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英語單詞 sibyl (/ˈsɪbəl/或/ˈsɪbɪl/)——來自古法語 sibile 和拉丁語 sibylla——源於古希臘語Σίβυλλα(Sibulla)。[2]瓦羅從Theobule派生出這個詞,但現代語言學家多傾向詞源為古意語[3]或閃語。
西比拉,狂亂的嘴唇吐露着的無法笑對的東西,沒有妝戴,沒有芳香,但在神的幫助下,她的聲音延續了千年。 [4]
保薩尼亞斯所著的《希臘志》中,被提到的德爾菲的第一位女先知被認為是最古老的。據他所述,利比亞人稱其為 sibyl 。[3]詹姆斯·弗雷澤爵士則稱文本存在着缺陷。保薩尼亞斯提及的第二位女先知,名為西羅菲勒,似乎終是駐薩摩斯島,只是造訪了克拉羅斯的其他神社。包括提洛島和德爾菲等地,與此同時,德爾菲擁有自己的女先知。
同赫拉克利特一樣,柏拉圖僅談及一位女先知。不過隨着時間推移,數量增加到了九。其中十分之一,由羅馬人所補充的,提布緹娜神諭,可能是伊特魯里亞人。依據拉克坦提烏斯的「神聖機構」(卷一,第六章), 瓦羅羅列出了十位:波斯神諭、利比亞神諭、德爾菲神諭、辛梅里亞神諭、埃里色雷神諭、薩米神諭、庫邁神諭、赫勒斯滂(特洛伊境內)神諭、弗里吉亞(安卡拉境內)神諭和提布緹娜神諭。
[編輯]在中世紀拉丁語中,sibylla 僅是表示「女性先知」的術語。到了哥特晚期及文藝復興時期,Sibyllae,已常與男性先知一同出現在藝術作品中。[9]
而被描繪的女先知的數量不盡相同,有時它們是十二位(如見到亞平寧神諭),有時十位。「我們怎麼知道她是第十一位女先知,還是第二個卡桑德拉?」弗朗索瓦·拉伯雷在《巨人傳》 中寫到。[10]
[編輯]- ^ Burkert 1985 p 117
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Burkert 1985, p 116
- ^ 3.0 3.1 See Pausanias, Description of Greece, x.12 edited with commentary and translated by Sir James Frazer, 1913 edition. Cf. v.5, p.288. Also see Pausanias, 10.12.1 (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) at the Perseus Project.
- ^ Heraclitus, fragment 92.
- ^ Frazer quotes Ernst Maass, De Sibyllarum Indicibus (Berlin, 1879).
- ^ Heraclides Ponticus, On Oracles.
- ^ Frazer, James, translation and commentary on Pausanias, Description of Greece, v.5, p.288, commentary and notes on Book X, Ch. 12, line 1, "Herophile surnamed Sibyl":
- ^ David Stone Potter, Prophecy and history in the crisis of the Roman Empire: a historical commentary on the Thirteenth Sibylline Oracle, Cf. Chapter 3, p.106.
- ^ see e.g. "Sibyls" - 蘭卡斯特大學, UK. (archived 2005)
- ^ Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 1897. [2019-01-13]. (原始內容存檔於2005-04-05).
[編輯]- John Burnet Early Greek Philosophy, 63., 64. brief analysis, 65. the fragments
- Jewish Encyclopedia (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館): Sibyl.
- The Sibyls(頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)
[編輯]- El Cant de la Sibil-la / Mallorca / València (1400-1560) - Montserrat Figueras, Jordi Savall - La Capella Reial de Catalunya - Alia Vox 9806 (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)
- El Cant de la Sibil-la / Catalunya - Montserrat Figueras, Jordi Savall - La Capella Reial de Catalunya - Alia Vox AVSA9879 (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館)
- The Song of the Sybil - Track 4 - 3:45 - Aion (1990) - Dead Can Dance
[編輯]- A sardonic sequence of 'Twelve Sibyls', accompanied by the artist Leonard Baskin's woodcuts, revisits Sibyls and Others (1980). Ruth Fainlight has written dozens of poems about these ambiguous figures, bridging religion, classical and Biblical settings, femininity and modernity. One of them concludes: 'I am no more conscious of the prophecies / than I can understand the language of birds /…let the simple folk praise you, / keep you safe as a caged bird, / and call you a sibyl'.
- Pjetër Bogdani, "The Songs of the Ten Sibyls" (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) modern poetry, translated from Albanian
- T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land (頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) is prefaced by a quote from Petronius' Satyricon (1st century AD) The passage translates roughly as "I saw with my own eyes the Sibyl at Cumae hanging in a jar, and when the boys said to her 'Sibyl, what do you want?' that one replied 'I want to die'.
- The SIBYLS(頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) beamline at the Advanced Light Source(頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館) in Berkeley, CA.