

Calle Cool (對話貢獻)


Hi PhiLiP, can you help and take the zh translation above mention picture? I thin this picture is also insteresting for the CN-AGN article. Thank you --Calle Cool (Diskussion) 00:22, 9. Feb. 2016 (CET)

PhiLiP (對話貢獻)

@Calle Cool: Thanks for letting me know :)


  • Inner Structure of an Active Galaxy: 活动星系的内部构造
  • 0.1 lightyears: 0.1光年
  • Shock (Is it abbreviation for shock wave?): 激波
  • Relativistic Jet: 相对论性喷射
  • Supermassive Black Hole: 特大质量黑洞
  • Accretion Disk: 吸积盘
  • Opaque Torus (Is it a synonym of "obscuring torus"?): 遮蔽环


  • Inner Structure of an Active Galaxy: 活躍星系的內部構造
  • 0.1 lightyears: 0.1光年
  • Shock (Is it abbreviation for shock wave?): 震波
  • Relativistic Jet: 相對論性噴流
  • Supermassive Black Hole: 超大質量黑洞
  • Accretion Disk: 吸積盤
  • Opaque Torus (Is it a synonym of "obscuring torus"?): 遮蔽環
Calle Cool (對話貢獻)
PhiLiP (對話貢獻)

In this case I think "不透明环(内区)" (zh-cn) and "不透明環(內區)" (zh-tw) is better for "Opaque Torus (Inner Regions)". Since they are different terms described different things.

Calle Cool (對話貢獻)

hallo again :-) Can you pls check if we have done right


thank you

Calle Cool (對話貢獻)

PhiLiP (對話貢獻)

Thanks. There's a minor typo ("區" in simplified Chinese should be "区") but I think I can fix it :)

Also the mw:extension:Flow may have bugs when display images (the lang=zh doesn't work in your example) but I think they may already fix it in development version. Here's the similar code on my test page as yours:

So generally it looks good to me. :)