




  • 史蒂夫·本德(Steve Bender),59歲,德國唱片製作人,Dschinghis Khan成員。[43]
  • 鄧肯·英格利斯·卡梅倫(Duncan Inglis Cameron),78歲,蘇格蘭大學行政人員。[44]
  • 理查·卡爾頓(Richard Carleton),62歲,澳大利亞電視記者(60分鐘),心臟病發作。[45]
  • 瓊·愛德華茲(Joan C. Edwards),87歲,美國慈善家,肝癌。[46]
  • 斯特拉·西格考(Stella Sigcau),69歲,南非公共工程部長,心臟相關問題。[47]
  • 喬斯林·西蒙(Jocelyn Simon),格萊斯代爾男爵西蒙(Baron Simon of Glaisdale),95歲,英國大臣和普通上訴勳爵。[48]
  • 曽我町子,68歲,日本配音演員和女演員,德勝傳奇人物(Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger、Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers 等),胰腺癌。[49]
  • 現年68歲的洛瓦娜·鐘斯(Lovana Jones)是伊利諾伊州眾議院的美國助理多數黨領袖,自1987年以來一直代表第26選區,原因未公開。[50]
  • 約翰·金伯勒(John Kimbrough),87歲,美式橄欖球運動員(德克薩斯農工大學名人堂)和州議員,肺炎。[51]
  • 喬治·盧茨(George Lutz),59歲,阿米蒂維爾恐怖屋的美國老闆。[52][53]
  • 派翠克·普勒(Patrick Pule)「王牌」恩索倫戈(Patrick Pule 「Ace」 Ntsoelengoe),50歲,南非足球運動員,效力於明尼蘇達踢球隊和凱澤酋長隊,原因不明。[54]
  • 芭芭拉·施瓦茨(Barbara Schwartz),58歲,美國畫家。[55]
  • 阿德里安·貝內特(Adrian Bennett),73歲,澳大利亞政治家,天鵝司MHR(1969-1975)。[56]
  • 科里·恩根(Corey Engen),90歲,挪威出生,1948年冬季奧運會美國北歐滑雪隊隊長,肺炎併發症。[57]
  • 耶日·菲科夫斯基(Jerzy Ficowski),81歲,波蘭詩人、作家和翻譯家。[58]
  • Pietro Garinei,87歲,意大利劇作家,作詞人,「Arrivederci Roma」和其他歌曲。[59]
  • 愛德華·雅格爾(Edouard Jaguer),法國詩人和藝術評論家。[60]
  • 托尼·沃德(Tony Ward),82歲,澳大利亞演員和記者,癌症。[61]
  • Val Guest,94歲,英國電影編劇和導演(The Quatermass Xperiment,Casino Royale)。[62]
  • 瑪麗·哈特利(Marie Hartley),100歲,英國作家和插畫家。[63]
  • 約翰·希克斯(John Hicks),64歲,美國爵士鋼琴家/作曲家。[64]
  • 詹姆斯·基奧(James Keogh),89歲,美國《時代》雜誌前執行主編,美國總統理查·尼克鬆(Richard Nixon)的演講撰稿人。[65]
  • 格奧爾基·科爾尼延科,81歲,俄羅斯外交官,外交部長安德列·格羅米柯的副手。[66]
  • A.M.羅森塔爾,84歲,加拿大出生的《紐約時報》執行主編17年,中風。[67]
  • 索拉亞,37歲,哥倫比亞裔美國詞曲作者、結他手、編曲家、唱片製作人和歌手,患有乳腺癌。[68]
  • 亞歷山大·季諾維也夫(Aleksandr Zinovyev),83歲,俄羅斯邏輯學家,社會學家和作家,腦癌。[69]
  • Yossi Banai,74歲,以色列歌手和演員,癌症。[70]
  • 弗蘭克·米爾斯爵士(Sir Frank Mills),82歲,英國外交官,駐加納和孟加拉國高級專員。[71]
  • 拜倫·莫羅(Byron Morrow),95歲,美國電視和電影角色演員。[72]
  • 邁克爾·奧利里(Michael O'Leary),70歲,愛爾蘭政治家和大律師,愛爾蘭工黨前領導人,在游泳池中溺水身亡。[73]
  • 弗洛德·派特森(Floyd Patterson),71歲,美國前拳擊重量級冠軍,阿爾茨海默病和前列腺癌。[74]
  • 斐迪南多·塔科尼(Ferdinando Tacconi),83歲,意大利漫畫家。[75]
  • 弗蘭基·湯瑪斯(Frankie Thomas),85歲,美國演員(湯姆·科貝特(Tom Corbett),太空學員),中風。[76]
  • 泰德·伯克曼(Ted Berkman),92歲,美國作家,編劇(《Bonzo的就寢時間》)。[77]
  • 侯賽因·馬齊克(Hussein Maziq),88歲,利比亞政治家,利比亞前總理兼外交部長。[78]
  • Gillespie V. 「Sonny」 Montgomery,85歲,美國政治家,前密西西比州美國眾議員。[79]
  • Arthur Porges,90歲,美國科幻小說和奇幻作家。[80]
  • 瓊·迪納(Joan Diener),76歲,美國女演員/女高音(《拉曼恰人》),癌症併發症。[81]
  • 里克·法利(Rick Farley),53歲,澳大利亞全國農民聯合會首席執行官八年。[82]
  • 瑞恩·弗朗西斯(Ryan Francis),19歲,美國大學籃球運動員,南加州大學籃球隊新生控球後衛,兇殺案。[83]
  • 費爾南多·因豪斯特(Fernando Inchauste),75歲,玻利維亞奧運選手。[84]
  • 雅羅斯拉夫·佩里坎(Jaroslav Pelikan),82歲,美國基督教歷史學家,克魯格人文科學獎獲得者,肺癌。[85]
  • Östen Sjöstrand,80歲,瑞典詩人、翻譯家和瑞典學院院士。[86]
  • 彼得·維耶雷克(Peter Viereck),89歲,美國歷史學家,普利策獎得主詩人。[87]
  • 小約翰尼·懷爾德(Johnnie Wilder, Jr.),56歲,美國音樂家(熱浪)。[88]
  • 84歲的美國樂隊領隊盧·安德森(Lew Anderson)在《Howdy Doody Show》中扮演小醜克拉拉貝爾(Clarabell the Clown),前列腺癌。[89]
  • 詹姆斯·博滕(James Botten),67歲,南非國際板球運動員,結腸手術後出現併發症。[90]
  • 威廉·金斯伯格(William Ginsberg),75歲,霍夫斯特拉大學(Hofstra University)環境法教授,前紐約市公園和娛樂專員。[91]
  • 禮薩·哈桑扎德(Reza Hassanzadeh),33歲,伊朗職業足球運動員,Teraktor Sazi足球會,車禍受傷。[92]
  • 斯坦利·庫尼茨(Stanley Kunitz),100歲,美國普利策獎得主詩人,前美國桂冠詩人。[93]
  • 吉姆·萊蒙(Jim Lemon),78歲,美國職業棒球大聯盟球員,癌症。[94]
  • 保羅·馬可(Paul Marco),78歲,美國電影演員(《外太空9號計劃》)。[95]
  • 布魯斯·梅裏菲爾德(Bruce Merrifield),84歲,美國諾貝爾獎獲得者化學家。[96]
  • Günther Nenning,84歲,奧地利記者、作家和政治活動家。[97]
  • 伊娃·諾文德(Eva Norvind),挪威出生的墨西哥作家和女演員,溺水事故。[98]
  • 喬安娜·隆德(JoAnna Lund),61歲,美國食譜作者,癌症患者。[143]
  • 鮑比·傑克·福勒(Bobby Jack Fowler),66歲,美國強姦犯和疑似殺人犯。
  • 萊斯·奧利弗(Les Olive),78歲,慕尼克空難發生時曼聯的英國助理秘書,前列腺癌。[144]
  • 安迪·拉德福德(Andy Radford),62歲,英國聖公會主教,湯頓主教,腦瘤。[145]
  • Cherd Songsri,75歲,泰國電影導演,癌症。[146]
  • Annis Stukus,91歲,加拿大足球運動員和冰球總經理,加拿大體育名人堂成員,以表彰他對加拿大橄欖球聯盟和冰球的貢獻。[147]
  • 湯米·瓦特(Tommy Watt),80歲,英國爵士樂隊領隊。[148]
  • 菲力浦·阿模里(Philippe Amaury),66歲,法國媒體老闆,癌症。[159]
  • 克利福德·安藤(Clifford Antone),56歲,美國奧斯汀藍調俱樂部老闆,心臟病發作。[160]
  • 勞埃德·本特森(Lloyd Bentsen),85歲,美國副總統候選人,參議員,克林頓時期的財政部長。[161]
  • 詹姆斯·凱里(James W. Carey),71歲,哥倫比亞大學新聞學教授,作家。[162]
  • Ray Cale,83歲,威爾斯橄欖球運動員,威爾斯橄欖球聯盟和橄欖球聯盟的雙重國際球員。[163]
  • 伊恩·科普蘭(Ian Copeland),57歲,美國音樂推廣人和經紀人,員警斯圖爾特·科普蘭(Stewart Copeland)的哥哥,黑色素瘤。[164]
  • Bracha Eden,78歲,以色列鋼琴家,腦溢血。[165]
  • 卡齊米日·戈爾斯基(Kazimierz Górski),85歲,波蘭國家足球隊前教練,癌症。[166]
  • 吉姆·特林布爾(Jim Trimble),87歲,美國費城老鷹隊教練,1952-55年,肺氣腫。[167]
  • Milicent Bagot,99歲,英國情報官員。[185]
  • 霍隆迪諾·何塞·達席爾瓦(Horondino José da Silva)又名「迪諾·塞特·科爾達斯」(Dino Sete Cordas),88歲,巴西七弦結他演奏家。[186]
  • 塞爾文·岡薩雷斯(Selvin González),24歲,薩爾瓦多足球運動員。[187]
  • 圖莫·凱羅拉,48歲,芬蘭奧運游泳運動員。[188]
  • 艾倫·科托克(Alan Kotok),64歲,美國早期視頻遊戲設計師(Spacewar!),數字設備工程師。[189]
  • 卡爾·昆策,83歲,荷蘭奧運賽艇運動員[190]
  • 馬哈茂德·馬吉祖布(Mahmoud al-Majzoub)又名阿布·哈姆扎(Abu Hamza),41歲,巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭聖戰組織領導人,被炸彈暗殺。[191]
  • 愛德華·米芝蓮(Édouard Michelin),42歲,米芝蓮法國首席執行官,在塞恩島(Île de Sein)附近發生划船事故。[192]
  • 凱文·奧弗拉納根(Kevin O'Flanagan),86歲,愛爾蘭前國際足球和橄欖球聯盟成員,國際奧會成員,心臟問題。[193]
  • 安妮塔·羅伯茨(Anita Roberts),64歲,美國國家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)的美國分子生物學家,胃癌。[194]
  • 特德·施羅德(Ted Schroeder),84歲,美國網球運動員,溫布爾登網球公開賽(1949年)和美國網球公開賽(1942年)冠軍,癌症。[195]
  • 雷蒙德·特裏布萊(Raymond Triboulet),99歲,二戰期間法國抵抗運動的法國成員,法國議會議員和政府部長。[196]
  • 愛德華·奧爾德威爾(Edward Aldwell),68歲,美國音樂理論家和鋼琴家,專門研究巴赫,車禍。[207]
  • 詹姆斯·阿奇博爾德(James Archibald),94歲,美國法官。[208]
  • Rupert Blöch,76歲,奧地利奧運短跑運動員。[209]
  • 路易斯·卡特(Lewis Carter),81歲,澳大利亞板球運動員。[210]
  • 費爾明·查韋斯(Fermín Chávez),82歲,阿根廷歷史學家,腎功能衰竭併發症。[211]
  • Sue Fear,43歲,澳大利亞登山家,登山事故。[212]
  • 翁貝托·馬塞蒂(Umberto Masetti),80歲,意大利摩托車賽車手,1950年和1952年第一位意大利世界冠軍500cc級,肺中風。[213]
  • 岡田真澄,70歲,日本演員,在《幕府將軍》中扮演喉癌的邁克爾兄弟。[214]
  • 托尼·薩迪斯科(Tony Sardisco),73歲,美國足球運動員,波士頓愛國者隊前隊長,心臟病發作。[215]
  • 多麗絲·桑德斯(Doris Saunders),64歲,加拿大雜誌編輯,加拿大勳章入選者,阿爾茨海默病。[216]
  • Arthur Widmer,91歲,美國電影特效先驅,奧斯卡終身成就獎獲得者,癌症。[217]
  • 內維爾·阿馬迪奧(Neville Amadio),93歲,澳大利亞長笛演奏家和獨奏家,在悉尼交響樂團工作了50年,一系列小心臟病發作。[218]
  • 波爾·安德森(Poul Andersen),84歲,丹麥出生,美國唯一的丹麥週報《Bien》的出版家,阿爾茨海默病。[219]
  • 克拉倫斯·貝利(Clarence Bailey),43歲,美式足球運動員。[220]
  • 彼得·博爾薩里(Peter Borsari),67歲,美籍瑞士名人攝影師,擇期膝關節手術併發症。[221]
  • 詹姆斯·布蘭(James Brolan),42歲,英國哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞音響技術員,在伊拉克的汽車炸彈襲擊中受傷。[222]
  • 保羅·道格拉斯(Paul Douglas),48歲,英國資深哥倫比亞廣播公司新聞攝影師,在伊拉克的汽車炸彈襲擊中受傷。[222]
  • Wyn Griffiths,86歲,威爾斯職業足球運動員(卡迪夫城足球會,紐波特縣足球會),跌倒併發症。[223]
  • 史蒂夫·米澤拉克,61歲,美國枱球冠軍。[224]
  • 奧梅利揚·普里薩克(Omeljan Pritsak),87歲,奧地利出生的美國哈佛大學教授、學者和烏克蘭問題權威。[225]
  • Johnny Servoz-Gavin,64歲,法國賽車手。[226]
  • 斯利姆·阿隆斯(Slim Aarons),89歲,美國攝影師,中風。[227]
  • Marius van Amelsvoort,75歲,荷蘭政治家,財政國務秘書。[228]
  • Hladnik Boštjan,77歲,斯洛文尼亞電影導演。[229]
  • Ann Harnett,85歲,美國棒球運動員(全美女子職業棒球聯盟)。[230]
  • 今村昌平,79歲,日本電影導演(《黑雨》),兩度獲得金棕櫚獎,肝癌。[231]
  • 比爾·科瓦奇(Bill Kovacs),56歲,美國計算機動畫先驅和奧斯卡金像獎得主,中風併發症。[232]
  • 大衛·勞埃德(David Lloyd),68歲,新西蘭植物學家,神秘疾病的併發症,可能是毒藥。[233]
  • 羅伯特·斯特林(Robert Sterling),88歲,美國電影和電視演員,1950年代電視節目Topper的明星,自然原因。[234]
  • 米格爾·貝羅卡爾(Miguel Berrocal),73歲,西班牙雕塑家和拼圖創作者,前列腺癌。[235]
  • 羅納德·克蘭福德(Ronald Cranford),65歲,美國神經學家和生物倫理學家,他制定了昏迷標準,腎癌併發症。[236]
  • Raymond Davis Jr.,91歲,美國化學家,2002年諾貝爾物理學獎獲得者,阿爾茨海默病。[237]
  • 盧拉·梅·哈達威(Lula Mae Hardaway),76歲,美國詞曲作者,歌手史蒂夫·汪達(Stevie Wonder)的母親,自然原因。[238]


  1. ^ Robertson, Campbell. Jay Presson Allen, 84, Writer of Adaptations for the Stage, Dies. The New York Times. 2 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  2. ^ London, David. Wilfrid Butt. The Guardian. 22 June 2006 [12 January 2019]. 
  3. ^ Former Members: Casey, Hon Edmund Denis (Ed). Queensland Parliament. [30 April 2018]. 
  4. ^ 1877Litsky, Frank. George Haines, Coach of Elite Swimmers, Dies at 82. The New York Times. 3 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  5. ^ Betsy Jones-Moreland (1930–2006). Internet Movie Database. [2 May 2018]. 
  6. ^ Rob Lacey Dies. Cross Rhythms. 3 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  7. ^ van Gorp, Edwin. Finnish composer Rauno Lehtinen died. ESC Today. 3 May 2006 [1 June 2006]. (原始內容存檔於18 May 2006). 
  8. ^ John M. Pocisk, 1940–2006: Saxophonist was Johnny & the Hurricanes' leader. The Blade. 4 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2006-06-28). 
  9. ^ Former NASA test pilot Bruce Peterson dead. Phys.org. 3 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  10. ^ Biographical Dictionary (1903–2005): Primatesta. The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於14 June 2006). 
  11. ^ Clive Burgess
  12. ^ Struggle to execute US murderer. BBC News. 3 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  13. ^ Ringolsby, Tracy. First Pitch: Mourning. Rocky Mountain News. 3 May 2006 [12 March 2013]. (原始內容存檔於24 February 2012). 
  14. ^ Chi era il grande Luigi Griffanti detto "Saracinesca". Fiorentina. 3 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 July 2011) (意大利語). 
  15. ^ Morinaga, Dayton. Obituaries: 'Steamboat' big in many ways (1934–2006). The Honolulu Advertiser. 4 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於May 2, 2018). 
  16. ^ Grant, James. Louis Rukeyser, Television Host, Dies at 73. The New York Times. 3 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  17. ^ Gunmen kill Honduran politician. BBC News. 3 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  18. ^ Karel Appel. The Times. 8 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 June 2011). 
  19. ^ Danini, Carmina. Rosita Fernandez, First Lady of Song, dies at 88. San Antonio Express-News. 4 May 2006 [1 June 2006]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  20. ^ Franco Lavoratori
  21. ^ Indian opposition politician dies. BBC News. 3 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  22. ^ Howard T. Markey, 85, Ex-Federal Judge, Is Dead. The New York Times. 5 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  23. ^ Woods, Tiger. Earl Woods Passes Away at 74. TigerWoods.com. 3 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於16 June 2006). 
  24. ^ Fue precursora del teatro independiente. La Nación. 6 May 2006 [2 May 2018] (西班牙語). 
  25. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Jim Delsing, 80, Pinch-Runner for Midget in Baseball Stunt, Dies. The New York Times. 9 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  26. ^ Russell, T.W. Fraser. In Memoriam: Arthur B. Metzner. University of Delaware. 10 October 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  27. ^ Michael Taliferro (1961–2006). Internet Movie Database. [2 May 2018]. 
  28. ^ Music composer Naushad is dead. Hindustan Times. 6 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  29. ^ Zoe Dumitrescu-Bușulenga. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [21 January 2023] (法語). 
  30. ^ Roche, former Hillsdale College president, dies at 70. Detroit Free Press. 9 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2006-05-17). 
  31. ^ Atif Yilmaz, Turkish film director, dead at 81. TurkishPress.com. 6 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  32. ^ Last U.S. survivor of Titanic sinking, 99, dies. NBC News. 8 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  33. ^ Умер великий футбольный тренер Константин Бесков. Lenta.ru. 7 May 2006 [2 May 2018] (俄語). 
  34. ^ Doyle, Ruth Bachhuber. Madison West Class of '61. [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於February 14, 2012). 
  35. ^ Tributes flow for prominent Ainu activist Shigeru Kayano. Asahi Shimbun. 8 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於17 May 2006). 
  36. ^ MacMahon, Bernard. Grant McLennan. The Go-Betweens. 6 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  37. ^ Admiral Sir Anthony Morton, GBE, KCB
  38. ^ Basra crash victims named by MoD. BBC News. 8 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  39. ^ Frantisek Perina. The Times. 8 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2 December 2008). 
  40. ^ Film-maker Pattabhi Rama Reddy dead. Daily News and Analysis. 6 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  41. ^ CBC broadcaster Lorne Saxberg dies. Yahoo! News. 8 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於8 May 2006). 
  42. ^ McFadden, Robert D. Sister Rose Thering, Nun Dedicated to Bridging Gap With Judaism, Dies at 85. The New York Times. 8 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  43. ^ Rau, Oliver. Steve Bender (Dschinghis Khan) died. ESC Today. 9 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  44. ^ Dalyell, Tam. Duncan Cameron. The Independent. 18 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  45. ^ Veteran reporter Carleton dead. The Sydney Morning Herald. 7 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  46. ^ Joan C. Edwards Funeral Services Slated for Thursday, May 11. Huntington News.net. 9 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於1 November 2006). 
  47. ^ Stella Sigcau dead at 69. Mail & Guardian. 8 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  48. ^ Lord Simon of Glaisdale. The Times. 8 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 June 2011). 
  49. ^ Machiko Soga has passed away. RangerBoard.com. 7 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  50. ^ Parsons, Christi; Long, Ray. Lovana "Lou" Jones, 1938–2006. Chicago Tribune. 10 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  51. ^ Kimbrough, star for A&M title team, dies at 87. CBS SportsLine. 9 May 2006 [1 June 2006]. (原始內容存檔於3 February 2013). 
  52. ^ George Lutz, 59, Who Found Horror in Amityville, Dies. The New York Times. 11 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  53. ^ Former Owner of 'Amityville Horror' House Dies. Fox News Channel. 10 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  54. ^ Bell, Jack. Ace Ntsoelengoe, 50, African Soccer Star, Dies. The New York Times. 11 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  55. ^ Barbara Schwartz, 58, Painter of Abstract Forms, Dies. The New York Times. 11 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  56. ^ House debates: Condolences, Mr Adrian Frank Bennett. OpenAustralia.org. 11 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  57. ^ West skiing pioneer Corey Engen dies at 90. Deseret News. 11 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  58. ^ Moszczynki, Wiktor. Jerzy Ficowski. The Guardian. 6 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  59. ^ Italy's father of the stage musical dies. Monsters and Critics. 10 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於20 May 2006). 
  60. ^ Biografie: Édouard Jaguer. Antlogonis infekt. [2 May 2018] (德語). 
  61. ^ Callaghan, Allen. If ever there was a Logie for TV's best all-rounder... : Tony Ward, television personality, 1924–2006. The Sydney Morning Herald. 13 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  62. ^ Val Guest. Variety. 12 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  63. ^ Wainwright, Martin. Obituary: Marie Hartley. The Guardian. 17 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  64. ^ Vacher, Peter. John Hicks. The Guardian. 11 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  65. ^ O'Connor, Anahad. James Keogh, 89, Who Was Time Editor and Wordsmith for Nixon, Dies. The New York Times. 14 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  66. ^ Georgi Korniyenko, Diplomat, Dies at 81; Helped Make U.S. Policy of Soviets. The New York Times. The Associated Press. 13 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  67. ^ McFadden, Robert D. A. M. Rosenthal Is Dead at 84; Innovative Editor of The Times. The New York Times. 10 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  68. ^ Murió la cantante colombiana Soraya. El Mercurio. 10 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  69. ^ Soviet-era satirist Zinovyev dies. BBC News. 10 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  70. ^ Actor-singer Yossi Banai passes away. The Jerusalem Post. 11 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  71. ^ Sir Frank Mills, KCVO, CMG
  72. ^ Actor Byron Morrow Dies. Internet Movie Database. 6 September 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於14 January 2016). 
  73. ^ Former Labour leader Michael O'Leary dies. The Irish Times. 12 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  74. ^ Heavyweight great Patterson dies. BBC News. 11 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  75. ^ Ferdinando Tacconi passed away. afNews. [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於28 September 2007). 
  76. ^ Frankie Thomas, 85, Actor in 50's TV, Is Dead. The New York Times. The Associated Press. 18 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  77. ^ Ted Berkman, 92; Screenwriter Co-Wrote 'Bedtime for Bonzo'. Los Angeles Times. 30 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  78. ^ May 2006. Rulers.org. [2 May 2018]. 
  79. ^ Montgomery, Gillespie V. (Sonny), (1920–2006). Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress. [30 April 2018]. 
  80. ^ Arthur Porges, author of "The Fly", dead at 91. alt.obituaries.narkive.com. 25 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  81. ^ Ramirez, Anthony. Joan Diener, 76, Dies; Dulcinea in 'La Mancha'. The New York Times. 16 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  82. ^ Former National Farmers Federation (NFF) boss dies. ABC News. 13 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  83. ^ Trojans attend service for teammate in Louisiana. University of Southern California Official Athletic Site. 21 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  84. ^ Fernando Inchauste. Sports Reference. [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  85. ^ Saxon, Wolfgang. Jaroslav Pelikan, Wide-Ranging Historian of Christian Traditions, Dies at 82. The New York Times. 16 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  86. ^ Akademiledamoten Östen Sjöstrand avliden. SVT Nyheter. 13 May 2006 [30 April 2018] (瑞典語). 
  87. ^ Fox, Margalit. Peter Viereck, Poet and Conservative Theorist, Dies at 89. The New York Times. 19 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  88. ^ Heatwave founder Wilder dead at 56. CNN. 17 May 2006 [1 June 2006]. (原始內容存檔於28 May 2006). 
  89. ^ Martin, Douglas. Lew Anderson, 84, Clarabell the Clown and a Bandleader, Dies. The New York Times. 17 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  90. ^ He was a special bowler. Mail & Guardian. 16 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於1 October 2007). 
  91. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. William Ginsberg, 75, Advocate for Preservation of Open Space, Dies. The New York Times. 19 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  92. ^ Iranian footballer Hassanzadeh dies in coma. Tehran Times. 15 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  93. ^ Noted poet Stanley Kunitz dead at 100. Today.com. 15 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  94. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Jim Lemon, 78, Outfielder, Is Dead; Earned Visit With Eisenhower. The New York Times. 17 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  95. ^ Paul Marco. Variety. 16 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  96. ^ Chang, Kenneth. R. Bruce Merrifield, Who Won Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Dies at 84. The New York Times. 20 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  97. ^ Günther Nenning ist tot. ORF. 16 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於July 6, 2011) (德語). 
  98. ^ Eva Norvind. The Daily Telegraph. 20 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  99. ^ Joyce B. Brand, Commercial Artist, Dies at 88. The New York Times. 18 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  100. ^ Former Virginia coach Blackburn dies. CBS SportsLine. 16 May 2006 [1 June 2006]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2006). 
  101. ^ Martin, Douglas. George Crile, CBS Documentary Producer, Dies at 61. The New York Times. 16 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  102. ^ Schauspieler Eberhard Esche ist tot. Die Welt. 15 May 2006 [2 May 2018] (德語). 
  103. ^ Chic Hecht, 77, Former Senator and Businessman From Nevada, Is Dead. The New York Times. 18 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  104. ^ Smith, Dinitia. Judith Moore, 66, Author of Angry Memoir 'Fat Girl', Is Dead. The New York Times. 25 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  105. ^ Denselow, Robin. Cheikha Rimitti. The Guardian. 18 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  106. ^ Cheng, Derek; Booker, Jarrod; Dye, Stuart. Dying Everest climber was frozen solid, says Inglis. The New Zealand Herald. 25 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  107. ^ Pulitzer-Winning Photojournalist Bill Strode Dead. Editor & Publisher. 16 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於August 15, 2018). 
  108. ^ Irish novelist Clare Boylan dies. Raidió Teilifís Éireann. 17 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  109. ^ The Hon. Beryl Alice Evans (1922–2006). Parliament of New South Wales. [30 April 2018]. 
  110. ^ Harris, Natasha. Thousands farewell Ngati Haua stalwart. The New Zealand Herald. 22 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  111. ^ Jorge Porcel, 69, Comedian Well Known in Latin America, Is Dead. The New York Times. 21 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  112. ^ Bengals star tight end Dan Ross dies. UPI. 17 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  113. ^ Takahiro Tamura (I) (1928–2006). Internet Movie Database. [2 May 2018]. 
  114. ^ Severo, Richard; McKinley, Jesse. Cy Feuer, a Producer of 'Guys and Dolls' and Other Broadway Musicals, Is Dead at 95. The New York Times. 18 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  115. ^ Tributes paid to Tory Eric Forth. BBC News. 19 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  116. ^ Canadian woman 16th soldier killed in Afghanistan. CBC News. 17 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  117. ^ Dan Q. Kennis. The Mercury News.  [失效連結]
  118. ^ An outspoken fighter who was passionate until his final days: John Robert Marsden: Lawyer, civil libertarian, 1942–2006. The Sydney Morning Herald. 19 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  119. ^ Lieutenant-Colonel Sir John Miller. The Daily Telegraph. 20 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  120. ^ Lusk, Jon. D.O. Misiani: 'Grandfather' of benga music. The Independent. 23 July 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  121. ^ Mieczysław Nowak. Sports Reference. [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  122. ^ Judge dies in Turkey court attack. BBC News. 17 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  123. ^ Gujarati poet Ramesh Parekh dead. Times of India. 18 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  124. ^ Selvin, Joel. Lawrence 'Ramrod' Shurtliff: 1945–2006, mainstay of Grateful Dead crew dies – 'he was our rock'. San Francisco Chronicle. 18 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  125. ^ Kuimet, Peeter. Suri Jaan Eilart. Postimees. 18 May 2006 [1 June 2006]. (原始內容存檔於13 February 2013) (愛沙尼亞語). 
  126. ^ Former Registrary, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Master of Downing College Dr Stephen Fleet has died aged 69. University of Cambridge. 18 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  127. ^ Maclay, Kathleen. George M. Foster, noted anthropologist, dies. UC Berkeley. 26 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  128. ^ Greenhouse, Steven. Morris P. Glushien, Union Lawyer, Dies at 96. The New York Times. 25 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  129. ^ Statement issued by the Volvo Ocean Race. Volvo Ocean Race. 18 May 2006 [1 June 2006]. (原始內容存檔於7 November 2006). 
  130. ^ Stan Jones. Sports Reference. [27 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  131. ^ Maksim Kahan. Sports Reference. [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  132. ^ Zengerle, Jason. The Naked Guy. The New York Times Magazine. 31 December 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  133. ^ Brazilian Vitor Negrete lost on Everest after a no O2 summit. Explorers Web. [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於14 June 2006). 
  134. ^ Spanish Civil War veteran dies at 88. RTÉ. 18 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  135. ^ Boy hunted in Kiyan murder probe. BBC News. 19 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  136. ^ Trafton, Anne. Professor Robert C. Reid dies at 81. MIT News. 7 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  137. ^ Gilbert Sorrentino Dead at 77. Center for Book Culture. 19 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  138. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Yitzhak Ben-Aharon, Kibbutz Founder, Dies at 99. The New York Times. 19 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  139. ^ Weiner, Tim. Edward R. Becker, 73, Judge on Federal Court of Appeals, Dies. The New York Times. 20 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  140. ^ Gaughan, Gavin. Peter Bryant: Actor turned BBC producer. The Independent. 30 June 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  141. ^ Singer Freddie dies in hospital. BBC News. 20 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  142. ^ Barker, Dennis. Alan Sapper. The Guardian. 23 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  143. ^ JoAnna M. Lund, 1944–2006. The Register-Mail. 23 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於26 May 2006). 
  144. ^ Meek, David. Les Olive: Man U loyalist from the old days of football. The Guardian. 16 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  145. ^ Taunton's Bishop Andrew, 62, dies. BBC News. 21 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  146. ^ Legendary film-master Cherd Songsri succumbs to cancer at 75. The Nation. 21 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  147. ^ CFL icon Stukus dies at 91. CBC Sports. 21 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  148. ^ Ankeny, Jason. Tommy Watt. AllMusic. [30 April 2018]. 
  149. ^ Anderson, Jack. Katherine Dunham, Dance Icon, Dies at 96. The New York Times. 23 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  150. ^ Noel, Josh. Sherman Skolnick (1930–2006). Chicago Tribune. 23 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  151. ^ Aftenposten
  152. ^ Grand Ole Opry Legend and Wife Die in Car Accident. WSFA. 22 May 2006 [1 June 2006]. (原始內容存檔於11 September 2006). 
  153. ^ NASCAR Driver Spencer Clark Killed in Crash. Fox News. 23 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  154. ^ Anti-smoking crusader Heather Crowe dies at 61. CBC News. 23 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  155. ^ Furnald, Cliff. Hamza El Din: the last turn of the water wheel. RootsWorld - World Music News. 24 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  156. ^ Jack Fallon. The Times. 31 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 June 2011). 
  157. ^ Statement regarding Dr LEE Jong-wook, Director-General, World Health Organization. WHO. 22 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於June 30, 2006). 
  158. ^ Muere la actriz Lilia Prado. El Universa. 23 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於May 25, 2006) (西班牙語). 
  159. ^ Philippe Amaury. The Times. 1 June 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  160. ^ Light, Alan. Clifford Antone, 56, Is Dead; Started Texas Blues Club. The New York Times. 25 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  161. ^ Holley, Joe. Lloyd Bentsen; Texas Senator, Vice Presidential Candidate. The Washington Post. 24 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  162. ^ Martin, Douglas. James W. Carey, Teacher of Journalists, Dies at 71. The New York Times. 26 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  163. ^ Cole, Rob. Ray Cale. The Independent. 12 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於May 2, 2018). 
  164. ^ Ian Copeland, 57, Music Agent, Is Dead. The New York Times. 26 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  165. ^ Bracha Eden. The Jerusalem Post. [永久失效連結]
  166. ^ Poland's former coach Gorski dies at 85. Hindustan Times. 23 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  167. ^ Litsky, Frank. Jim Trimble, 87, Football Coach and Executive, Dies. The New York Times. 26 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  168. ^ Williamson, Martin. Eric Bedser dies aged 87. ESPN CricInfo. 24 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  169. ^ Henry Bumstead, 91, Production Designer for Noted Films, Dies. The New York Times. The Associated Press. 30 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  170. ^ McLellan, Dennis. Henry Bumstead, 91; Veteran Film Production Designer. Los Angeles Times. 27 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  171. ^ Stowe, Stacey. Robert Giaimo, 86, Dies; Member of House From Connecticut. The New York Times. 26 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  172. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Fritz Klein, 73, Psychiatrist Who Studied Bisexual Culture, Dies. The New York Times. 4 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  173. ^ Zambia's opposition leader Mazoka dies in SA. SABC News. 24 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  174. ^ Martin, Sandra. Bernard Ostry. The Globe and Mail. 24 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  175. ^ Claude Piéplu (1923–2006). Internet Movie Database. [2 May 2018]. 
  176. ^ Erudite senator from the Whitlam days: John Wheeldon, 1929-2006. The Sydney Morning Herald. 29 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  177. ^ Sir Julian Bullard. The Times. 30 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 June 2011). 
  178. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Elizabeth A. Connelly, 77, Longtime Assemblywoman, Is Dead. The New York Times. 26 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  179. ^ McDonald, Kandré. Desmond Dekker dies. The Gleaner. 26 May 2006 [1 June 2006]. (原始內容存檔於15 June 2006). 
  180. ^ Lars Gyllensten har avlidit. Svenska Dagbladet. 26 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於13 June 2006) (瑞典語). 
  181. ^ Schwartz, John. Wilber Huston, 93, Dies; 'Brightest Boy' in 1929. The New York Times. 10 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  182. ^ Goldstein, Richard. Donald Rudolph, 85, Medal of Honor Winner, Dies. The New York Times. 30 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  183. ^ Obituary: Mari Yonehara. The Japan Times. 30 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  184. ^ Falleció el científico venezolano Tobías Lasser. El Universal. 27 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於14 June 2006) (西班牙語). 
  185. ^ Condell, Diana. Milicent Bagot. The Guardian. 17 June 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  186. ^ Cimieri, Fabiana. Morre o violonista Dino Sete Cordas. Estadao. 27 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於12 July 2007) (葡萄牙語). 
  187. ^ Uceda, Víctor Zelada. Selvin González se despidió. El Diario de Hoy. 27 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於12 October 2007) (西班牙語). 
  188. ^ Tuomo Kerola. Sports Reference. [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於17 April 2020). 
  189. ^ Markoff, John. Alan Kotok, 64, a Pioneer in Computer Video Games, Is Dead. The New York Times. 3 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  190. ^ [1]
  191. ^ Islamic Jihad member killed in Lebanon. CNN. 26 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 August 2007). 
  192. ^ Lichfield, John. Edouard Michelin. The Independent. 29 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於May 2, 2018). 
  193. ^ Kevin O'Flanagan. The Daily Telegraph. 16 June 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  194. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Anita Roberts, 64, Molecular Biologist Who Studied a Key Protein, Dies. The New York Times. 2 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  195. ^ Finn, Robin. Ted Schroeder, 84, Winner of Tennis Titles in 1940's, Dies. The New York Times. 27 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  196. ^ Raymond Triboulet, 99, French Resistance Fighter and Politician, Is Dead. The New York Times. Agence France-Presse. 30 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  197. ^ Actor Adeeb dies of illness. Daily Times. 27 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於5 February 2012). 
  198. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Harold Falls, 96, Expert on Eye Diseases, Dies. The New York Times. 9 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  199. ^ Paul Gleason, 67, 'Breakfast Club' Actor, Is Dead. The New York Times. 29 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  200. ^ Pasquarelli, Len. 'Ironhead' Heyward loses battle with recurring tumor. ESPN. 27 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  201. ^ Gen. Romeo Lucas García, 85, Former Guatemalan President, Dies. The New York Times. The Associated Press. 29 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  202. ^ McLellan, Dennis. Thelma Bernstein, 95; Mother of Albert Brooks Was Former Actress. Los Angeles Times. May 31, 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  203. ^ Jim Mello Stats - Pro Football Archives. www.profootballarchives.com. 
  204. ^ Fox, Margalit. Michael Riffaterre, 81, a Scholar of Literature at Columbia, Is Dead. The New York Times. 5 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  205. ^ Weiland, Jonah. Legendary cartoonist Alex Toth dead at 78. Comic Book Resources. 27 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於13 August 2006). 
  206. ^ Dykens, Brad. Bull Ramos. Online World of Wrestling. 28 April 2014 [2 May 2018]. 
  207. ^ Wakin, Daniel J. Edward Aldwell, 68, Pianist and Teacher of Music Theory, Is Dead. The New York Times. 3 June 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  208. ^ James Archibald, Maine judge for half century. The Boston Globe. Associated Press. 5 June 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  209. ^ Rupert Blöch. Sports Reference. [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  210. ^ Lewis Carter. ESPN CricInfo. [2 May 2018]. 
  211. ^ Falleció el historiador Fermín Chávez. La Nación. 28 May 2006 [2 May 2018] (西班牙語). 
  212. ^ Braithwaite, David. Top climber is dead: officials. The Sydney Morning Herald. 29 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  213. ^ Benzing, Enrico. Addio a Masetti, il primo italiano re delle 500. Il Giornale. 30 May 2006 [2 May 2018] (意大利語). 
  214. ^ Actor Okada Masumi dies. Japan Film News. 29 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於7 November 2007). 
  215. ^ Tony Sardisco, 73; captain of first team of Patriots. The Boston Globe. 30 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  216. ^ Doris Saunders. Canada.com. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  217. ^ Arthur Widmer, 92, Special Effects Pioneer, Dies. The New York Times. 5 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  218. ^ Flautist Neville Amadio dies. ABC News. 29 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  219. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Poul Andersen, 84; Published Nation's Only Danish-Language Weekly Paper. Los Angeles Times. 4 July 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  220. ^ Clarence Bailey Stats - Pro Football Archives. www.profootballarchives.com. [2021-05-10]. 
  221. ^ Archerd, Army. Peter Borsari dies. Variety. 31 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  222. ^ 222.0 222.1 Hernandez, Nelson; Aldin, Salih Saif. Iraq Blast Kills Two On Crew For CBS. The Washington Post. 30 May 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  223. ^ Former City star dies after falling at home. WalesOnline. 31 May 2006 [24 October 2018]. 
  224. ^ Legendary pool player Steve 'The Miz' Mizerak dies. USA Today. 30 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  225. ^ Woloschuk, Peter T. Obituary: Omeljan Pritsak, scholar of Ukrainian, Turkic studies, 87. The Ukrainian Weekly. 11 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. (原始內容存檔於March 3, 2016). 
  226. ^ Johnny Servoz-Gavin. Grandprix.com. 31 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  227. ^ Martin, Douglas. Slim Aarons, 89, Dies; Photographed Celebrities at Play. The New York Times. 1 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  228. ^ Oud-staatssecretaris Van Amelsvoort overleden (荷蘭語)
  229. ^ Umrl je režiser Boštjan Hladnik. RTV Slovenija. 30 May 2006 [2 May 2018] (斯洛文尼亞語). 
  230. ^ Ann Harnett. All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. [2019-05-27]. 
  231. ^ Japan mourns film-maker Imamura. BBC News. 30 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  232. ^ Bill Kovacs, 56; Shared an Oscar for Work in Computer Animation. Los Angeles Times. 4 June 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於January 3, 2012). 
  233. ^ Scientist in poison scandal dies. The New Zealand Herald. 31 May 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  234. ^ Robert Sterling, 88, of 'Topper,' Is Dead. The New York Times. 1 June 2006 [30 April 2018]. 
  235. ^ Muere el escultor Miguel Ortiz Berrocal a los 73 años. Terra. 1 June 2006 [30 April 2018]. (原始內容存檔於20 July 2011) (西班牙語). 
  236. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Ronald E. Cranford, 65, an Expert on Coma, Is Dead. The New York Times. 3 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  237. ^ Chang, Kenneth. Raymond Davis Jr., Nobelist Who Caught Neutrinos, Dies at 91. The New York Times. 2 June 2006 [2 May 2018]. 
  238. ^ Lula Mae Hardaway, 76, Stevie Wonder's Mother, Dies. The New York Times. The Associated Press. 9 June 2006 [2 May 2018].