端方框為兩個生物安全櫃,黑色箭頭位置為抽氣管,與窗戶相連;實驗室中的圓形表示離心機,方形表示恆溫培養箱和冰箱。圖片左右兩端為會議室和辦公室。天花病毒實驗室約8英尺(2.4公尺)見方,動物痘病毒實驗室約24英尺 × 18英尺(7.3米 × 5.5米)。

1978年9月,伯明翰大學面臨違反安全衛生規範的指責,英國微生物學家R·A·舒特英語R.A. Shooter率領的政府小組對此展開調查。[19][9][3]

事發當年,科技管理人員協會英語Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs秘書長克萊夫·詹金斯(Clive Jenkins)曾稱伯明翰大學實驗室在未獲得授權的情況下擅自實驗,導致帕克感染病毒而死。伯明翰大學在10月19日駁斥這一說法,稱其是「純屬虛構的科幻想象」。[9]泰晤士報》在10月發布的調查則顯示,貝德森在當年夏天的實驗中使用了六株雜交病毒,希望藉此確認天花病毒的不同類型。這六株病毒是貝德森與伯明翰大學教授基斯·鄧貝爾(Keith Dumbell)在十年前通過雜交手段獲得。此事曝光後,公眾懷疑這些雜交病毒與帕克之死密切相關。鄧貝爾教授隨後反駁,稱帕克感染的是普通的天花病毒株,與這六株病毒不同。伯明翰大學也在11月做出聲明,稱針對貝德森實驗室安全性的惡意指控「毫無根據」。[9]




Since Shooter's Report of the investigation into the cause of the 1978 Birmingham smallpox occurrence also played an important role in the court case英語court case against the university for breach of safety legislation,[9] its official publication was postponed until the outcome of the trial was known.

The Shooter Report was published in 1980. It noted that Bedson had failed to inform the authorities of changes in his research that could have affected safety. Shooter's inquiry discovered that the Dangerous Pathogens Advisory Group had inspected the laboratory on two occasions and each time recommended that the smallpox research be continued there, despite the fact that the facilities at the laboratory fell far short of those required by law. Several of the staff at the laboratory had received no special training. Inspectors from the World Health Organisation had told Bedson that the physical facilities at the laboratory did not meet WHO standards, but had nonetheless only recommended a few changes in laboratory procedure. Bedson misled the WHO about the volume of work handled by the laboratory, telling them that it had progressively declined since 1973, when in fact it had risen substantially as Bedson tried to finish his work before the laboratory closed.[25] Shooter also found that while Parker had been vaccinated, it had not been done recently enough to protect her against smallpox.[3]

The report concluded that Parker had probably been infected by a strain of smallpox virus called Abid (named after the three-year-old Pakistani boy from whom it had originally been isolated), which was being handled in the smallpox laboratory during 24–25 July 1978. The virus had travelled in air currents up a service duct from the laboratory below, to a room in the Anatomy Department that was used for telephone calls. On 25 July, Parker had spent much more time there than usual ordering photographic materials because the financial year was about to end.[3]



1978年12月1日,英國職業健康與安全管理局英語Health and Safety Executive決定對伯明翰大學提起公訴,認為大學違反了安全管理法規。案件於1979年10月上庭,11月公開聽證。[9]專家證詞指出The case was heard in November 1979. Expert evidence, presented by the defence and accepted by the magistrates, showed that sufficient virus material could not be produced by the laboratory to generate an infectious dose in the telephone room where Parker was supposedly infected.[6] Although the source of infection was traced, the mode of transmission was not.[1][2] The defence witnesses claimed that 11,812 gallons of virus suspension would have been required to generate an infectious dose in the telephone room.[6] Although the Shooter Inquiry noted the poor state of sealing of ducting in the laboratory, this was caused after the outbreak by engineers fumigating英語Fumigation the laboratory and ducts.[9] The university was found not guilty of causing Parker's death. In August 1981, following a formal claim for damages made by the trade union Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs英語Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs in 1979, Parker's husband, Joseph, was awarded £25,000 in compensation.[9]


On 1 December 1978 the Health and Safety Executive英語Health and Safety Executive announced their intention to prosecute the university for breach of safety legislation.[9] The case was heard in November 1979. Expert evidence, presented by the defence and accepted by the magistrates, showed that sufficient virus material could not be produced by the laboratory to generate an infectious dose in the telephone room where Parker was supposedly infected.[6] Although the source of infection was traced, the mode of transmission was not.[1][2] The defence witnesses claimed that 11,812 gallons of virus suspension would have been required to generate an infectious dose in the telephone room.[6] Although the Shooter Inquiry noted the poor state of sealing of ducting in the laboratory, this was caused after the outbreak by engineers fumigating英語Fumigation the laboratory and ducts.[9] The university was found not guilty of causing Parker's death. In August 1981, following a formal claim for damages made by the trade union Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs英語Association of Scientific, Technical and Managerial Staffs in 1979, Parker's husband, Joseph, was awarded £25,000 in compensation.[9]


受此事件影響,全球科研界開始意識到實驗室天花病毒的危險性。時任美國疾病控制與預防中心天花清楚計劃主管邁克爾·雷恩(Michael Lane)稱這次事件真正讓科研界認識到「在不同實驗室的試管或樣品瓶里存放的天花病毒是個嚴重的大問題」。世界衛生組織要求全球的天花實驗室將病毒銷毀或轉移至美俄兩間四級生物安全水平實驗室。兩間實驗室分別是美國亞特蘭大附近的美國疾病控制與預防中心實驗室和俄羅斯新西伯利亞州科利佐沃國家病毒和生物科技研究中心英語State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR。印度、日本和英國等地的科學家都積極響應了這一要求,雷恩稱此時「各國科學家都已經不想要這些病毒了」。現時全球僅有這兩間實驗室保存有天花病毒。[26]世衛組織曾提議徹底銷毀這兩間實驗室中保存的病毒,但受美俄兩國反對而一再推遲。[27]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Hawkes N. Smallpox death in Britain challenges presumption of laboratory safety. Science. 1979, 203 (4383): 855–6. Bibcode:1979Sci...203..855H. PMID 419409. doi:10.1126/science.419409. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 UK Department of Health,
  3. ^ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 Report of the investigation into the cause of the 1978 Birmingham smallpox occurrence' (PDF). Gov.uk. 1980-07-22 [2017-08-22]. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Glynn, Jenifer; Glynn, Ian. The life and death of smallpox. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2004: 227. ISBN 0-521-84542-4. 
  5. ^ Pennington, Hugh. Smallpox Scares London Review of Books英語London Review of Books 24: 32–33 (accessed 16 February 2013)
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Behbehani, A.M. The smallpox story: life and death of an old disease. Microbiol. Rev. 1983, 47 (4): 455–509. PMC 281588可免費查閱. PMID 6319980. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Index entry. FreeBMD. ONS. [26 June 2012]. 
  8. ^ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 Lockley, Mike. The smallpox death that locked down Birmingham could have been avoided. Birmingham Mail. 2016-05-15 [2018-01-17]. 
  9. ^ 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 9.21 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 9.26 9.27 9.28 9.29 9.30 9.31 9.32 9.33 Toxic Shock – Twenty five years ago a disease that many thought was dead and gone reared its head in Birmingham: smallpox. Campbell Docherty and Caroline Foulkes look back at the 1978 outbreak and ask if it could ever happen again.. The Birmingham Post. 2003-10-04 [2018-01-19]. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 History of Smallpox. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2017-07-25 [2018-01-17]. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Stockton, William. Smallpox Is Not Dead. The New York Times. 1979-02-04 [2018-01-19]. 
  12. ^ Ryan KJ, Ray CG, Sherris JC (編). Sherris Medical Microbiology 4th. McGraw Hill. 2004: 525–8. ISBN 0-8385-8529-9. 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Smallpox. WHO Factsheet. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-21). 
  14. ^ Precey, Matt. Secret world of bio-attack teams. BBC East. 2007-10-18 [2018-01-17]. 
  15. ^ Dumbell, KR; Kapsenberg, JG. Laboratory investigation of two "whitepox" viruses and comparison with two variola strains from southern India.. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 1982, 60 (3): 381–7. ISSN 0042-9686. PMID 6291795. 
  16. ^ Henderson, DA. Principles and lessons from the smallpox eradication programme.. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 1987, 65 (4): 535–46. PMID 3319270. 
  17. ^ Hopkins, Donald R. The Greatest Killer: Smallpox in History. University of Chicago Press. 2002: 99. ISBN 9780226351681. 
  18. ^ Altman, Lawrence K. Criticism Is Leveled in Aftermath of Fatal British Smallpox Outbreak. The New York Times. 1979-02-11 [2018-01-17]. 
  19. ^ 19.00 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.04 19.05 19.06 19.07 19.08 19.09 Kotar, S. L.; Gessler, J. E. Smallpox: A History. McFarland. 2013: 375. ISBN 9780786493272. 
  20. ^ Flight, Colette. Smallpox: Eradicating the Scourge. BBC. 2011-02-17 [2018-01-17]. 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Gibbons, Brett. Haunting memories of smallpox drama. Birmingham Mail. 2011-06-20 [2018-01-19]. 
  22. ^ Geddes AM. The history of smallpox. Clinics in Dermatology. 2006, 24 (3): 152–7. PMID 16714195. doi:10.1016/j.clindermatol.2005.11.009. 
  23. ^ Henry Samuel Bedson. Royal College of Physicians. [2018-01-21]. 
  24. ^ Smallpox Virus (Shooter Report). UK Parliament. [2018-02-06]. 
  25. ^ Lawrence McGinty. New Scientist. Reed Business Information. 4 January 1979: 12–. ISSN 0262-4079. 
  26. ^ Nuwer, Rachel. Smallpox: Last refuge of an ultimate killer. BBC. 2014-01-30 [2018-06-25]. 
  27. ^ Madrigal, Alexis C. The Last Smallpox Patient on Earth. The Atlantic. 2013-12-09 [2018-06-25]. 



  • Portrait photograph (pre-1978) of Janet Parker (online)
  • 1978 newspaper article Smallpox virus escapes (online)
  • 1978 newspaper article about Janet Parker's father being taken into quarantine (online)
  • 1978 newspaper article about Janet Parker's mother being released from quarantine (online)