加拿大國歌 | |
作詞 | 亞歷山大·繆爾(Alexander Muir) |
音訊樣本 | |
The Maple Leaf Forever |
"楓葉永恆"(英語:Maple Leaf Forever) 由加拿大作曲家亞歷山大·繆爾於1867年創作的歌曲。
啟發繆爾歌曲的那棵樹在 2013 年 7 月 19 日至 20 日晚上的一場暴風雨中倒下了。樹上的木材被用來製作物品,以保持其對加拿大文化的重要性,包括多倫多市議會的演講台和楓葉永遠的結他。居民們表示希望該市能夠從其中一個樹枝上長出一棵新樹。
在 1870 年代初期,亞歷山大·繆爾是多倫多北部紐馬克特 (Newmarket) 的一名小學教師。 1874 年 6 月 25 日,當總督達弗林勳爵為紐馬克特基督教會奠基時,繆爾帶着他的學校合唱團參加了活動,演唱了他的新作品《永遠的楓葉》,這是其第一次公開演奏。
[編輯]In days of yore, from Britain's shore,
Wolfe, the dauntless hero, came
And planted firm Britannia's flag
On Canada's fair domain.
Here may it wave, our boast, our pride
And, joined in love together,
The thistle, shamrock, rose entwine (Also sung: The lily, thistle, shamrock, rose)
The Maple Leaf forever!
The Maple Leaf, our emblem dear,
The Maple Leaf forever!
God save our Queen and Heaven bless
The Maple Leaf forever!
At Queenston Heights and Lundy's Lane,
Our brave fathers, side by side,
For freedom, homes and loved ones dear,
Firmly stood and nobly died;
And those dear rights which they maintained,
We swear to yield them never!
Our watchword evermore shall be
"The Maple Leaf forever!"
Our fair Dominion now extends
From Cape Race to Nootka Sound;
May peace forever be our lot,
And plenteous store abound:
And may those ties of love be ours
Which discord cannot sever,
And flourish green o'er freedom's home
The Maple Leaf forever!
On merry England's far famed land
May kind heaven sweetly smile,
God bless old Scotland evermore
and Ireland's Em'rald Isle!
And swell the song both loud and long
Till rocks and forest quiver!
God save our Queen and Heaven bless
The Maple Leaf forever!
[編輯]- 維基文庫中的相關文獻:Re-pasako/草稿/楓葉永恆
- 維基共享資源上的相關多媒體資源:Re-pasako/草稿/楓葉永恆